Where are you? pt. 1

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(A little bit angsty)

Alex's P.O.V.

Me and John sat around the TV as we played stupid xbox games. Suddenly there was a knock on the door followed by my mother's voice. "Alexander! John! Time for John to go home!" My mother said. John groaned and set down his controller. "Aww mom c'mon it's only 8:00!" I begged. "You know the rules Alex, John goes home at 8 on school nights." She said, putting her hand on her hip. We both groaned. "I'm gonna see you this weekend Lex, plus you'll see me tomorrow." He giggled. God he's so cute. "Yea but I like paying games with you." I mumbled. My mom gave me a smirk and my face went red. She knows how Gay I am. John gave me a hug and I watched him walk out the door and turn the corner.

The next morning I awoke to my mother lightly shaking me. "Hun I need you to get up." Her voice was soft and raspy like she was crying. I sat up and looked out the window to see it full sunlight streaming in through the blinds. I was confused because my alarm goes off when it's still dark outside. I looked at the clock. It read 9:47, an hour after my alarm should have gone off. "Mom did you turn off my alarm?" I asked groggily. "Alex honey come downstairs, some men need to talk to you. It's about John." When she said that I became fully awake. "What do you mean?" I asked in fear. "I-I think you should come see for yourself." She was speaking to me like I was a child. "Mom what's going on?" She bit her lip and stayed silent. I walked downstairs to find about 6 police men in our living room along with John's parents. "What's going on?" I asked nobody in particular. All of them stopped talking and turned to face me. John's mom covered her mouth and burst into tears. "Are you Alexander?" One of the officers asked. It was still early so my mind was having trouble processing all the people around me. "Yes? What's this about?" My heart started racing. What did I do? Mom said it was about John, is he ok?! "We need to ask you some questions if that's alright." A plump woman with dark hair and pale skin with a police uniform asked. "Mom where is John is he ok?!" I blurted out. "Your not telling me why everyone is here! Is John ok?!" I felt myself getting frustrated. Tears were swelling in my eyes, threatening to spill. "Alex..." John's mom's voice finally cut through the room. "John never came home last night." She said. "John Lauren's is missing." The officer woman said. I blinked a few times and started at her in shock.


I blinked back tears. "H-he's a good kid, he wouldn't just go missing." I said. "He knows how to defend himself a-and he wouldn't let anybody k-kidnap him! He wouldn't just run away either!" The tears started spilling. "Honey, calm down..." My mother placed her hand on my shoulder. "W-why wouldn't he come back home?! I-I saw him walk out the door! I-I-" I stopped talking because I knew it would just make me cry harder. I sat down in a chair and buried my face in my hands, letting my hair fall over my face. I stayed silent after that. All the officers were talking to John's parents and my mom, but I stayed silent. How could he just disappear like that? I saw him walk out the door and he only lives a block away? Where would he have gone? Where would someone have taken him?

John was everything to me. Not just a friend, but someone who understands. More than a friend, more than family, John was his own category. Just to think of anything happening to him made my stomach churn. I began sobbing uncontrollably as I thought of everything that could have happened. What if somebody took him and raped him?! What if they are holding him hostage?! What if he's dead?! I found myself gasping and choking for air as I sobbed with my head down on the table. I know I shouldn't be the one reacting this bad, it should be his parents. I jumped when someone placed their hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see John's mom gazing sympathetically at me. I never really noticed how much John looked like her until now. He has his mom's curly chestnut hair and beautiful copper freckles. He looked almost like a carbon copy of her, just as a boy. I cried harder at the thought of John and how I may never see him again. I threw my arm around Eleanor and hugged her frail body.

That's when she broke.

She just shattered into a million. Pieces like glass. She fell to her knees and wailed into my shoulder. She was devastated, we all were. Her curls bounced with each angry sob. She gripped into my back for dear life, like I was the only one she had left. In all honesty, I was.

John's P.O.V.

All I can see is darkness.

I lift my head and open my eyes, but I dont see anything.

I whip my head around in every direction but still all I can see is pitch black. That's when I notice the cloth around my face. Its covering my eyes.

I try to move, but my movement is restricted by bondage. My hands are tied together. So are my ankles.

I finally figure out that I'm sitting in a chair- no- on the floor. I'm tied to a... post maybe?

I start panicking when I realize I'm not at home. I'm not in my bed. I'm somewhere else.

I try to scream, but its muffled by cloth in my mouth.

Where am I?! How did I get here?! More importantly, who brought me here and why?!

The room I'm in, I assume, is cold and damp. It smells like old wet logs, like it had just rained. I move a bit and feel the cold liquid that I'm surrounded by. I dont know what it is, and I dont want to know.

I sit up more. Then, a wave of pain shot through my entire body, like I had just been struck by lightning.

I gasp for air and try to scream again, but it only comes out muffled. I scream and scream until it feels like my throat is being ripped out of my body. Even if someone was around, they wouldn't be able to hear me or help me.

I jerk my body again to try and slip the bandage off my wrists, but its tied firmly in place. All I accomplished was sending more searing pains through my body. The pain was so immense, it forced me to choke for air, which was hard in the stale room I was in.

I start to cry as I try to remember how I got here. My breathing speeds up and I find myself hyperventilating. All I can remember is walking out Alex's door. The more I thought, the more frustrated and helpless I felt.

I'm all alone in a place I can't even see. I can't move, I can't see, I can't scream, I can hardly even breathe! The stench of musty old wood keeps getting stronger, making it harder and harder to concentrate. I still dont know what the liquid I'm surrounded in is....

But I have a feeling it's something I dont want it to be.

God I'm so tired... I feel helpless, frustrated, and in excruciating pain. Just the slightest moves make me feel like I'm being run over by a truck and stuffed into a meat grinder. I'm sick to my stomach and my head is throbbing. I try screaming one more time, but this time I hear footsteps approaching me.

Yes! Someone's going to help me!


Something heavy collides with my ribs, causing me to double over in pain. I scream, causing the same thing to hit me but on my back this time.

I cry, not knowing what to do.

Next thing I know, I'm right back where I started.

Seeing nothing but black.

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