The Locket (pt. 4)

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John's P.O.V.

I woke up laying on a rock with Angelica, Peggy, Eliza, and my father looking over me. Wait, where am I? How are they here? No... no no! I'm back home?! I shot up from the rock, startling everyone. "John your alright!" Peggy exclaimed and hugged me.Can i talk? "P-peggy..." My voice is back. "John w-what happened?!" Eliza exclaimed. I ignored her. "Where i-is he?" My voice was shaky. Peggy's expression dropped. "John... you were stabbed... we took you back here because it was the only way you would survive..." Then I remembered the knife going through my chest. Alex screamed just before I blacked out... I can still remember his terrified face.  I looked down and there was my tail, and no stab wound. I was back at square one. "NONONONONO!" I cried. I bolted up to the surface. Alex wasn't anywhere in sight. My heart fell to my feet, or fins I should say. I slowly sank back under the water. I'm never going to see him again... "Son..." My father put his arm on my shoulder. "No No No..." I repeated over and over again. "John..." My father said in a more stern tone. I turned to look at him, tears welling in my eyes. "Your safe now... and you will always be safe down here." He said. "But being safe doesn't mean being happy! I was so happy up there! If I get stabbed every time I go beyond the surface, GODDAMNIT I WILL I WILL DIE UP THERE IF IT MEANS THERE'S EVEN A CHANCE OF BEING HAPPY!" I screamed. The tears finally started rolling down my face. I thought my father would be angry, but He just had a look of sympathy on his face. I broke down sobbing. There was an uneasy silence all around us. Everyone had turned their attention towards me. "H-how long has i-it b-been?" I asked through tears. "Three-" Eliza paused. "Three days." She said.

-Time skip to 3 months later-

I went up to the surface every evening. Alex always came out and listened to me sing like he had done before we met. I don't know if he knows that it's me or not... but that doesnt matter. He looked out at the water every night at sundown. He was waiting for me to come back. Sometimes he would just listen to me sing, or sometimes he would tell me how much he missed me. It hurt to watch him hace hope, but I wasn't returning. I wanted to just show him that I was alive and okay... but I knew I couldn't. One night however, he didnt come out. I waited and sang, but He didn't come out. He had given up on me. I'm sure he found a girl that he loved and married her. I'm sure he doesn't even care about me. He forgot about me... or lost hope on me. The next morning was dreadful. It felt like my entire world just got stepped on. I heard something splash in the distance. My father must have heard it too, because he was looking in the same direction I was. There was a swarm of bubbles surrounding something I couldn't identify. I thought it was wood or a rock or something. But when the bubbles cleared, I realized it was a human. They were being dragged down by a metal ball attached to a chain, a sort of anchor. Their long dark hair was floating upward from the force pulling down. It was sinking towards the bottom. Their gonna drown! Something made my heart beat faster. I don't know what, or why, but it was drawing me closer. Then, my heart stopped.

It was Alex.

My eyes widened as I froze. No no he can't be here... what is he doing? Is he trying to drown himself?! I bolted for his sinking body, only to be stopped by my father. "I'M NOT LETTING HIM DROWN!" I screamed and jerked my hand away from his grip. "I'M NOT LETTING HIM DIE DAMNIT!" I swam at breakneck speed towards him. His eyes met with mine briefly before they slowly closed.


Alex's P.O.V.

It's been 3 months since I had last seen John. I go out every day to the ocean hoping and waiting for him to come back. I don't even know if he's alive or- I just don't know. I feel it in my bones that he's still alive. Whenever I go to the beach, I hear beautiful singing coming from the distance. I know its him. Don't ask me how. I just know it's him. I see him in my dreams every night, and i hear that beautiful singing voice every time. I know he's out there somewhere singing. I've never heard his voice but I know it's beautiful. One day, I just had enough.

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