The Locket (Pt.3)

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I woke up laying on the beach. What happened? Where am I? I fluttered my eyes open to meet the violet-blue eyes that I would never forget. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked. I nodded. "What's your name?" He asked. I tried to speak, but not even a squeak came out. I don't have a voice. "What's the matter?" I couldn't say anything so I stayed silent. "You can't speak?" I shook my head. "Oh... try spelling out your name in the sand." He pointed to a clear spot in the sand. I sat up, and turned and spelled my name out in the sand. "John Laurens... that's a beautiful name. I'm Alexander Hamilton." He said. He held out his hand for me to shake it and I did. "Ummm where are you from?" He asked. I didn't know if I should tell him where I really was from. I cleared my name from the sand and wrote "far away." "Well then how did you get here?" I shrugged. I looked around to find some excuse. And that's when i saw the broken boat. I pointed to it. "Shipwreck?" I nodded. "I see... would you like me to take you up to the castle so that you can get cleaned up and fed?" He asked me. Castle? I smiled and nodded. "Here. Let me help you up." He held out his hand, but I just stared at my legs. It was the first time I had ever seen them, and was mesmerized by them. "Are you hurt?" He asked. I shrugged. I took his hand, lifting myself off the ground, but immediatly fell right into him. He let out a surprised chuckle and held onto my waist to support me. "Looks like you can't exactly walk there." He chuckled again. I loved the way his eyes sparkled. We stared at each other for a good long moment, then he furrowed his brow. "I feel like we've met before." He said. When I saved him, did he see me? I shook my head No. "Sorry you just looked like someone I... have seen before. Here, I can carry you there." He wrapped my arm around his neck and picked me up bridal style. I was small and light, so I was easy to carry.

"Prince Alexander, welcome back." The French man i had seen on the boat a while ago bowed. Wait he's a prince?! "Laffayette can you get Hercules And some maids to get this young man some clothes and a bath?" He said to the French man. They were all very well dressed which confused me. I was just wearing a simple cloth shirt and trousers. Laffayette, I think, quickly nodded and called for someone named Hercules. A dark man came into the room. When he saw me, he looked surprised. "Who might this be?" He asked. Alexander brought me to a chair and set me down. "This is John Laurens, I found him on the beach after a shipwreck." Alex explained. "This is Marquis De Laffayette, and Hercules Mulligan." Alex said. The two of them bowed to me. "Are you injured?" Laffayette asked me. "He can't speak, or walk. That's why I was carrying him up here." Alex answered for me. I nodded. "I see. Well, let's get you cleaned up and your belly full of food." Herc said. What was my father saying? Humans are so kind and caring. "Can you stand at all?" Hercules asked me. I shrugged. I wrapped my arms around Hercules's shoulders and lifted myself up, my legs shook as I struggled to stand and ended up collapsing into his arms. "Well, it seems like we need to get zose legs working again." Laffayette chuckled.

- time skip -

Alex's P.O.V.

I couldn't get John's image out of my head. There was something about him that I feel, but I can't put my finger on it. It's like we've met before, but I dont know where or how. "Mon ami, don't be scared." I heard Laffayette say from around the corner. John peeked his head around the corner. He slowly stepped into the light. He looked stunning in his crème colored vest that defined his almost feminine curves and Lavender-blue jacket that made his emerald eyes pop. Hercules really knows how to dress people to define their features. His hair was tied back neatly with a blue bow. He nervously stepped into the dining room. I stood up, like a gentleman and waited for him to sit down before sitting down myself. He nodded at me as a thank you gesture. He sat right by the window and the sunlight made his copper freckles glitter. "Well isn't that a sight?" My "mother" Queen Martha said. John lowered his head in respect to the queen. "Oh honey I'm an old lady. You don't have to bow to me." She gave a warm smile to Me and John. "I'm Martha, Alexander's mother." She introduced herself to John. He smiled and just then the "General" came in. "Gere comes the General!" He boomed. "George quiet down honey. We have a guest." She said sweetly scolding my father. "Oh. Im sorry son, whats your name?" He looked at me for assistance. "This is John Laurens, he is mute. He came to our kingdom after a shipwreck on the beach." I explained. "Oh I see. I'm General Washington-" "He's actually the king, exept he doesn't like to be called that." Martha whispered and winked at John. Washington grumbled and walked into the throne room. "That's quite alright dear, you are welcome to stay here with us." She said. His eyes sparkled. He mouthed 'Thank you' and bowed his head as a sign of gratitude.

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