Unordinary (pt. 1)

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Alex's P.O.V.

I was born different than everyone else. I was a normal baby for the most part, born on an island in the Carribean called Nevis. I was 6 pounds 5 ounces... pretty normal right? I was normal....

Exept I had powers.

I could move things with my mind. Sometimes I would make my brother fly in the air when i was only 3. I used to make my bottles and rattles fly as a baby. I never had any friends as a kid because all of the parents on the island were scared of me and didn't let their kids play with me. I was fine with just my brother, James. I also read and wrote every second i could, just writing about everything. My father was one of the richest people on the island, so we had good money. My father, James Hamilton, worked at a mental institute on the island, so he was gone a lot. When I turned 10, my father started bringing me to work with him, since there were no schools on the island. All of the doctors loved me because of my powers, and they loved poking at me to find out how my brain worked. My father began experimenting on me and made me do things with my powers. I didn't like what he was putting me through, but I had to listen to him because he was my father right? That's when the abuse started.

If I didn't do what he said, he would gave one of his workers force me into a closet untill i cooperated. I didn't want to hurt anybody, so I didn't use my powers. When I turned 13 that changed. My father left for work one day, bringing me as usual. The sane thing happened, I didn't want to do what he said, so I was locked in a closet. But the men tried to inject me with something. They grabbed me and forced me onto my knees. I screamed and thrashed around, trying to get away from these men I didn't even know. They stuck the syringe in my arm, and that's when i snapped. I screamed and they all went flying away from me and into the wall. A few were knocked unconscious, and the others stood back up to try to inject more of the medecine into my arm. Before they could reach me, I jerked my head to the side and snapped their necks.

Blood ran down my nose. I stared in shock at the dead and unconscious bodies in front of me. I collapsed against a wall and cried. I had actually killed multiple people, and i had never used my powers that much before. My father must've heard the racket, because he came out from the other room. He slowly walked up to me and smiled. He picked me up and  I passed out from the excessive use of my powers.

Life never got better for me after that. When I turned 17 my whole life turned upside down. A hurricane hit Nevis when i was 17, destroying everything I had grown up with. The houses were gone, boats were flung onto the shore, and trees snapped. I was the only one alive. My father's Institute crumbled to the ground like it was made of sand, killing everyone inside of it, including my father. My mother actually survived the hurricane, only to die 3 hours later from illness. My brother drowned. I was the only one who survived on the island. Everything was destroyed, and the Island was basically a wasteland. My depression started that day. I was left as an orphan, with nowhere to go, and no instructions. My entire history was... well... history. I never understood why I was the only one who survived. I never used my powers. I self-harmed from that day. New cuts and burns and scratches appeared untill i almost commited suicide.

I wrote everything down. I wrote my life's story on paper. I wrote for hours and hours in end, just writing about everything I could. My depression, the hurricane, my powers, the institute, the men I killed, everything. Somehow, my story managed to find its way to New York City. A family of important people bought my story and funded a my trip to New York, and even offered me a scholarship to King's college. My background was slowly but surely being wiped clean. The scars would still be there, but I could wipe the slate clean and start a new life.

Or so I thought.

I was walking through the halls of Miranda High school. With Laffayette,  Hercules, and John (who I totally didn't have a crush on). I met them on my first day of school. I was being bullied by Thomas Jefferson. They stuck up for me and we became best friends instantly. Classes hadn't started yet and we were walking around waiting for the bell to ring, ecen though we still had like half an hour of time to kill. We saw Jefferson and his little group of friends standing by the lockers. "Shit. Jefferson 9 o'clock." John said. We crept by them, trying not to get noticed. But Damn, they have eyes like a hawk. "Well well well, if it isn't the freaks of Miranda High school." Shit. We all just kept walking. "Who do you think will earn more at the freakshow? Fag, frogface, burnt potato, or whore boy?" Jefferson taunted. Does he know about my mother? Or is he just calling me that? Anger started boiling up inside me. "I'm betting on whore boy over here." Another one sneered. "Let it go Alex." John whispered to me. "Hey! It's not polite to ignore people whore boy. Did you hear me? Your gonna get first prize at the freakshow." They shoved my backpack. Everytime they taunted me they would shove or kick my backpack, causing me to stumble forward. "Yea I bet your Whore mother would be proud of that. You've probably slept with every fag at this school. Like mother like son." Poison dripped from his words. I had enough. I snapped around and lunged for them, only to be held back by John. "Alex! Drop it Alex!" He exclaimed. "John let me go!" I growled. "Yea faggot, control your little whore's son boyfriend. This prick is asking for it. I couldn't get out of his arms, he was a lot stronger than me. I stopped moving and he let go of me. "It's not worth it. Let's go." John said. "It'll be worth it once his face meets my fist." I mumbled.

Suddenly, I was dragged backwards and shoved into a locker. I met the virginian face of Thomas Jeffershit. "What did you say fuck face?" He drawled out. "Maybe if you turned up your hearing aid, you would gave heard me the first time-" he punched me in the stomach and grabbed shirt and slammed me against the locker again. "You wanna say that again?" He growled. "Hey Jeffershit!" John grabbed his shoulder. "Pick on someone your own size." He said. Jefferson gave a distorted smirk and dropped me. Laff and Herc were being held back by the other people from Jefferson's group. People were starting to gather around us holding up phones, probably recording it. "I've had enough of your bullshit. Gay faggots like you don't belong on the world. Just kill yourself already, you'd do everyone a favor." Jefferson spat. He held up his fist to punch John in the face.  Nobody says that to my friends without paying for it.

I snapped.

Jefferson moved his fist forward and John flinched, but He couldn't move his arm. "What the." He turned around and looked at me. John's eyes widened. I jerked my head to the side, just as I did with the people from the institute, and snapped his arm. "AHH! WHAT THE FUCK! MY ARM IS BROKEN!" He doubled over in pain and grabbed his arm. John fell to the floor after i moved Jefferson away from him. People were screaming around me. "Hey! What do you think your doi-" with one swift movement of my hand, I flung his minions against the wall, freeing Laff and Herc. A small line of blood dripped from my nose but I ignored it. I had no idea what I was doing. I approached Jefferson, who was holding his now broken arm. "Leave me and my friends ALONE!" I threw my arms forward, throwing him against a Locker on the other end of the hallway. He hit it with a loud thud, knocking him unconscious. 

That was when i noticed the blood running down my nose. I wiped it on my sleeve and looked around me. Everyone was stepping back in fear. The people around me were staring at me like I was a monster. My friends were staring at me in shock. The thing that hurt me the most was John's face. All I could see in his eyes were the people back at the institute laying on the ground right before I snapped their necks. He had a look of pure fear  on his face. Jefferson was laying unconscious on the floor. I flashed between the institute and reality. I took a step back in shock from my own actions. I'm a monster and a freak.

I turned quickly on my heel and took off running. I didn't know where I was going, nor did I care. I wanted to run away from my problems, my life, my misfortune. I told myself I wasn't going to do this again. I told myself I would conceal it. I had great friends, a pretty good life in New York, no memories about my past. And I threw it all away. Gone out the window. I lost everyone again. All of my friends think im a freak and a monster. I can never show my face in Miranda High school again.

Why can't I just be normal?

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