~Surprise story~

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(So.... this is a surprise story... obviously by the title... but you guys will figure out what it is soon enough ;) hope you enjoy! And you guys might hate me a bit too. - Peter 💚)

John's P.O.V.

It's been a year since Alex's disappearance. I haven't seen him since that day. I keep hoping that one day he would show up. I don't know if he's even alive... It's pointless to keep hoping for something that's never going to happen. I know he's gone. There is always a feeling inside me that he's still out there, and he's safe. Oh who am I kidding. I don't know if he even survived that gunshot. I called him every night, Every night since his disappearance. I never get a response. I've been a mess ever since he left. It's been beating me to the bone. It's so hard to focus when i don't even know if he's alive and ok, let alone where he is. "Alex..." I started, quieter than usual. "It's me, John. It's day 382... this is my last call." I whispered. "If your still out there, give me a sign, just let me know if your alive and ok, please..." I left the message and threw my phone at the wall in frustration. I began to sob. Please be safe Alex...

Alex's P.O.V.

I woke up to muffled sounds of people shouting and the sounds of wheels on title flooring. I opened my eyes to find people above me wearing scrubs. There was a mask on my face and a searing pain in my abdomen. My ears were ringing and I was drifting in and out of consciousness. "Sir! Sir can you hear me?!" A woman was bending her face down to me. "Sir your going to be alright, we are putting you into emergency surgery." Her muffled voice said. My head was spinning and i was about to pass out. "He's losing too much blood! I don't know if he's going to-"

Everything went black.

I woke up in a white room this time. The quiet sound of beeping filled my ears. I groaned and sat up, only to trigger a series of sharp pains in my stomach. I hissed and layed back down. How did I get to the hospital? Where is John? Is he ok? What about Laff and Herc? I don't know where my father went after that night, but I know he's out there somewhere. Just waiting to pounce. I have to get out of here. He's probably got spies in here, and with me stuck in here it's so easy to capture me. I pulled the IV's out of my arm and stepped out of bed. I immediatly fell to my knees in pain. I can't run like this. I took a deep breath and stood up again. Damn these stupid hospital robes. I walked out of the room, and once I started walking, the pain subsided. "Excuse me sir! Your not supposed to be out of bed!" A doctor yelled. "Sir I need you to get back in bed!" They yelled again. I took off running. "I need security!" Shit just what I need. I ran faster. The searing pain came back, causing me to stumble forward. I found the front door, but people appeared in front of it. I skidded to a halt. "Young man, just come with us and you won't be in trouble."

"Alexander just come with me and nobody gets hurt."

I swept my hands to the sides and threw them away from me, it wasn't hard enough to hurt them though. I ran out the front door and into the woods. While running, I tripped on a tree branch and went tumbling face first into the dirt. I yelped as I hit the ground. I sat up and choked back a sob. I don't know where my friends are, I don't know where my bitch of a father is, I don't know if he's hurting my friends... I don't even know when I'll be able to see John's face again. Tears silently rolled down my cheek as I held my stomach. It hurt like hell. I pulled out my phone and There were 87 missed calls. They were all from Laff, Herc, and John. I wanted to call them back, but I knew my father was monitoring all the calls to find out where I was.

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