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John's P.O.V.

The Revolutionary squad was all at the Schuyler's house (mansion) for a sleepover. "Guys what are we gonna play?" Peggy whined. "How about never have I ever?" Herc offered. "With alcohol?" Laff chimed in. "I guess I could get into Daddy's alcohol cabinet..." Angelica reasoned. We all were cheering! Alex slid into a spot next to me and bumped my shoulder. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. "H-hey Alex." Goddamnit. "Hey John." He smiled and slung his arm over my shoulder. Omg human contact! "Alright I'm back! Got some vodka!" Angie cheered. Everyone got 5 shots of vodka in front of them. "Alright. Never have I ever skipped school." Angie said. "Of course you wouldnt." Peggy mumbled while taking a shot. "Never have I ever been in a relationship." Eliza said. I shuddered. Angie must gave noticed this. "Elizabeth!" She yelled, motioning over to me. Her eyes widened. "Oh shit, I'm sorry John!" She said apologetically. "Its fine, really." I said while taking a shot. The liquid burned my throat as it went down. Everyone knows about my abusive relationship with Francis Kinloch.

"Get your ass down here slut!" Francis yelled from downstairs, angrier than usual. I flinched and slowly made my way to the banister. "F-francis y-your home e-early." He stomped his way over to the edge of the stairs. "Are you cheating on me?!" He screamed. His eyes were fierce like a wild animal. "F-francis I would never ch-cheat on you. What do you m-mean?" I asked cautiously. He stomped up the stairs and I yelped and ran into our bedroom. He grabbed my wrist and slammed me against the opposite wall. "Francis stop! I-I didn't cheat on you!" He slapped me across the face. "Don't lie to me you bitch! Your a fucking whore!" He screamed at me. I flinched at his volume. "Wh-who said I ch-cheated on y-you?" Tears threatened to spill. "It doesn't matter. You know what happens when you lie to me!" I trembled with fear. "Im going to make sure you know you belong to me." He growled. His eyes resembled those of a savage animal. He threw me onto the bed and before I could get off, he climbed over top of me and pinned me down. I tried to scream but me covered my mouth with his hand. I bit his hand and he pulled his hand back. "BITCH!" He slapped my face hard enough to create a black and purple bruise. He gagged my mouth with a piece of cloth and I tried to scream but it was muffled by the cloth. I thrashed around as he took my shorts off. "Your mine princess." He whispered, caressing the inside of my thigh. I whimpered and let the tears fall. "This is your punishment." He growled.

"Hey John you ok?" Alex asked me. I didn't realize I was staring off into space. "Huh? Oh yea! Sorry, just thinking." I said. "Hey! That's my job." Alex joked. I giggled and he ruffled my hair. "Holy shit! Your hair is SO FUCKING SOFT!" He said, putting his hands in my hair and fluffing it around. "Alright amoureuxs, can we get back to ze game now?" Laff said, his accent thick. I felt my face heat up. "Never have i ever made out with someone." Peggy said. Maybe that'll have to change." Maria whispered deviously, wiggling her eyebrows at Peggy. Maria, Herc, Laff, and Alex took a shot. My turn. "Never have I ever kissed someone. Not even by... Francis." I whispered the last part. I grinned as EVERYONE in the room took a shot. "Damn, you really got everyone!" Angie said. I grinned like an idiot. "Never have I ever had sex." Alex said. My smile dropped. His face quickly changed, as It dawned on him what he said. "Fuck. I'm sorry John! I didn't mean- ah fuck im sorry." He quickly apologized. "Its fine, it's been almost 2 years now. You don't have to keep apologizing. I've moved on." I said, taking my shot. I coughed after it went down my throat. "Swe-et- Jesus that stu- ff is strong!" I coughed. "Yep." Angie said, popping the "p" sound. Alex patted my back. "Well I'm out!" Laff announced. "Me too!" Maria chimed. "Never have I ever stolen something." Herc said. Eceryone grumbled and took a shot. "Wow Herc, you seem like the kind of person who WOULD steal something."  Eliza joked. Herc rolled his eyes. "Never have I ever had a crush on someone in this room." Angie said. 


Herc, Peggy, and Alex took a shot. Of course Alexander would like Eliza. Everyone knows that. "GODAMNIT Angie!" Herc huffed. I guess nobody was expecting me to take a shot. I tried to sneakily take the shot, but I started coughing which gave me away. Everyone gasped. "YOU LIKE/D SOMEONE IN THIS ROOM?!" Peggy squealed. My face turned red from embarrassment. "Mon ami you face is completley red!" I covered my face with my hands. "Ooooooh Johnny boy has a crush on someone!" Eliza mocked. "Sh-shutu-shutup." I stuttered. "Well, me, Peggy and Alex are out." Herc said. "Oooh who is it?!" Alex said exitedly. Only if you payed attention, you would know. "That-thats not part of the deal." I said, crossing my arms. Everyone whined. "Never have I ever kissed a stranger." I said. Angelica threw her arms in the air. "Well I'm out!" Angelica took her shot. "Never have I ever had a crush on someone from the same gender." Eliza said, wriggling her eyebrows at me. "Fuck you." I said, taking my last shot. Her eyes lit up. "I think I know who you like." She said, and mouthed 'Alex'. My face flushed. "lizard, shut the fuck up." I glared at her. She gasped and her eyes widened. "WAIT YOU DO?! I WAS JUST SAYING THAT TO TEASE YOU!" She said exitedly. "LIZ WHO IS IT?!" Everyone screeched at once. I buried my face in my hands because i knew I was blushing hard. "I'll let John tell you, I won't ruin the fun." She said, winking at me. "Do you still like them?!" Laff asked. I stayed silent and blushed harder. "I'll take your silence as a yes." Angie said. "Alright! How about we do something else!" I said clapping my hands together to try and change the subject. "Oooh! Let's play manhunt!" Peggy chimed in. "Im down for that!" There were a series of yeses. "Alright! Lizard since you won, you get to count first." Angie said. We all headed outside. Eliza had a flashlight, and everyone had their phones. "The boundaries are, no going into the neighbor's yard. We have a huge yard in the woods, so have fun!" Eliza said. "GO!" She shouted, and we all ran in separate directions. I found my way to an old toolshed and opened the creaky door. There was no tools, just a log and old wheelbarrow. I sat down on the log and waited for Eliza too find me. About 5 minutes later, I heard the crunching of footsteps in the sticks outside. I covered my mouth to muffle my breathing. The footsteps stopped right outside the door. "John, it's me." A familiar voice whispered. It was Alex. I opened the creaky wooden door to let Alex in. "Hey." I whispered. "Hey." He whispered back. We sat down by the log and waited. "They shouldn't be able to find us in here." I said. "Yea, this is a good hiding spot." He pointed out. I blushed. We sat there in silence untill he spoke up. "You know, it's been great knowing you. I'm so glad i met you all those years ago." He said. I swear there was a blush on his cheeks, But it was dark so I couldn't tell for sure. "I Never really said it much, but..." He continued. His eyes met mine. "You mean so much to me." I felt tears in my eyes. "Im so glad we met each other that 7th grade year." I said. "I still remember it perfectly." He whispered in a light chuckle. "Can i hug you?" He asked nervously. I threw my arms around his body and squeezed. "I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled. He wrapped his arms around my small body. "Your so tiny, what the actual fuck." He whispered. I blushed. "I can't express to you how much you matter to me." I whispered. "Maybe i can." He smirked. "What?"

He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I gasped and quickly pulled away. "Did i do something wrong?" He asked nervously. "No, it's just- you can't possibly like me, can you?" He cupped my face in his hands. "John..." he murmured. "I dont like you, I love you. Your my entire world. You matter so much to me, and don't let anything make you think differently." I gently took his hand and rested my forehead on his. He leaned in and connected our lips. My heart fluttered and my cheeks felt hot. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you." I breathed out. "I love you too." He said.

"John will you be my boyfriend?" He asked me. I nodded. "Of course! God i never thought this would actually happen." I said. "It would be impossible to play hide and seek with someone like you, you're impossible to find." he said quietly "You really are one of a kind."I whispered in my ear. I blushed and played with his hair. "Hey you know how you said you've never made out with someone? I think I can change that." He said and I smiled. I straddled him as he kissed me passionately and full of love. Our lips moved in sync. Omg am I really making out with ALEXANDER HAMILTON?! As It got more heated, he brought me closer to him. Let's just say...

Things got a little steamy in there

I pulled away to get some air. We were both huffing and panting. I closed my eyes and layed my head down on his chest, both of us still panting heavily.

That's when Eliza found us.

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