One drink too many (Pt. 2)

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"Th-they kicked m-me out." John hiccuped. Alex let John inside and he broke down sobbing against the wall. Alex held John and let him cry on him. "E-everything's falling apart! I-I don't know what t-t-to do!" John wailed. Alex felt even more guilty. His mistake caused John to get kicked out of his house, and made him watch the world fall apart around him. "This is all my fault." He whispered to himself. John got up and ran to the bathroom. Alex held his hair back as he got sick. A few minutes later, John's angry sobs were replaced by occasional sniffles. Alex rubbed the small boy's back. "You can stay here." He said. John seemed hesitant. "No, i-its fine. I can just get an apartment or-" "John." Alex said sternly. His eyes softened. "Its the least I can do..." He said. John sniffled and nodded. "O-ok." Alex stood up, helping John up. "I-Im going to get cleaned up..." John said. Alex went to his room and grabbed a bundle of clothes that he thought would fit John. He came back, and stopped in the doorway. He saw John staring at the small bump at the base of his belly through the mirror. "John?" He jumped a bit, but relaxed when he saw it was Alex. "I brought you some clothes. They might be a little bit big, but It was the smallest I could find." John took them with a smile. "Thank you."

Alex turned to walk away to give him privacy, but John stopped him.


He turned around. When he got Alex's attention, he slipped off his shirt, leaving him in his binder. There was defeniatley a noticeable bump, but if you didn't know He was pregnant, you couldn't tell at all. Alex smiled and stepped closer to John. He stood in front of John. "Am I too close?" He asked. He didn't want to make John uncomfortable. John stepped closer. "No." Alex slowly put a hand on John's belly And rubbed his thumb across the small bump. "How about now?" John took Alex's other hand and put it on his stomach. "No." He said in the same time he did before. Alex was surprised that he wasn't uncomfortable. John snaked his arms around Alex and hugged him. "How about now?" Alex asked jokingly. "No." He mumbled into Alex's shoulder. That's when Alex gently kissed him. It was a shock at first, but it quickly melted away into passion. Alex lingered a second longer before pulling away. "Was that close enough?" He whispered with a smile. John blushed madly, but smiled. "Yes."

Alex was sitting in his room reading when he heard the door creak open. "Alex?" He looked up from his book to see John in the doorway. "C-can I sleep with you tonight?" Alex laughed and scooted over. "Of course you can."
John ducked under the covers and layed next to Alex. They layed there in silence untill John spoke up. "Alex, what are we?" He asked. "I'm not sure I understand your question." He said, not looking up from his book. "I mean- I'm pregnant with your baby, and you've kissed me, but haven't said anything about our relationship..." he explained, hugging the pillow tighter. Alex put his book down and looked at John, pushing his reading glasses up on his nose. "What do you want me to be?" He asked. John sighed. "You don't have to put it like that..." he mumbled. "Well, I don't know how to say it any other way. Your everything to me, but if you aren't comfortable with being more than friends, then I we will stay as we are." He paused. "Just friends." He added. John didn't say anything after that. A sickening silence filled the room. "You don't understand..." John whispered, not expecting Alex to hear him. Alex turned and put his hand on John's side. He jumped in surprise but immediately relaxed. "Enlighten me?" Alex's chocolate eyes were dark and almost demon like in the dark. "I'm more uncomfortable with us being just friends." He said. "Then we don't have to stay just friends." John turned and faced Alex. He scooted closer into Alex's arms. Alex wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead. John was flooded with warmth from Alex's body, and snuggled closer to him. "I want to be with you." He whispered. Alex smiled. "So that's what we'll be." They both fell asleep, snuggling against each other.

- A few months later -

John was taking his high school classes online at home while Alex went to school and worked afterwords. Even after all that had happened, their life was still ok. They were getting their education, and had enough money to support all of them. John's pregnancy had become a lot more obvious, standing at 8 months. Only a few more weeks untill Baby Phillip was born. But Phillip decided he wanted out. "Alex!" John shouted. Alex came out if their room and went up to John. "Contractions are getting worse." John held his stomach. "Do you think Phillip is going to come today?" Alex asked. John shrugged. Alex leaned down and kissed John's round belly. "Well I'm taking you to the hospital just in case."

- a few hours later -

"Shhhh its ok, it's ok, just breathe." Alex cooed. John had gone into labor and was screaming from the pain. Tears were streaming down his face. "Shh just push." The nurse said. John was holding onto Alex for dear life and dug his nails into his back. Alex didn't care, and just rubbed John's  back. "Ok, now push." The nurse said and John screamed in pain. John was taking sharp breaths in and out. "Just breathe John. Just breathe." After another 20 minutes of screaming and pain, Phillip was finally born.

Alex was handed Phillip as John rested. Phillip had a few stray curls and freckles scattered across his face like someone had taken a paintbrush and splattered paint across his face. He looked just like his Mommy. Phillip was then handed to John, who started crying at the sight of his baby boy. John buried his face in Alex's chest and sobbed from the emotions. "He's finally here." John said as he sobbed.

- 6 years later -

"Phillip Alexander Laurens Hamilton! Get back here and put some clothes on!" John shouted as the 6 year old ran through the house, giggling and Butt naked. Phillip giggled and hid behind Alex as soon as he walked through the door. "What the-" "DADDY!" Phillip squealed as John came up to Alex, huffing. "Grab that little squirt!" John laughed. Phillip took off again, but Alex grabbed him and picked him up before he could go anywhere. Phillip screamed and laughed at the same time. Alex smothered his face in kisses. "Phillip what have I told you about giving your mother a hard time?" He scolded the boy. "But he was gonna let the monster under my bed get me!" Phillip exclaimed. "You know he loves you too much to do that." Alex laughed at the 6 year old's imagination. Phillip grumbled. Alex handed Phillip to John and he placed him on his hip. "Now let's get you to bed." He said sweetly. "But mama I'm not tired!" Phillip complained. "Will you go to sleep if I sing to you?" John asked. Phillips eyes lit up and he nodded in excitement. John put Phillip in his pajamas and layed him down in bed. Alex stood outside the hall smiling to himself as he listened to John sing to their son. Phillip finally fell asleep and John came out of his room. He went up to Alex and wrapped his arms around Alex's neck.  Alex planted a kiss on the shorter boy's lips and put his hands on his waist. "How was work today?" John asked. Alex groaned and rolled his eyes. "Jefferson is still being an asshole." He said. "Language." John scolded. "English." Alex smirked. John lightly kicked his taller boyfriend. "Hey!" He exclaimed quietly. "May I ask why Phillip was running around the house naked?" He asked. John chuckled a bit. "After I gave him his bath, I tried getting his clothes on him and said it was bedtime. He claimed that there was a monster under his bed and ran off. You just happened to come home as I was trying to catch him." John explained. "He's definitely has an imagination." "He gets it from you." John responded. He yawned and layed his head on Alex's chest. Alex picked him up and carried him to their room. Alex layed him on their bed and slipped John's shirt over his head. He looked at the scars on chest from where his breasts used to be. John smiled and pulled Alex's face down so he could kiss him. The ring on John's finger glittered in the moonlight streaming through the window. John fell asleep in the arms of his Fiancé.

John was happy with his son and husband-to-be. It all happened because of one more drink than they should have had.

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