Unordinary (pt. 2)

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John's P.O.V.

Jefferson raised a fist to punch me. I flinched and waited for the impact to come... but it didn't. I looked up and Jefferson was forcing his hand to move but it wasn't, like something was stopping him. "What the-" he turned around. Alex was standing a few feet away with his lowered, but He was still glaring angrily at Jefferson. I had never seen him so angry before... and I had a bad feeling about it all. He moved his head to the side and a loud snap could be heard. "AHH! WHAT THE FUCK! MY ARM IS BROKEN!" Jefferson exclaimed and fell to the ground. DID ALEX JUST DO THAT?! "Hey! What do you think your doi-" Alex swept his hand to the side and sent all of Jefferson's friends flying into a wall. I jumped back in surprise. H-O-L-Y-S-H-I-T! Blood ran down his nose. I was too much shock to do anything. People were screaming and video taping the entire thing. Jefferson cowered in fear as Alex stepped towards him. "Leave me and my friends ALONE!" He screamed and shoved Jefferson into a locker on the other end of the hall with just a wave of his hands. I stared at Alex in shock. It was honestly terrifying. Something in his expression changed. He wiped the blood from his nose and looked around him. He's afraid? Of himself? It was like he didn't understand. He looked me straight in the eyes. I could sense pure terror in his eyes. He turned away and ran through the crowd of people with video cameras.

I stood there in a moment of shock, processing exactly what just happened. I took a breath and ran behind him. "Alex! Wait!" I called after him. He kept running. "Alex please!" I sped up my pace. I finally saw him running a few feet ahead of me. We ran into the woods that surrounded the high school. "Alex!" I called one last time before I caught up  to him. I managed to grab his arm and pull him backwards. I wrapped my arms around him. He collapsed against me and fell to his knees, hanging over my arms like a rag doll. He completley broke down sobbing. "Alex what that?" I asked him. "I'm a monster... I didn't mean to hurt anybody..." he said. "Alex your not a monster. Jeffershit totally deserved that." "I'm just a freak of nature." He said. "Your not a freak, your Unordinary." He looked a me with glossy eyes. "What you did was totally fucking awesome! I've never seen someone stand up to Jefferson like that! Nobody's ever stood up for me like that... but you did." He sniffled. "Alex, I don't care if you can move things with your mind, I don't care if you have 3 heads, I don't care if your blind, deaf, or have 6 legs... you will always mean so much to me... you will always be my best friend." I said. "And most of all, I'm a freak just like you. So are Laff and Herc. We may be freaks for different reasons, but we still are all freaks... together." I smiled. He turned around slowly and hugged me. "I-I don't think Jeffershit is going to mess with u-us anytime soon." He chuckled.

- A month or two later -

"RUN!" We bolted out of the gym and ran through the halls trying to get away from the people chasing us. "Hey! Get back here!" One of the men shouted. "Alex Who are these people?!" Herc shouted while we were running. "People from the institute." He panted. "I thought you said the hurricane destroyed the lab." I said. "Yeah... I thought so too." He mumbled. "So how are they chasing us?" Laff asked. "I don't know. But these are definitely the people from my Father's lab." He looked behind us. "Then WHY are they chasing us?" Herc bellowed. "They want me." He growled.

Suddenly, about 6 men with guns appeared in front of us, along with the people still chasing us from behind. We skidded to a halt. "You can't run away Alexander. Not this time." A man in a suit said. "Just come with us and nobody gets hurt." The same man spoke again. Alex slowly shook his head. "Alex don't do it!" I yelled. One of the guards snatched me and held a gun to my head. "JOHN!" They exclaimed. I was breathing heavily. It's not so easy to be calm with a gun up to your head. "Alexander, just come with us and your friend here doesn't get hurt." The gears were turning in Alex's brain. He sighed and looked back at the man. "Alright you can have me. Now Let them go." He stepped closer to the man. "Alex no!" I screamed and thrashed around. Laff and Herc lunged towards him, only to be held back by two more guards. "I don't want anyone to get hurt." He choked out. I had enough. WHY  DOESNT HE JUST USE HIS POWERS?!

I elbowed the guard in the stomach. And grabbed the gun from him and pointed in around the room. "John What the hell are you doing?!" Herc exclaimed. Another guard grabbed me from behind and took the gun, putting me in the same position as I was before. "I said let him go!" Alex glared at the man in the suit. He smirked and laughed evily. "Did you really think I would let them go that easy?" He grinned. "YOU BASTARD!" He screamed when the guards took his arms. The man started walking away. He lowered his head. Oh shit...

The guards holding Alex started choking. They held their hands up to their throats in horror. The sounds they were making were horrific. Alex flung them to the wall and continued choking them untill they dropped to the floor. Just then, the lights went out. There were confused whispers and clicking of the guns moving around. Untill I heard screams of terror and loud crashes. The lights flickered back of for a brief moment, revealing the guards and people in the room being choked untill their eyes bled. The lights went out again and came more horrific sound of people being choked. There was a ear-piercing shriek and a series of loud thumps.

Then silence.

The lights came back on to reveal ecery person in the room, about 50 guards, laying on the floor dead. Blood was dripping from their lifeless eyes. I shivered at the cold dead stare. Alex was standing in the same spot he was before. He didn't move. His nose was bleeding, along with his ears too. He wobbled a bit before collapsing to the ground in exhaustion. "Alex!" I ran towards him. He whispered "I'm sorry." Before passing out. Laff and Herc came rushing over. "What happened?" Laff asked. "He passed out from exhaustion." I explained. "We have to keep moving, there's probably more on the way. Grab guns, we may need them." Herc commanded. We nodded and I picked up Alex and carried him bridal style.

(Alex is an overprotective boyfriend am I right? Sorry I haven't been posting alot for the past few months. I had FSA's and the Algebra EOC to study for and I just didn't have time to write much. I just got a whole bunch of new oneshot ideas so I decided to write them before I forget them. For those who are wondering about Interlude, I will get on that very soon. I have some new ideas for that story and I will most likely be updating that sometime in the next few days. Thank you for your patience and for reading my shit. AND HOLY FUCK 2.92K READS?!??! I'M ACTUALLY SCREAMING! I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD ACTUALLY REACH THIS POINT! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A HAPPY SPRING BREAK (IF YOU HAVE IT RN) -Peter💚

P.s. there is another part of this story I'm going to finish it today

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