handsome, boy does he know it

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John's P.O.V.

It's the weekend thank the Lord! No classes today! No dealing with Jefferson today! Laffayette was litterally dancing out of his room. "Your happy today." I joked. "No classes today!" He said in his strong French accent. "Cool! Me too!" I said. "We should hit up Alex and Herc to see if they classes." I suggested. Laff grinned at me evily. "You just wanna see Alex don't you?" He winked at me and My face turned red. "W-What?" I stuttered. "We all know you like Alex." Laff said, crossing his arms. "Maybe i do..." I mumbled. "Yes! I knew it! BuT yea we should call them to see if they're free today." Laff said. He pulled out his phone and called Herc. "Hey Belle fleur, you and Alex free today?" He asked. "I am, I'm not sure about Alex though. I think he is... hold on." I heard shouting from the other side of the phone. "Yea He's free." Herc confirmed. "Alright! Can you guys come over here Or do you want us to head to your dorm?" Laff asked exitedly. "We can go over there. Just a warning, Alex is wearing some really weird shit... but I think John'll like it." I could practically hear the evil laughter in Laff's brain. "Ok well we will be here waiting for you, Au revoir!" Laff said and hung up. I huffed at him. "What?" He asked. "What do you mean I will like what Alex is wearing?" I asked. "Like I said, we all know you like Alex. Exept for Alex." He grinned at me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a soda from the fridge. I plopped down on the couch and waited for them to arrive.

There was a knock at the door and it opened right after. "Im coming in." Herc bellowed and strutted through the door. Laff ran up to Herc and planted a kiss on his cheek. I fake gagged. Alex walked in and my heart went... BOOM! I quite litterally choked on my drink. Alex was wearing black booty shorts with a black long-sleeved croptop that showed off his defined abs and a white belt. His hair was tied back in a braid that fell over his shoulders. He was also wearing white convers. I knew Alexander had a feminine side but... GODDAMN was he hot today. Laff and Herc bust out laughing when i almost dropped my soda after Alex walked through the door. Alex just looked confused. My face turned bright red and i tried to hide it by covering my face with my Jacket sleeves. Alex grinned when he saw me and plopped down on the couch next to me. He leaned against my arm and put his feet up on the opposite end of the couch. "Hey Johnny!" He said exitedly. "H-hey Alex, nice outfit." I said nervously. "Thanks! The Schuylers did my hair." He chimed. His ass was practically on my leg. Alex offered to make breakfast and Laff smirked at me.

Alex stood at the counter and mixed pancakes. I noticed how he swung his hips as he hummed to himself. Gently mixing the batter as if it were the most precious thing In the world. He hummed a tune I couldn't quite recognize. His dark tawny hair complimented his caramel skin. I didn't realize I was staring at him because Laff threw a crumpled paper at me. It hit me in the head and I shot my eyes at him. There was a ding on my phone.

From LaffyTaffy: I see you staring at Alex's ass

Face face flushed.

To LaffyTaffy: I'm not staring

From LaffyTaffy: YES you are!

To LaffyTaffy: I'm just watching him cook im not staring at his ass.

From LaffyTaffy: Your defeniatley staring at his ass

I rolled my eyes and shut off my phone. I watched Alex again. Pouring the batter and spreading it across the hot pan. I found it amazing that he treated everything as if it were fragile or it would break like glass. He turned around and looked at me with his chocolate eyes. He's so Hot goddamnit. He stood in a position that showed of the curves of his hips. I felt something drip from my nose. A drop of blood ran down my nose and splattered on the couch. I sprung and covered my nose. "What the fuck?" I mumbled as I  ran to the bathroom. Laff saw me run to the bathroom covering my nose and Bust into laughter. Herc and Alex sat there in silence, probably confused. Did that really just happen? I grabbed a tissue and pinched my nose and walked out. Herc looked at me. "What happened?" He asked me. I took the tissue away from my nose to reveal my bleeding nose. He snorted and covered his mouth so he didn't burst into laughter. Why are they laughi- Oh...

"Why are you laughi-?" I was cut off by realization. I glared at them. They were basically rolling on the ground laughing their asses off. I threw my head back so the bleeding would stop. Alex realized my nose was bleeding and stopped what he was doing, and walked over to me. "John are you ok?" He asked. "Yea I'm fine." I mumbled through the tissue on my nose. I put my head down but he pushed it back up. "No. Keep your head back." He said tenderly. I blushed when he put his hand on my cheek to lean my head back. "This is golden." Laff whispered to Herc. I glared at them.

I couldn't help but stare at his uncovered abs. He leaned closer to my ear. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He whispered. I felt my face go dark red. Laff looked over at me and started laughing again. Alex walked away to go back to making pancakes and winked at me. I sat there, blushing, and holding a tissue on my nose. Finally Alex announced the pancakes were ready. We sprung up and raced over to the pancakes. I grabbed about 4 pancakes and poured honey on them. "Honey?" Laff asked. "Yep. People in South Carolina pour honey on their pancakes." (Idk if that's true but just go along with it). I grabbed my plate and sat down on the couch. Alex grabbed his plate and sat right next to me. Laff and Herc sat down on the other couch. Alex was to most adorable thing i have ever seen, even when just eating pancakes. Another ding from my phone went off.

From LaffyTaffy: Your totally Gay for him

To LaffyTaffy: YES I'm Gay you already know that

From LaffyTaffy: Admit it

To LaffyTaffy: Admit what?

From LaffyTaffy: Your in love with him

My heart skipped a beat. I never realized how strong my feelings for him were. I stared at the phone screen. "Your in love with him." Those words floated around in my head, teasing and torturing me. Alex waved his hand across my line of vision. "Earth to John, come in John." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. "You were staring at your phone and not responding to me. You ok?" He asked. I nodded my head. Laff smirked at me. I'm in love with him aren't I?

Laff had to do something and took Herc with him, Leaving me and Alex at the dorm. Alone. We both finished eating our pancakes. He took my plate when he got up and I kindly thanked him. When he came back he stopped in front of me. "How's your nose?" He asked. I took the tissue away, the bleeding had stopped. "Its fine now." I said with a smile. "So... where staring at my was earlier?" He asked almost seductively. "No! I was just watching you cook! Why would i be staring at your ass?" I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt. "Oh come on John, you can't play straight with me." He said rolling his eyes. My face flushed and I mumbled something not even I understood. "You've got some honey on your cheek." He said, giggling. I rubbed my cheek with the napkin. "Did i get it?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nope. Here, let me get it." He leaned in and before I knew what was happening, he pressed his lips against mine. I gasped and he pulled away.  "Oh my gosh I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!" He said, his cheeks turning a light pink. I stood up and grabbed his arm, bringing him closer to me. I smirked. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I whispered close in his ear. He smirked and kissed me again. "Yes!" We continued kissing. He licked my bottom lip. "Your lips taste like honey." He giggled. Before I knew it, he had his legs wrapped around my waist as we made out. He was so sexy, seeing as his bare thighs were on my hips. I set him down on the kitchen counter and we continued to make out. Things got really steamy.

We heard the keys jingling outside the door. "Shit." We mumbled at the same time. We scrambled and plopped on the couch, acting as if nothing ever happened. They walked through the door and looked at us. We were on our phones, panting heavily from the make out session we just had. They stopped in front of us confused. "Have a good time while we were gone?" Herc joked. We both blushed. "Yes, the pancakes were very good. Especially because i made them." Alex shot back. "What were you two doing?" I asked. They held up grocery bags. "Getting more food." Laff said. I had just realized that we both looked a mess. My top button on my shirt was unbuttoned, his hair was falling out of the best braid the Schuylers put it in and my hair was just everywhere. Laff and Herc went to put the groceries away and he winked at me.

Oh boy.

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