looking for a Pulse

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(This oneshot I'm making is in memorial of the shooting at the Pulse night club in 2016. I will actually be doing a run on the 9th for the Pulse foundation and I just wanted to recognize how tragic this was... I actually had written this for an assignment in ELA (English Language Arts) and decided to turn it into a oneshot. Please don't get triggered by This! I am not saying it's ok to just go and shoot up a Gay club, or a school, or anything! I'm just writing it to make people aware of what is happening! I really want to do a school shooting oneshot, but I dont know if that's a good idea... SO tell me what you think of that idea... anyways ON WITH THE STORY!!)

Lafayette's P.O.V.

Me and Herc were sitting on the couch, watching T.V. together. "There has been another shooting at the stardust LGBTQ+ nightclub, 17 people have been injured, and 5 have been killed." The news reporter said. Herc sighed sadly. "Another one?! That's the 3rd one this year! And its only June!Someone needs to stop this." He said. I rubbed his back. "I know, I know..." I muttered. "Police are still on the scene trying to identify the shooter." The news reporter showed the footage, and suddenly I recognized something I wish I wouldn't have. "Oh my god..." I said, looking closer at the T.V. "What?" Herc asked me. "John and Alex are on a date right?" I asked. Herc nodded confusedly. (Idk if that's a real word) "Do you know where they went?" I asked in a harsh tone. "No...?" He said. I watched closely at the T.V. "Babe your scaring me." He said, I shushed him. "Watch." I said blatantly and pointed at the screen. He watched with me, then I saw it again. "There! Isn't that-" "Oh my god! That's Alex's car!" He cut me off. My heart began to race. "Oh my god where are they?!" I shot up from the couch and went to grab my phone, but then it rang. I jumped and stared at Alex's name in horror. I grabbed the phone and hit the glowing green button. "Alex?!" I cried into the phone. "Laf?! Oh god I need help! I-I need you I don't know w-what to do!" He hiccuped and sobbed angrily. "Alex Where are you!?" I screamed back. "The n-nightclub!" He sobbed. "Please hurry! John is-" I lost connection. "Alex?! ALEX?! Alex What happened to John?!" There was no signal. I dropped my phone and bolted for the car. "Laf what hapened?!?" Herc yelled and followed behind me. "Nightclub!" Was all I said and got in the passenger seat of the car.

We arrived at the nightclub to find a handful of police officers and about 30 people outside the nightclub. I saw Alex sitting outside with his head in his hands, John was nowhere in sight. I started walking up, but an officer stopped me. "Sorry sir, nobody is allowed in or out untill we identify the shooter." He said. "Mon ami et son Mari sont là! Je ne sais pas s'ils sont VIVANTS! Laissez-moi à travers!!" I snapped. (My friend and his husband are here! I don't know if they are even ALIVE! LET ME THROUGH!!) I pushed my way past him and ran towards Alex. He saw me and stood up. "Oh my god your ok!" I exclaimed. He hugged me and gripped onto my shirt. "Alex where's John?" Herc asked. He stayed silent. "Alex... where's John?"  He broke down in tears and buried his face in his hands. "I TRIED! I tried to save him! I tried to stop the bleeding, but I couldnt!" He wheezed and sobbed. "I DID EVERYTHING I COULD! He just fell and I couldn't get him to get back up! I couldn't do anything! I tried to-to get him up!" He said, sounding more like he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince us. "I l-looked I tried and I couldn't find it! I c-couldnt find it!" He screamed, finally completley breaking down. "W-what couldn't you find?" Herc asked shakily. Alex was hyperventilating and gasping for air as his shoulders hunched with angry sobs.

"His pulse."

- flashback -

Alex and John heard the sounds of a gunshot followed by screams. They shot around and saw someone in a mask holding a machine gun. Alex dragged John out of the chair and to the floor. "Under the tables!" Alex shouted through the screams and gunshots. They ran towards the tables, but before they could make it, John got shot in the side. "JOHN NO!" Alex screamed as John fell to the ground. He picked up his bleeding husband and carried him quickly out if the building.

"JOHN! NO! NO! NO! PLEASE WAKE UP! PLEASE!" He cried as he ripped off his jacket and pressed it down onto John's body. He checked to see if John was breathing, but he wasnt. Blood was already soaking through the jacket. There was too much blood. "JOHN PLEASE SAY SOMETHING PLEASE! I LOVE YOU JOHN, PLEASE! WAKE UP!" He kept screaming but John didn't move. He put two fingers against the smaller boy's cold wrist. There was no pulse. "NO! NO! NO!" He screamed and pressed the jacket down harder. He pumped his hands up and down on John's chest to try and get John's heart going again, but John's body was still. "COME ON! PLEASE!" He breathed into John's mouth and checked his pulse again. Still nothing. Warm tears ran down his cheeks, bringing the only warmth to the cold night.

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