Unordinary (pt. 3) [Final?]

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John's P.O.V.

We ran to the Cafeteria, one of the safest places at the school. Herc tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open. "Shit! It's locked!" He slammed his hand against the door in frustration. I bent down to the lock and set Alex down. I pulled out a Bobby pin from my hair and picked the lock on the Cafeteria. I kicked the door open and slipped inside. "Holy shit. When did you learn to do that?" Laff asked in surprise. "I sneak out of the house alot." I explained. They came through the door and locked it behind them. "We should be safe here for a while." I panted and sat down in a chair with Alex still in my arms. Laff and Herc went to go find something to barricade the door in case more men come. I looked at Alex, who was passed out in my arms. I pushed his long hair out of his face and behind his ear. "Thank you for saving me." I whispered and kissed his head. I held him like that untill Herc approached me. "How long do you this he'll be out like this?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know, he did take out like 50 people at once... So it could be a couple hours." I said. He nodded and walked away. "Where are you going?" I shouted. "I'm going to find the chocolate pudding, I know the lunch lady stashes them around here." He grinned. I rolled my eyes. I set Alex down on the chair in front of me and waited for him to wake up.

After about 15 minutes, Alex groaned and shifted. His eyes fluttered open and immediately met mine. "Your awake!" I exclaimed. He sat up and nodded. "I killed those people." He said, shocked. "Yes, but you also saved us." I said. "They are horrible people. I've seen what they do. They take kids that have mental disorders and practically kidnap them, and hold them hostage to study them. They torture them with all kinds of things, they hurt children. I couldn't watch them hurt you too..." He said sadly. "You saved my life Alex, Thank you." I said. I leaned forward and kissed Alex. He jumped in surprise, but didn't move away. I pulled away and he stared at me in shock. He didn't say anything, just smiled.

Just then, I heard The movement of cars coming from outside. I looked out the window and about 13 more vans were swerving into the school parking lot. "Shit! Guys we got company!" I shouted. There was a string of curse words coming from the kitchen. I shot of from the chair and grabbed Alex by the hand, pulling him along with me. "We gotta move!" We all took off running trying to get out of the school before they found us.   We heard them coming down the hall behind us. "In there!" Alex pointed to a classroom. We ran into the dark classroom and locked the door behind us.  We turned the light on and turned around, only to find the man in the suit from before, standing right in front of us.

We had fallen into a trap.

"Shit..." I heard Herc mumble. "Congratulations, you just brought yourself to me." The man clapped sarcastically. Herc and Laff pointed  their guns at him, and i followed suit. The man just laughed and with a wave of his hand, the guns were sent flying away from us. "Do you really think that a bunch of teenagers with guns are going to stop me?" He asked. What the fuck? "Alexander...  come back to Nevis with me and we can continue what we started all those years ago-" "No." He interrupted. "Don't you fucking dare lie to my face. You just want me to come back with you so you can make me torture those kids like you made me do when i was little. I can't believe I actually did what you said... your nothing but a monster." He spat. He said that his father tortured kids... but he made Alex do it? He's the one who tortured those kids? This is Alex's father? "Come with me and nobody has to get hurt." His father repeated. "Exept for those kids. No, I'm not going with you. I'd rather die than to go with you." He sneered. His father chuckled. "Well, I was trying to be nice to you. I thought you were stronger than this. I guess im going to have to do this the hard way."   Suddenly, I was lifted in the air and shoved against the wall. I was being choked, I couldn't breathe. "Let's start with Johnny boy." His father sneered. I struggled and tried to get free, but It was a strange force holding me against the wall. "John!" Laff and Herc  lunged towards the man, but they too were pinned against the wall. I wasn't getting any air, my throat and lungs were being crushed. The edges of my vision were darkening. "LET HIM GO YOU BASTARD!!" Alex screamed. This is the end of the line for John Laurens.    "Alex-" I managed to choke out. Use your powers! Then I realized, Alex wasn't strong enough to fight him. "You see, I just can't do that. You remember when i locked you in a closet? Well, this is your punishment now." His father squeezed his hands tighter, causing my throat to close even more.

Eventually everything went black and I fell to the ground.

"JOHN! NO!" They shouted. I can't move or see, but I can still hear everything that's going on. "John please! Can you hear me?! Say something please!" It was Alex. Yes! I can hear you! Alex I love you! "You failed to cooperate. This is what happens when you don't listen to me." Poison dripped from his words. My eyes jolted open and I doubled over coughing. Air filled my lungs. Alex glared at his father. The lights started flickering. "Dont you EVER hurt my friends again." He growled. "Some flickering lights won't scare me." His father scoffed. "Do you wanna know who fave you those powers? Me. The Hamilton family has had them for thousands of generations!" He bellowed. "And this is where it ends." Alex said. His father raised his hand up and tried to push Alex, but it didnt work. "Fine. I didn't want to do this, but I have no choice." He pulled out a gun, and the lights turned off. I screamed when I heard a gunshot. It didn't hit me... So who did it hit?

The lights turned on.

Alex crumbled to the ground, falling onto his knees. Blood poured from a bullet hole on his stomach. "ALEX!" I screamed. I stood up to help him, but the room began to shake. His father smirked. Suddenly, he was pinned against the wall on the opposite end of the room. Alex stood up and walked towards him. He held out his hand and pressed his father even more onto the wall. "S-son, let's talk about th-this-" Alex squeezed his hands together. His father grimmaced. "I'm ending this now." Alex  growled. "Then your coming with me." His father grabbed Alex. "Alex no!" I screamed. I ran towards him, but he threw me back.

"Goodbye John." He whispered

The lights went out.

(The end?)

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