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(I'm so sorry I haven't been updating! I honestly dont even have an excuse so I'm very sorry for not updating)

Herc held up his phone and videotaped the very confused John. "Herc what is this all about? Why are you still filming me? Your confusing me!" John exclaimed. Herc chuckled. "Its your birthday! I cant record you on your birthday? Your finally 18!" Herc grinned way too big for John's liking. "Your grinning!" He pointed at him. "Your finally 18! Its exciting!" Laff answered for Herc. John wasn't convinced, but he guessed it was the only explanation. "Its the middle of the hallway! Do you really need to film me now?!" Herc and Laff both nodded. John rolled his eyes.

It was lunchtime, and John was looking down and poking at his food. "What's the matter petit?" Laff asked. John just sighed. "I wish Alex was here..." He mumbled. Alex joined the military after he graduated and has been gone for about a year. His boyfriend was in the front lines, so there was no telling what would happen to him. John begged him not to go, but he knew Alex really wanted to go. So he made him promise he would return. John poked his fork in the crappy sloppy Joe the school provided. Suddenly, his phone rang. His eyes lit up with happiness when he saw Alex was facetiming him. He immediatley hit the button. "Alex!" He squealed. "Hey baby." He smiled. John noticed that Alex was walking, the camera was shaking. "Are you walking?" John giggled. He felt like a child, just seeing Alex's face. Alex just laughed. "Yeah. I'm just walking through the hall." Alex said. John just smiled, not knowing what he meant. "I-I miss you Alex..." he mumbled, struggling not to cry. "Baby I miss you too." "Hey, Mon ami!" Laff exclaimed from the other side of the table. John flipped his phone so that Laff and Herc could say hi. "Hey guys!" Alex exclaimed. When he knew he had their attention, he flipped his camera to show them the door he was standing in front of. Their eyes widened, but they stayed silent. They talked to stall time. Finally they said bye and John took back the phone. Alex couldnt stop the smile from spreading on his face. "Why are you smiling?" John asked. "Hey baby?" Alex stopped walking. "Yeah?" John asked. Suddenly the loud cafeteria door opened, causing everyone in the room to go quiet.

"Turn around."

When John turned around, Alex was standing in the doorway with his military uniform on. John dropped his phone onto the table and covered his mouth. He stared at The short-haired boy who was grinning ear to ear. John mumbled something in the lines of oh my god. He got out of his chair as fast as he could, almost falling flat on his face, and raced towards his boyfriend. He leaped into Alex's arms with tears streaming down his face. The military boy swung his freckled boyfriend around, his feet off the ground from the extreme height difference. John wrapped his legs around him and ugly-sobbed into his shoulder. There were cheers and whoops from around the cafeteria, before the entire room erupted in applause. Hundreds of phones were up, recording the scene. John squeezed his now crying boyfriend. Both of them were a sobbing mess. Alex planted a soft kiss on the small boy's forehead. John lifted his head and connected their lips. Tears got caught on their lips. "Happy birthday baby boy." He whispered. "Y-Y-You came home! Y-Your here!" He exclaimed. "I'm home." John buried his nose in Alex's neck. "A-And y-your hair~" he giggled as he ran his hands through the back of Alex's now buzzed hair. Alex smiled and set John down. John sniffled and smiled as big as he could without crying again. Alex took both of his hands and stood in front of him. Confused, John stared into his eyes.

Without another word, Alex slowly got down on one knee. John was sent into another fit of tears. Girls from all around the cafeteria started squealing and screaming. Not even Laff or Herc knew about this. Alex pulled out a small velvet box and opened it to reveal a beautiful silver ring studded with emeralds the same color as John's eyes. John just stared with tear filled eyes at the sparkling ring. "John, Will you marry me?" John couldnt even form words at that point. He completley lost it. He choked out what sounded like a yes and just completley broke down sobbing from all the happiness. He just sat on the floor and sobbed. Alex chuckled a little bit and wrapped him arms around the boy who was hugging his knees on the floor. "I love you so much baby." He whispered as John cried his eyes out on his chest. Herc and Laff came running up to them with the camera and bro hugged Alex. 

"Welcome home, dude."

Alex smiled and hugged John even tighter.

"I'm home."

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