New year's kiss

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John's P.O.V.

Everyone was at the school cafeteria all partying and loud. It was new years eve at Miranda high school. Some high schoolers managed to sneak alcohol into the party. "Hey Johnnnn wanna drink~?" Peggy slurred. "Peggy are you drunk?" I asked. "Maybe..." she giggled. I rolled his eyes at the smallest Schuyler. I saw Alex sitting alone at a table reading a book. He was wearing a dark green suit and black button down with a tie that matched his jacket. I made my way over to him, grabbing 2 cokes on the way. I slung my arm over his shoulder and he jumped in surprise. "Oh, hey John." He said after seeing it was just me. "Hey Alex. Watcha doin'?" He asked. "Oh, uh, I'm not much of a party person." He said sheepishly. "So im just reading. Trying to avoid socializing." He said, turning his attention back towards the book. "Oh, nice. Want a coke?" I offered him the second coke I had in my hand. "Sure! Thanks John." He said with a smile. My heart fluttered. God he had such a beautiful smile. I had a MAJOR crush on Alex since I first met him. His smile brightens my day. "Soooo..." he rubbed his arm nervously. "Hey how about you come and dance with me? Put that book down for a change." I said grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the chair. "Nonono I dont d-dance." He said nervously. "Too bad." I pulled him into the dance floor. I randomly started dancing as silly as I could. He smiled and laughed. I could listen to that man's laugh all day. "Come on! It's fun!" I took his hand and moved him back and forth, trying to get him to dance. He blushed when my hands contacted with his. He just stood still. "Come onnnnnn~" I whined, poking my bottoms lip out. He gave in and sighed. "Fine." He groaned and moved his hips along with the beat. "That's it! You got it! Seeeee I told you." I said. He rolled his eyes and just slightly danced to the music. The music died down and slowed. Herc suddenly pulled me by the shoulders away from Alex.

"Dude! What the fuck?!" I threw my arms in the air. "Do you like him?" He said ignoring my comment entirely. "What?" I squeaked. "Do. You. Like. Alex?" He asked wriggling his eyebrows at me. My heart skipped a beat. How the fuck did he know that? Is it really that obvious? "No!" I said a little too fast. "Mhmm. Sure." He deadpanned. "I see the way you look at him." I blushed. "You like him dont you?" He asked again. I sighed, no way of getting out of this. "M-maybe just a little bit..." I rubbed my arm nervously. "Ha! I knew it!" He clapped me on the back. "Can i go know?" I crossed my arms. I was slightly annoyed at him that he interrupted my fun with a stupid question. "Go on loverboy." Herc joked. I blushed and ran back over to Alex. "What was that?" He asked. I blushed and fiddled with my fingers. "I- uh- it- Herc was being an asshole." Goddamnit stop stuttering. "Oh ok." He smiled.

Suddenly the music changed. It was a slow song. It was... romantic? My head shot over to where Herc was. My eyes widened. He was smirking and giving me a thumbs up. "I-i'll be right back." I told Alex and walked straight (Im not but haha) over to Herc. "Herc! What the hell!" I punched his arm. "What! I'm just trying to get you to make a move!" He exclaimed. My face flushed. "Go ask him to dance!" He shoved me towards Alex, who was getting another coke and talking to Eliza. I nervously walked over to the sides away from the dance floor. Some people were dancing romantically on the dance floor. I slumped down on one of the chairs and banged my head in the table. Stupid oblivious Alexander. If only you could see how much you mean to me.

"Hey John you ok?" Someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around to find Alex's chocolate brown eyes and cute button nose. "Yea I'm ok. It just that the person i really like doesnt notice my feelings for them and will never like me back." Fuck. Did i really just say that? "I was going to ask them to dance... but I'm scared of rejection." Stop talking! "Who do you like?" He asked. Shit. "Ummm nobody important." I responded quickly, trying to change the subject. "Obviously they are important to you. You seem so passionate about them. You should go talk to them, tell them how you feel. Your eyes light up when you talk about them. I can tell this person means alot to you." That made me go silent. Damn Alexander. Why do you always have to know what to say. "I really cant." I said. "I understand. I'm going through the same thing right now. The person i like doesnt even notice my feelings for them. They are really nice towards me and i just don't want to be rejected." He sighed and slumped down on the table like me. His head perked up a bit. My heart dropped. He already likes someone. I never have a chance. "Uhm... hey, uh I know im not the Person you like and will probably never be as amazing as them, but... uh will you dance with me?" He asked nervously. Oh Alexander if you only knew. My heart fluttered. Did he just ask me to dance? DID ALEXANDER HAMILTON JUST ASK ME TO DANCE WITH HIM?! I was squealing like a fangirl on the inside. "What about the person you like?" I asked, trying to contain my joy. "Not as important as you." He said with a smile. "So is that a yes?" "Yes." His eyes lit up and sparkled.

We walked out into the dance floor and he paused. "Uhh... truth is, I've never danced with anyone before." He said skittishly. "Oh its ok. All you have to do is put your hand right here.." I put his right arm on my shoulder. "And your other hand here..." I put his other hand on my other shoulder. "And like this..." I put my hands on his waist. He blushed a bright red. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen. "Now just feel the beat of the music and sway." He was a bit flustered and he was very nervous. "Its ok, just relax. Just feel the beat." I whispered, trying to calm his nerves. He nodded and tried to focus more on the beat. "Im overthinking it." He mumbled while focusing on the ground. I pulled him a little bit closer, to show him it would be ok. His cheeks got brighter red. He finally got the hang of it and we moved in sync with the music. "This is a-actually nice." He whispered with a light chuckle. "Yeah, it is." I said. I didn't realize he had wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his head in my chest. I blushed a Deep crimson. I guess he hadn't realized it either, because when he noticed this He quickly backed away. "I-im sorry i-i didnt- uh- it-" "Alexander." He stared into my eyes. "Y-yea?" "Shut up and come here." I deadpanned. He sighed in relief and came back over. I put my hands back on his waist and he did the same thing he was doing before. It was so amazing, better than anything I had ever expirienced. "I never want this moment to end." I whispered just loud enough for only myself to hear it.

"5 minutes to midnight! Stand next to someone you want in your 2018!" One of the teachers boomed over the speaker. I looked at Alex and he looked at me. We smiled and laughed at each other. "10 seconds!"


Everyone started shuffling around the room in a frenzy


People were looking around and standing next to people they wanted to see in the next year.


I stood next to Alex and nudged him with my arm.


He smiled at me and scooted closer.


I swear his hand brushed against my hand.


Alex snaked his hand into mine. I looked at him in surprise. A light blush dusted his cheeks.


I wrapped my fingers around his. His eyes widened is surprise.


He turned to look at me


He bit his lip and whipped me around forcefully by the shoulders.


He grabbed my neck tie and stood on his toes to meet my face.


His lips pressed against mine.





I was left in a moment of shock. Then I kissed back. He inaudibly gasped and sank deeper into the kiss.


Sparks flew and fireworks exploded around us. It was more than anything I had ever imagined it to be. It was only a few seconds but felt like hours and days. He pulled away first. "Th-that was my first New year kiss." I sputtered out. "Me too." His cheeks were bright red. "And my first kiss e-ever." I added. "W-why did you kiss m-me?" He looked at me with an are-you-serious kind of look. "You really are oblivious. I kissed you because well... I really like you." He said anxiously. Wait... He likes me?! "Y-you like me?" "Yes." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Want to know something c-crazy?" I asked. He perked his head up. "I like you too." I smiled. "Wait what? You- really- im really that stupid? How- did- wha-" I cut him off by kissing him again. "Shut up." "Okay." His face turned bright red. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tight. He hugged me back even tighter. "Alexander, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked. A grin grew on his face. "I thought you'd never ask!" I pulled his chin up and kissed him again. He cupped his hands around my face and kissed back gently. It was full of love and beauty. His lips were soft and gentle, they tasted like peppermint. I softly bit his bottom lip, pulling away and letting his lip slide between my teeth. He smiled. "Happy New year dork." He said, slightly punching my arm.

"Happy New year nerd."

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