Crystal eyes

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Alex was walking home from school with his best friend John Laurens. John bumped into a locker and apologized. "You just apologized to a locker." John's face turned red. John was blind since he was born. He met his friends in high school and they have never left his side all the way to their last year of college. Especially Alex who had a major crush on him. John wished he could see his best friend's face just once. John held Alex's arm so he didn't run into anything. John slipped his hand into his friends, and turned a bright pink. Alex laughed at his small pink-faced friend.

Alex opened the door to their dorm and guided John through the dorm so he didn't run into anything. John stopped walking. His expression dropped. "Alex." He turned around to face Alex. "Yes?" Alex responded. "What do you look like? I want to see your face." He sighed. "It's nothing worth seeing... trust me, your not missing out on anything important." Alex assured. "No Alex! I want to know what the world looks like! I want to see colors and the stars! I'm missing out on the world ive never seen! I want to see more than just black! I've been in this world for over 20 years and i have seen none of it!" He screamed in the direction of Alex. "I want to see-!" He took a deep breath. "I want to see your face." He whispered. Alex was surprised at the smaller boy. "I'm sorry..." John looked down. They stood there in silence for what seemed like millenias.

"I have long brown hair and dark, almost black eyes." Alex broke the silence. John smiled a bit. "My skin is tan and I'm pretty tall." John laughed. "Well I already know your tall." He reached out and touched Alex's face. "Yup, that's my face." He said sarcastically. "I like touching your face... it gives me an idea of what you look like." He said.

Alex went back to his room. He had slipped off his shirt when he saw John navigating his way through the door. "Hello, come for visit?" Alex joked. "Maybe..." John stepped through the door. Alex walked over to him and put his hand on his arm. John accidentally put his hand on Alex's chest. "Please don't tell me your naked." "No, it's just my shirt." "Ok good." John wrapped his arms around Alex. He grabbed his hand. "Alex what do I look like?" Alex smiled. "You have long brown curly hair tied up with a bow, adorable freckles." A blush creeped over John's cheeks. "And you have the most beautiful crystal eyes I've ever seen." John smiled. "Thank you for being there for me, even though I can be an asshole sometimes." John whispered. "I will always be here, and you know that." Their hands were still intertwined. John reached out and touched Alex's face, his eyes widened in surprise when he realised how close his face was. "Y-your really c-close." He stuttered. "I am." Alex confirmed. John ran his thumb over Alex's bottom lip. Alex smiled. "Close your eyes." He whispered. "W-What? Why? I'm blind I can't see anyway." "Just close your eyes." John did as he was told. He could feel Alex's warm breath on his face. Is this a dream? Alex couldnt really like someone like me... could he? John thought to himself. Alex took John's hand and put it on his cheek. "I want you to feel this..." Alex slowly and gently kissed John's lips. Even though John lost his eyesight, he could perfectly see the image. They both quickly melted into the kiss. John's lips were soft and tasted like vanilla. It was more than anything they had ever imagined. It was John's first kiss, and he was glad it was with Alex. He pulled away slowly and romantically. "I've waited so long to do that." He whispered. "Th-that was amazing." John rested his forehead against Alex's bare chest. "I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too."

-5 years later-

Alex led John by the hand "Alex where are we going?" John asked. "You'll find out in a second." He said. They were standing in the middle of the park, surrounded by trees and beautiful flowers. "It smells like flowers... are we in the park?" John inquired. "Yes we are. Do you want me to describe to you what is happening?" John nodded. Alex took both of his hands. "We are standing in the park surrounded by flowers and trees. The sky is purple and black with tiny stars dotting the sky." Alex made sure that John could picture exactly what was going to happen. "I'm getting down on one knee..." John gasped and covered his mouth. For the first time, he looked straight into Alex's eyes. "I'm holding a small velvet box with a silver ring. John Laurens, will you marry me?" John nodded his head up and down. "Yes, yes! Oh my gosh yes!" Alex wrapped his arms around the small boy and John buried his face in Alex's neck. He squeezed him tightly. "I love you so much." John said muffled into Alex's neck. "I love you too, your beautiful." Alex kissed him and slipped the ring on John's finger. Alex stared into John's eyes.

His crystal eyes.

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