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(This is a oneshot I wrote a LOOOOOONG time ago and I just found it so here you go.)

Also, Trigger warning!

Alex's P.O.V.

I woke up at about 4 in the morning to get ready for classes. John wasn't in bed, so I figured he had gone to class. I walked groggily to the closet, and found a note on my desk.

Went to class I hope you have a good day. Sorry i couldnt stay untill you woke up. I love you.

-John <3

I smiled and read the note over and over again. I folded it and put it in my pocket. I slipped on an orange shirt, and green jeans. I walked over to the kitchen to take my meds and grabbed one of John's random hoodies. It was a black twenty one pilots hoodie.

I grabbed the bottle of pills and took four out, the prescribed amount for my anxiety and depression. I popped them in my mouth and swallowed with a gulp of water. I looked at the bottle of pills

Just a few more wont hurt anybody

I popped a few more in my mouth, counting as they went in.








I looked at the bottle again

No reason to stop now. Pills never hurt anybody.

I was taking the pills as if they were candy to me. I stopped when i realized I had run out of water. My eyes widened in horror. About half of the bottle was empty. I dropped the bottle and the pills spilled out all over the floor.

I dropped to my knees. Everything was blurry and dizzy. Oh god, what have I done? I cant die! No! Not now!

The room was spinning and i felt like i wanted to throw up. I shakily took out my phone and hit speed dial, not knowing who I was going to end up calling.

"Hello?" It was Peggy's voice. "P-peggy?" I asked. "Alex? What's wrong?!" She must have heard the panic and worry in my voice. "Oh god, Peggy, I've made a terrible mistake." My hands were shaking and i was about to pass out. I leaned against the cabinet, on the floor. "What happened?! Where are you?!" He asked urgently. "Dorm." I could hear her opening the door to her dorm. "John." I whispered. "I'm on my way, so is he, I already told him. What happened?! Are you ok?!" I didn't respond, if i did I would have passed out. "Alex?! ALEX?!"

I dropped the phone. Everything was spinning and i couldnt hear anything. My head was dizzy. I fell to the floor with a thump.

The door flung open. I was lying on the ground. I was losing my vision. Someone rushed to my side. "ALEX!" Peggy screamed. "JOHN!! HE'S IN HERE!" Peggy cupped her hands around my face. "Alex can you hear me?!" She exclaimed. Everything went black.


"ALEX!" John screamed. The last thing I could hear was John's beating heart and soft cries. His warm embrace was all i felt. I wanted to see his face one last time.

If I really am going to die right here, at least I will be in the arms of the man i love. At least the last thing I hear will be John's beating heart. While mine no longer beats.


Alexander never made it to the Hospital. At exactly 4:47 a.m. his heart stopped... and he took his last breath. Alex died at the age of 20, on Tuesday January 15th from an overdose. He died in the arms of John Laurens. The paramedics did not arrive at the scene in time before Alexander Hamilton died with a bottle of pills in his hand.

Exactly 3 weeks later the body of John Laurens was found hanging from his bedroom ceiling fan. At 10:36 p.m. on Febuary 5th John Laurens commited Suicide. John Laurens Died at the age of 23. Laffayette was the one who found the horrific scene.

One by one, each person from the Revolutionary squad found their life coming to the end. Laffayette, Hercules, Peggy, Maria, untill the only ones left were Angelica and Eliza. One day Angelica gave up. She cocked a gun and held it up to her head. At 6:29 p.m. a gunshot rang out through the King's College Campus...

(Sorry this was depressing. It was one I wrote when I first started writing on wattpad so it's really bad. -Peter 💖💛💙)

(P.s. get it? ^^ it's the pan flag! Happy pride everyone!)

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