Kiss Cam

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John's P.O.V.

"Come on! Hit the puck!" Alexander screamed from the seat next to me. The Revolutionary squad was at a hockey game... you can imagine how that went. "PULL UP YOUR SKIRTS PRINCESSES, YOUR NOT IN BALLET CLASS ANYMORE!" Herc roared, causing me to flinch. "Jesus Herc, can you get any louder?!" I exclaimed. Almost everyone was out out their seats and screaming insults at the opposing team. I rolled my eyes and sipped the Sam Adams in my hand. The hockey puck was dancing from player to player, it was almost impossible to follow. "One minute 'till 2nd quarter!" The announcer boomed overhead. The audience members started Chanting for our team. "COME ON!" "Let's go!" "The goal is the other way you idiots!" I looked at Alex who was screaming and jumping around, getting all riled up from the intense game. He was adorable when he got exited. His eyes shone like a 6-year old at a candy shop, and his neatly combed ponytail bounced around underneath his baseball cap with the NY hockey team name on it. His cheeks were slightly red from all the yelling. The buzzer went off, signaling that intermission had started. Alex fell back in his chair in defeat. "Are you having fun?" I asked. He chuckled. "Lots of it." He responded. "It would be better if you'd share some dip n' dots with me." He added. He gave me puppy dog eyes. Why do you have to be so cute? How can I say no to that?! "Sounds like a deal." I said. We headed out to buy the Dip n' dots. "Where you headed?" Laff asked, wiping some mustard off his lips from the pretzel he was eating. "Goin to grab some dip n' dots with Alex." I said. "Cute." He teased. I took a handful of popcorn from Peggy's popcorn container and chucked it at Laff. Both Peggy and Laff glared at me. I've liked Alex for a long time and everyone pretty much knows... exept for Alex. I would NEVER tell him that though. "Sorry Pegs." I said. "He deserved it though." I added.

After getting the Dip n' dots, me and Alex shared them. It was hilarious to see him attempt to eat them through a straw after giving me the little spoon. "Are you sure you don't want the spoon?" I asked between fits of giggles. "No! I'm determined to do this!" He said, very focused on the container of tiny liquid nitrogen balls in front of him. I couldn't stop myself from bursting out laughing. He had some chocolate on his cheek, so I took a napkin and tried to get it off. But I just got a strange look. "You have chocolate on your cheek." I explained. He rubbed his cheek. "Did I get it?" I shook my head. Without thinking, I licked my cheek and rubbed it off. "Okay mom." He joked. "Sorry, when you have a like 5 siblings, it's just an instinct." I explained. "Its okay, it's kinda cute." He must not have meant to say that because he had a look of surprise after he said it. I blushed HARD and so did he.

Alex's P.O.V.

Fuck. Fuck. I messed up. SHIT. How do i get out of this one? He's so cute, it just slipped out. FML.

Laff's P.O.V.


John's P.O.V.

"Alright everyone! It's time for... Kiss Cam!" The announcer said over the speakers. The jumbotron showed different people inside of a little heart filter on the screen and they were supposed to kiss. What I didn't expect was the camera landing on me... and Alex.

We looked at each other and immediately shook our heads and waved our arms frantically at the camera. The whole group started cheering for us and chanting something. NOPE NOPE NOPE THIS IS NOT HAPPENING I AM NOT KISSING ALEX NOPE NOPE LORD JESUS PLEASE HELP ME. Our faces just kept getting darker and darker red. We kept saying no, but the camera stayed on us. My stomach erupted with butterflies and my heart was beating at the speed of a railroad track. I finally figured out what the group was chanting. "LAMS! LAMS! LAMS! LAMS! LAMS!" It's a fucking ship name. I fucking knew it. I sighed in relief when the camera moved onto other people. Alex and I looked at each other like "Did that really just happen?" Alex and I blushed madly from the incident. Everyone in the group was freaking out again. I looked up at the jumbotron AND WOULDNT YOU KNOW IT... ME AND ALEX WERE ON THE KISS CAM AGAIN. Who is controlling this thing?! I gave him a "what do we do?" look. He shrugged nervously. We really had no other choice. OMGOMGOMGOMG.

We both started leaning in until we couldn't lean in anymore. That's when we kissed. It was just a short sweet kiss, but it was a long enough kiss to make my face turn beet red. DID... DID I JUST KISS HIM?! I was completley freakingthefuckout on the inside, but I managed to stay calm on the outside. His lips tasted like chocolate and my senses were filled with nothing but love. We pulled away and I buried my face in my hands to hide my burning red face.  The squad totally flipped out and started cheering. Alex hugged me and apologized over and over again. "You don't have to apologize." I said. Here goes nothing...

He looked at me in confusion. "It-it wasn't bad... I liked it." I stuttered out. "You liked it?" He asked. I nodded shyly. "Do you... wanna do it again?" He asked nervously. I nodded again. We shared another kiss but it was longer and full of passion. I closed my eyes.

This is the best hockey game ever!

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