where are you? pt. 3

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(Alternate ending. This is right after the school day. He doesn't get called down to the office)

My mom was driving me home from school like she always did. Ever since John dissapeared she hasn't let me even ride the bus to and from school. It's been two months without John. I cant imagine what could be happening to him right now. John, where are you? Please be alive... I dont want to know what's happening to him. I cant imagine how helpless he's feeling. Something snapped me out of my thoughts. I saw something in the woods coming up on the road. I couldn't see what exactly it was. My heart skipped a beat as we got closer and I realized what it was. No, it cant be... oh my God! "Mom stop the car!" I shouted and unbuckled my seat belt. "What are you doing?!" She exclaimed. "STOP THE CAR! PULL OVER!" I screamed. She jumped and pulled over to the side of the road. "What is going on Alex?!" I ignored her question and ran of into the woods. "ALEX!" she yelled and tried to come after me but I was too fast. I ran and ran until I came up to what I saw in the car, and it really was what I thought. "Fuck no..." I ran towards the boy laying on the roots of a tree. "JOHN!" I skidded on my knees next to his motionless body. I layed my head down on his chest. Good he's breathing. My heart was pounding as I thought of what to do next. He shifted and I let out a sigh of relief. He opened his eyes. "John! Oh my god..." his eyes widened and he panicked. I put my hand on his shoulder and he calmed down. "Shhh, John its me." When he realized who I was, he burst into tears. "A-Alex?" That's when I realized all of the bruises on his face and arms. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around him. "C-can you walk?!" I cried and tried to help him to his feet. He clung to my neck and screamed in pain when I put my hand under his arm to help him up. My heart was pounding as he struggled to walk. He limped and whimpered in pain with every step. He stopped walking and wobbled. "John?" He grabbed on to my shirt for support. "Alex-" he gripped my shoulders and suddenly collapsed. I freaked and held on to his waist to support him. "John?! JOHN!" I cried as he dangled over my arm like a ragdoll. I picked him up and ran as fast as I could, just hoping that I didnt trip on a root.

I saw my mom's car and I ran faster. "MOM!" I screamed to get her attention. She turned and let out a cry of relief. "Oh my God! Is that-?" "Yes! We have to get him to the hospital NOW!" I exclaimed. We got John into the car and drove as fast as we could to the hospital. We called 911 too, to get a hold of the police.

- About 3 hours later -

A doctor walked into the waiting room and asked to speak to us. We followed him to the hallway and stopped in front of John's room. "Mr. Lauren's is a very lucky young man." He said. I think me and my mom were both holding our breath, because we both let out a sigh of relief. "You are the one who found him, correct?" He asked. I nodded. "Your timing was impeccable. If he had stayed out there any longer, he would have died. It's a good thing you found him when you did." He smiled and pushed the glasses up on his nose. "He is not quite ready for visitors yet, but I guarantee in the next half hour you can talk to him." He added. We said our thank you's and he went into the room. Suddenly, the front door burst open and we saw John's parents running in. They looked around and when they saw us, his mom shrieked and ran towards us. The smaller woman almost tackled me in a hug and burst into tears. "Y-you saved m-my baby b-boy! Y-you brought h-him home!" She wailed and hugged me tighter. My heart panged. I hugged her back. People all around were staring at the scene, but that didn't matter. As long as she was happy, and John was safe, nothing else mattered. I had just saved a mother and father's son from unimaginable things and brought him home. Of course I'm gonna be happy.

Another half an hour went by and we were able to see John. When we stepped in, John's eyes lit up at the sight of his parents. The two parents ran into the room, but very gently hugged him. I saw that John almost burst into tears, but he stayed strong. There were too many people in the room and I got jealous, so I decided to step out of the room. It's his parents for god's sakes, of course he's gonna be excited to see them! Still, I felt jealous. I guess guilt and jealousy dont mix together well, because I felt awful. I sat in a chair in the hallway as he talked to his parents and my mom too. I stared at the ground, my mind racing with all of the events that happened in the last few hours. I didnt hear the door open, until someone called my name. "Alex." I turned and saw everyone poking their head out the door. "John wants to talk to you." Eleanor (John's mom) said. "Alone." My mom added with a smirk.

I stepped into the room, but as soon as I got in, I wanted to leave. I dont know why, but I didnt want to go up to the bed. "Alex, dont just stand in the doorway, come here." He giggled. I closed the door and got closer, but every step I took, I just wanted to go back. He's been gone for a MONTH and I'm scared to talk to him? Wtf brain? "Alex? Are you ok?" He asked. He tried to sit up but he hissed in pain. I rushed towards him and gently pushed him down. "No no no you need to rest." I whispered. Tears were forming in my eyes but I held them back. I slowly sat next to his bed and layed my head down next to his arm. "Aww your like a puppy." He said and started stroking my hair while laughing. I smirked and lightly bit his hand. "Hey! Looks like the puppy bites." He started laughing harder and winced. "Stop laughing your gonna hurt yourself!" I said, which only made him laugh more. We finally calmed down after a while. There were so many thing I want to say to him... where to start? "Even in the worst situations, you will always find a way to make someone laugh." He said.

That did it. I broke.

Tears soaked into his sleeve as I sobbed and shook with angry sobs. "Alex! Shhhhh no don't cry... I'm here, I'm safe..." He grabbed my hand. "Y-you dont kn-know how scared I-I was that y-you were dead!" I cried. "Shh I'm here. It's ok shhhhh dont cry." Guilt bubbled in my soul. "I'm s-so sorry..." "Why are you apologizing?" He asked. "If I had just fucking drove you home, this wouldnt have happened." I mumbled. "Alex look at me." He lifted my face and wiped some tears from my cheek. "You saved me. If you hadn't found me, I wouldnt be here right now. So dont you fucking dare say that it's your fault. If anything, I should have been more careful." I listened, which just made my cry harder. "I was scared out of my mind but I knew there was hope for me when I opened my eyes to see you kneeling next to me." Tears rolled down his cheek. "You saved my life. That is a debt I will never be able to pay off." He broke down in tears, which was obviously very painful. "I thought you were dead..." I whispered. "I thought I was too." I gently hugged him so that I didnt hurt him, but he just squeezed me as hard as he could, wincing in the proccess. "John please dont hurt yourself." I said as he buried his face in my shoulder. "I dont c as re about pain anymore. All I c-care about is being with you." He mumbled into my shoulder as he gripped the back of my shirt. He slowly let go and layed back down. He found a remote and raised the head of the bed while squealing "Wheeeee!" I couldn't help but laugh at his adorableness. "You dork." I joked and he grinned. "I dont know how I'll ever be able to thank you." He said. "You dont have to thank me. Just seeing you here alive and well is payment enough for me." I said and stood next to the bed. "I can think of something better..." suddenly, he put both of his hands on my face and pulled my down. I had to put my hand on the wall so I didnt fall over. His lips were not even an inch from mine. "You stopped." I teased. His face turned red and I could hear his heart pounding through the heart monitor. "Y-you weren't gonna stop me?" He asked, surprised. "Nope." I said, popping the "p" sound. "Why would I?" I added. "I-I dont know... I-I guess-" "John." He stopped stuttering and looked at me. "Y-yea?" "Shut up and kiss me." I could feel his hot breath on my face, taunting me. It was so hard not to just shut him up and kiss him right then and there. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me. God, it was beautiful. I've waited so long for this moment.  It was short and sweet. But just long enough to leave me wanting more. He pulled away first. "I missed you so much..." he whispered.

"But now your home."

My mom came in and told us that We had to go. I said my last goodbye and I walked out of the room. When we were driving she turned to me with a smirk on face. "What?" I asked. "'Shut up and kiss me' huh?" She smirked triumphantly. My face flushed. "Dont think I didn't hear that." My face went beet red. She laughed at me. "Hey! Stop laughing at me! Your the one who was eavesdropping!" I exclaimed as she continued to laugh at me. "Awwww my little boy's got a boyfriend~" she teased. I slapped her arm playfully.  "Sh-shut up!" She finally stopped laughing, but she still had the smirk on her face. "What now?" I asked. "If your gonna do anything drastic, please close your door."


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