charm bracelet (pt. 2)

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"Yeah we should." He smiled at me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. I am so helplessly in love with him. Can't you see you've got me helpless? But I dont stand a chance...
I smiled back. Alex was unusually quiet. He began speaking less and less and all of his enthusiasm seemed to just dissapear. I was the only one who noticed. "I gotta go to class, bye." Laff and Herc didn't hear him and continued making jokes and talking in their own little bubble. "See you at lunch." I waved bye to Alex. He waited for a response from Laff and Herc, but sighed and left. Once he was out of sight, I turned to the other two. "Something's up with Alex." I said. They stopped talking and turned to look at me. "What do you mean? He's been acting pretty normal." Herc said, and furrowed his brow in confusion. I sighed. "No he hasn't." I said again. "I dont understand, he's pretty norma-" "Did you hear him say goodbye?" I interrupted. "What? No. He said goodbye?" Laff asked. "Exactly." They raised an eyebrow at me. "Before he left, he said goodbye and waited for a response from you but you didn't answer, so he sighed and walked away." I explained. "But he never waits for us to say goodbye back to him." Laff stated. I crossed my arms. They made an 'Oh' shape with their mouth. "Ok? So? That's just one time." "No it's not. He did it yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that." I went on slowly. "That's not unusual." They thought for a while. Suddenly, Laff perked his head up. "I get it now! John your right! Alex wasn't as energetic today, and even LET Jefferson win a debate last week." I gaped my mouth open. "Something's defeniatley up."
"Is Alex.... does Alex have depression?" Herc asked. I leaned against the brick wall. "I think so... He's lost everyone, he's an orphan... we are all he has left. That's why He's living with me..." I said. I finally started living with my Aunt, and Alex moved in with me. My aunt said when i turn 18 I can have the apartment to myself (and Alex of course). "He might have depression. God, I feel really bad now." Herc scratched his head. "But... Why wouldn't he tell us?" "Maybe because He's scared." Laff said. "Of what?"

"Of losing us too."

I couldn't concentrate on any classes that day. Does Alex have depression? Is he suicidal?  I shuddered at the thought of Alex taking his own life. The bell rang for class to end. "John!  Could I speak to you?" Mr. Washington stopped me before I left the classroom. "Y-yes sir." What did I do wrong? "Am I i-in trouble?" I asked. "No son, don't worry, you haven't done anything wrong." He said. I sighed in relief. "I noticed you had trouble paying attention in class today... this is unlike you... is something bothering you?" I looked down at the floor. Should i tell him about Alex? "No sir, just having a bad day." I lied. "Alright son... if you ever need to talk you know im always here to listen." I nodded. "I understand." He waved me off and I left the classrom.

I assumed Alex had already gone home, so I walked home by myself. When I got home I saw Alex's door closed and the light off inside. Is he sleeping? I walked up to the door. I was just about to knock when i heard light sobbing coming from inside his bedroom. I stood at the door in shock. I softly rapped my knuckles against the door. "Alex?" I asked slowly. "Is that you?" I heard a whimper, then the sobs became muffled. He probably covered his mouth so I didn't hear them, but I knew him all too well. "Alex are you ok?" I asked again. "I-im fine." He choked out. I know your not ok, I've known you for 10 years, I know when your not ok. "You don't sound fine. I'm coming in." I said and put my hand on the doorknob. "John, No dont-" I jiggled the doorknob, but it was locked. "Alex... can I come in?" "No." I stared at the door in shock. "I'm fine." His voice cracked. "No your not. I've known you for almost 10 years now. You never cry. I've seen you cry once, and it was only when things were... really bad. So when you cry, it worries me." I explained. "I-" he paused. "I dont want you to see how weak I am." He whispered so quietly I barely heard it. "Your not weak..." "yes I am. I'm just so useless and weak, but I dont want you to see that. I'm so digusting." He said.

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