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(This was requested by Nightlara)

"JOHN!" John flinched at his name being used so loudly. "What?" He came into the living room. Alex looked angry. "What happened to my White pants?!" He exclaimed. "I don't understand, why are they green?" John said. "That's what I'm asking you!" He exclaimed. Alex stomped ocer to the laundry basket and pulled out a green sock and held it up angrily towards John. "You put a GREEN sock in with the WHITE clothes!" He exclaimed. "I have an important meeting with Washington and you had to ruin my nice pants, and all the WHITE clothes!" He screamed. "Ok, I get It! I messed up! I'm sorry!" John screamed back. "Sorry doesn't cut it! You ruined the clothes!" "I didn't see a dang sock in with a pile of clothes! You wouldn't have seen it either! Plus, Dress pants are supposed to be Dry-cleaned! MAYBE if you took the pants to the dry-clean, this wouldn't have happened to your pants!" John exclaimed. It was really hard for him to yell back because he wasn't very strong at arguments and frankly, he hated it. But Alex was a lawyer so this wasn't going to come off smoothly. "Oh so now the blame is on me?!" Alex ran his hands through his hair. John looked down in guilt. He hated when Alex yelled at him, it made him feel horrible, like he couldn't do anything right. "I'm sorry Alex-" "Don't John. You should've payed attention! Why can't you do that?!" He was clearly frustrated and furious. Tears built in John's eyes. "You know I already feel bad about it..." John mumbled. "Maybe we can-" "Just stop trying to fix it! Your just going to make things worse." He muttered the last part. Tears slipped down John's face. "It was just laundry..." He said almost inaudible. "Fine. Im Sorry! I'm the worst person on earth, I can't do anything right, and it's all my fault your pants are ruined! Is that what you wanted me to say?!" John's voice cracked. Alex turned arou d to see his boyfriend crying. As mad as he was, he felt bad for going off on him. John grabbed his wallet and his phone and headed for the door. "Wait where are you going?" Alex asked. John didn't say anything, just kept walking for the door. Alex reached for John's wrist. "John don't go-" John jerked his hand away. "I'm upset Ok?! I hate when you yell at me because it makes me feel like you don't love me!" He exclaimed, tears streaming like waterfalls. He turned on his heels and walked swiftly out the door. Alex's hand flew to his hair in frustration. He knocked over a chair in a fit of rage and sank into the couch.

John ran out of the house and into town. It was getting darker by the second, and the air was stale, like it was about to rain. He looked up and was met with a raindrop to the middle of his forehead. He wiped it and shivered. Should've brought a jacket. He thought to himself. He walked by a dark alleyway and didn't see the person lurking in the shadows. He heard rustling from the alley, so he stopped and looked in.

That was his biggest mistake.

Suddenly a hand went over his mouth and strong arms wrapped around his arms, preventing him from moving them. A cloth was held against his mouth and his vision went black.

Alex was pacing around waiting for John to come back, but he didnt. Even after 5 hours, John was still gone. Alex began to worry. Even with their big fights, John usually is back within 1- 2 1/2 hours. He called John, knowing he didn't handle arguments very well. No response. Alex grabbed his wallet and phone and ran out in the rain in search of John. He asked around, but people ignored him and ran, trying to get out of the rain. Soaked, and upset, Alex sat on the sidewalk and decided to call John one more time. As he was getting out his phone, something in his phone reflection caught his eye. He turned and found a green turtle bobby pin that he immediately recognised as John's. He sprung up and found an Alleyway near where the bobby pin was found. There was a door on the side, so he pulled it opened and went inside.

He was utterly confused at the sight he had in front of him. John was sitting on a couch, tied up, and wearing a maid outfit. A tea table was set up in front of him along with... Aaron Burr....? "Oh hello Alexander." Burr said casually. "What the heck is going in here?" He asked. John looked confused and annoyed. "Thank God your here! Untie me please!" John exclaimed. Burr casually sat and watched Alex untied John. John jumped into his arms and hugged him tighr, glaring at Burr. "What the Heck Burr?!" Alex wrapped his arms protectively around his freckled boyfriend. John sighed. "Alex, Aaron kidnapped me because he was lonely." John rolled his eyes. "Seriously?" Alex responded. "Would you like some tea?" Burr asked, oblivious to the conversation they were having. Alex knew Burr wasn't ok in the head, but he didn't know he was THIS insane. "No Burr!" The two responded at the same time. "Why are you wearing that?" John Shrugged. "Heck if I know." He said. "Can we go home please? I'm cold, wet, and in this stupid dress." He said, tugging at the fluffy skirt. John turned to Burr. "THIS IS WHY WE BROKE UP!" John exclaimed and flung his arms around in the air like a child having a temper tantrum. As they walked out, Burr just smiled and waved goodbye. He'll be back. He thought to himself.

As Alex and John reached their house, Alex chuckled and smiled to himself. "What's so funny?" John asked.

Alex smirked

"We're keeping that dress."

(Hey so I want to give a lot of credit to my mom because she helped me write this and gave me the idea of making Burr the ex! I couldn't have done this without her help and I really want to thank her for giving me all the support with my Fanfics! She is actually gonna read this, so I hope she likes it! Love you Mom! 💖)

*I'm also starting another book! Idk what it's going to be called yet, but it's a soulmate AU and you should check it out! Also, the sequel to Interlude is coming out soon I promise!

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