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Alex is trans

Alex's P.O.V.

I took a deep breath. There is nothing to be nervous about, just look at it, and it will all be ok. I closed my eyes. I looked down at the pregnancy test. There were two red lines. I'm pregnant... I'm pregnant! I covered my mouth in excitement. John is going to be so happy! I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Hey baby you ok? You've been in there for a while." John said, genuinely concerned. "Oh, yea I'm fine!" I called. "Did you get sick again?" He asked. "No, just taking a shit." I giggled. "Oh wow okay too much information." He said. I bust out laughing. I hid the test in my sweater pocket and came out of the bathroom.  I walked up to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.  "Hey baby." He cooed. He kissed my nose. I giggled and kissed his lips. "You seem really happy today." He said. "I am." "May I ask why?" I buried my face in the crook of his neck. "Mhmm... I don't know why. It's just a good day I guess." I smiled to myself. He's gonna be so happy. John has told me about how he's always wanted kids of his own, It was practically his dream.

It was late at night, so I made my way to our room. I had just slipped my shirt off, leaving me in my binder. My boyfriend came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Johnny you know your not supposed to see me with just my binder on." I don't like it when others see me in just my binder because I don't feel like a real boy. It makes me feel fake. I blushed when he caressed my sides. "I know, But your beautiful. No matter what is on your chest, you will always be beautiful." He said. I buried my face in the crook of his neck. "I love you so much." I mumbled. "I love you too." He kissed my forehead softly.

- 2 months later -

John's P.O.V.

It was Christmas day and all of our friends were here. The Christmas tree had mountains of presents underneath. Alex was curled up in a ball in my lap. Everyone was ripping presents open like 5-year olds. I picked up a green present from Alex, but he stopped me. "Save that one for last." He whispered. I nodded and set it aside. I could tell he was really exited for that one. While everyone was opening their presents, I couldn't help but stare at the green box I was supposed to save for last. Finally, everybody had opened their presents. "We have one more present." Alex announced. Everyone turned their attention towards us. He got up and grabbed the present, handing it to me.  "Laff can you grab a camera?" He Added. Camera? Laff nodded and hurried away. Everyone else looked as confused as I was. He came back with a camera and started the tape. My heart was beating out of my chest. What could it possibly be?

I ripped the green paper and looked at Alex in confusion. He looked really nervous, I could tell. I opened the box to reveal a small folded paper and something under a piece of tissue paper. I unfolded the paper and a little pink stick fell out. I picked it up and looked at it. It had red lines on it. I was trying to process what it was, so I looked at the paper. It was an Ultrasound with the words "coming soon on it. I finally realized what it was. I gasped and covered my mouth. "No way..." a smile spread across my face. "A-Are you serious?" I asked. Alex was grinning from ear to ear and nodding his head up and down. HE'S PREGNANT!! "WAIT YOUR SERIOUS?!" He nodded his head while giggling. Tears of joy formed in my eyes. I leaped forward and flung my arms around him. "Be careful!" He exclaimed, but began giggling anyway. I squeezed his shoulders as tears of joy ran down my cheeks. "What?! What is it?!" Everyone else exclaimed. "I'm pregnant." Alex said.  Squeals and screeches filled the room. "CONGRATULATIONS!" Everyone screamed. There were series of hugs and congratulations. "You haven't finished opening the present." Alex pointed to the box. That's right. I hurried back over to the box. I pulled out what was under the tissue paper. There two onesies that read "two daddies are better than one." I smiled hugged him again.

"Wait why are there two onesies?" I asked. He smirked.

"Look at the ultrasound again." He said.


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