The locket (pt.2)

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(This is a very eventful chapter so it may be a little springy from place to place. Just a heads up.)

"It looks like today there are stormy seas today." My father said. I sighed and looked up by the surface. I can't go out because its raining. I sat boredly on a clam shell playing with the silver locket around my neck, when I heard screaming men above the water. Ships weren't usually out during storms for fear that they might sink, but one was out. A huge crack of lightning sent half of the boat plummeting into the water. All the Atlantians turned their heads before the sinking ship. "Mortals were stupid enough to go out in this weather." One  said. When I looked at the sinking half of the boat, I recognized it. This was the boat the boy was on. I swam towards the wreckage, only to be stopped by my father. "There are no humans there. Stay away from it." He ordered. I heard a splash as people fell into the water, trying to swim from safety. I saw someone floating down towards the bottom, and my heart skipped a beat when i saw who it was. It was the boy. I swam towards him but afain, I was stopped by my father. "What are you doing! That's a human!" He exclaimed. "Father he's drowning!" I wiggled to try to get free, but He kept a firm grip on my arm. "He was stupid enough to go out in this weather." He growled. "Father! Just let me being him to the surface! Let me save him! Don't let him die!" I screamed. Finally I got free and swam towards the sinking boy as fast as i could. "JONATHAN!" My father bellowed, but I kept going anyway. I found the boy and grabbed him by his shoulders, bringing him to the surface. The air was thick and stale outside the water. The dark sky made it impossible to see where I was going.  But eventually I found the shore and dragged him out onto the sand.

Finally, the storm died down and left just some clouds and no more rain. I studied the man in front of me. It was the closest I had ever been to a human. I studied his eyes and his hair. He looked so much like me, but with two legs. I put my head down on his chest to make sure he was breathing. He was fine. His loose canvas shirt showed off his defined body. Damn. He was very beautiful for a man. He coughed and I jumped back. He opened his eyes and stared at me for a brief moment. I dove back in the water before he could see that I wasn't human. He couldnt know that I was a mermaid. I swam back down, waiting for the worst to come from my father. I skittishly went to the throne room. This was not going to go well for me. "Jonathan." He said in a low rumble. "I told you never to help that boy. I told you to never go to the shore. John you don't understand, I'm trying to protect you!" I boomed. "Pa, I don't need protection! (You will later if you know what I mean ;) hehehe) I know how to protect myself! I'm 18!" I exclaimed. "Those humans will hurt you!" He bellowed. "Not all humans are bad! Some dont hurt mermaid's! Most of them are fascinated by us!" I argued back. "How would you know this?" He asked. "I've been to the surface! I've seen their kind ways! They are harmless unless they are provoked! They play music and dance! They don't hurt us! And that boy especially, he has the kindest heart of them all!" I screamed. "You've been to the surface?!" He exclaimed. I realized what I had said and immediately backed away. "I-I-" "I told you specifically to NEVER go to the surface! You disobeyed me!" His gaze was piercing my skin. "I forbid you to ever leave this castle." He turned away. "What! No you can't do that!" I cried. "Mistakes always come with consequences." He said and locked me in my room.

I was locked in the castle for 3 days before I could have friends come in again. I still wasn't allowed to leave though. A girl, one of the maids I suspected, came in. "Hello?" I called. She shut the door and turned around. "Hello." She grinned evily. I realized who she was. She was Maria, the sea witch. (Don't hate me for making Maria the villain! I love Maria she is such a bean, but I couldn't think of anyone else to make the Sea witch!) "Y-your Maria the sea witch!" I backed away. "W-what are you doing here?!" I exclaimed. She lifted her robes and revealed a long red forked tail. She was beautiful in a scary kind of way. "Don't get all cocky, I came to help you." Her words were like poison. "I don't need help. Get out of here before I call my father." I threatened. I tried to show courage but I was scared to death. The sea witch had me cornered in my own bedroom. "Such a tattletail." She rolled her eyes. "I know you've been to the surface. And i also know that you have your eyes on a certain boy." She smirked. "I-I don't know what your talking about." I crossed my arms, but it was quite obvious I was lying. "Such a shame... I had a perfect potion just for this occasion..." She taunted me by pulling out a tiny glass vile of green liquid. "I guess I will be on my way then." She turned around and swam away slowly. I wouldn't have taken it unless I was desperate... But I was desperate and this was my only chance. "Wait..." I could hear the tiny voices on my head saying "Don't do it!" But my words spoke louder than those in my mind. "Yes?" She smirked. She knew I couldn't resist it and was just waiting for me to take the bait. I took a deep breath. "What do you want." I asked. "Or is it, what do you want?" She countered. "What does that potion do?" I asked. "This little thing? Well, it changes those fins into feet that can walk on land." She pointed to my green tail. I thought about it. What would my father say? What would happen? "What's your price?" I asked. "Oh nothing much, just your beautiful voice." She said. "M-my voice? But then how could I-" "Do want that man?" She was tugging at my brain. I couldn't decide. She held out her hand to seal the deal if that was the choice I made. "Come on dear, I haven't got all day. I'm a busy woman." She stared at me. I sighed and took her hand. She gave me the vial. "Drink this and your fins will become a new pair of legs." She put her hands around my throat, like she was about to choke me, but instead she just layed them against my neck. "Sing for me dear." I did as she said and watched as my voice left my body. "The only way you can get this back is if you win the heart of the Boy And you get him to kiss you." She walked out of the room and left me alone to myself. I stared at the vial. It was ecerything I could have wished for, but I would also be without my voice. How could I ever win the heart of him. I sat in my room for about an hour, contemplating what I had just done.

Finally, I swam out of the castle, against my father's orders, and downed the green liquid. It was disgusting, but it would give me legs. My head started spinning and i felt really bad. The edges of my vision darkened and I passed out.

(There is another part so don't worry.)

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