online boyfriend

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Alex sat at his computer, in the dark of his college dorm. The glow of the computer screen was the only light in the room, illuminating his goofy smile as he read one of the corny jokes from his online boyfriend. He met him on a gaming site about 3 months ago and instantly fell in love. They had grown to be best friends untill Alex developed a crush on him. Alex never knew his online boyfriend's name because of his parents. Alex goes by "Non-stop" and his Boyfriend goes by "turtleboy."
His boyfriend said he had to go and logged off. Moments later, John knocked on his doorframe. "Hey Alex, watcha doin?" He asked in his southern accent. "Oh hey, I was- uh- doing some research." He lied. Alex also had a huge crush on John, but He wanted to hide it because he already had a boyfriend, plus he didn't want John to find out about his Boyfriend. "You and your Non-Stop Research, you sound like my boyfriend." John chuckled. Alex's heart dropped. Great, he's already taken... but so am i arent I? "Since when did you have a boyfriend?" He asked. John blushed. "Uh- I uh met him a few months ago..." he rubbed his arm nervously. "That's great!" Alex lied. He plastered on a fake smile. He was happy for John, but He also felt a pang of jealousy strike his heart. Little did Alex know, that John too had feelings for him. They had been vest friends for so long, but they didn't want to ruin it by confessing to each other. "I have a boyfriend too..." he said sheepishly. "Oh... I'm so happy for you!" John lied. His heart smashed into pieces. He put on a smile. Alex half-heartedly smiled back. "Wait, your Gay?" He asked. "Bisexual." He corrected. "Oh, you probably already knew I was Gay." Alex nodded. He'd known that for a few years. They talked for a while untill John went back to his room and went to sleep.

A notification came up on Alex's screen.

Turtleboy: Hey baby you up?

Non-stop: yeah, why are you up?

Turtleboy: can't sleep

Nonstop: Is something bothering you?

Turtleboy: I can't do this to you right now

Non-stop: What do you mean? You know I'm always here to listen.

Turtleboy is typing...

Turtleboy: You don't understand

Non-stop: well I dont know if I would or not unless you tell me

Turtleboy: I dont wanna hurt you

Alex felt a pang on his heart.

Non-stop: what do you mean?

Turtleboy: I love you so much... but I also love someone else

Alex stared at his screen.

Non-stop: oh

Turtleboy: I'm so sorry I didn't want to say anything but I knew it would be worse if I didn't tell you

Non-stop: Does this mean we are breaking up?

Turtleboy is typing...

Tears ran down Alex's cheeks.

Turtleboy: I can't because i still love you and it would hurt us both. It's so complicated I can't explain it. I still love you but I also love this person... but he's taken... I dont know what to do...

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