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Alex's P.O.V.

John screamed as I threw him into the pool. There was a loud splash followed by more screams and laughter as he hit the water. Peggy was laughing her ass off as she helped Maria set off sparklers. John's head popped out of the water and he glared at me. "You Jerk!" I laughed as he made his way over to the edge of the pool. He hoisted himself out of the water and walked over to me, his wet feet slapping against the concrete around the pool. Water dripped from the ruffles on his swim top and his long hair. John always wears women's bikinis instead of swim trunks, he claims that they are a lot more comfortable than swim trunks. Whatever makes him happy. In all honesty, he looks adorable in them. So I'm not complaining. He's very feminine so it suits him. The swimsuit he was wearing had ruffles on the top in the red white and blue pattern, and his bottoms were cut quite high with little strings on the sides. The swim bottoms showed off his ass and almost feminine curves. I love my cute little boyfriend.

He walked up to me with his arms crossed. "Your a jerk." He mumbled. "But you love me anyways." I cooed. He rolled his eyes. "Sometimes." He joked. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "You dont deserve this for being mean to me... but your really comfy." He nuzzled his nose into my chest. "You smell like cologne." He got closer to me. "Your getting me all wet." I laughed. "Payback." He said. He shook his hair, sending water flying all over me. "Hey!" I exclaimed. I picked him up and he started thrashing around as I threw him into the water again. I heard another splash and saw Peggy laughing as hard as she could at Maria, who was now in the water. "Margarita Schuyler!" She exclaimed. John glared at me as his head came out of the water. "If you are just gonna keep throwing me into the water, just get in yourself!" He exclaimed. By now Laff was practically rolling on the ground with laughter. I stripped my shirt off and jumped into the pool after John. He shrieked and swam in the other direction, but I was faster than him and I grabbed him. He shrieked again and burst into a fit of giggles. "Alex! You got water all the way over here!" Angie shouted from the chairs on the pool deck. As a response, I splashed water at her, receiving a flip flop thrown at my head. Luckily I got out of the way in time. "Laff can you throw me a beer?" I shouted and Laff threw me a Sam Adams. I took a chug from it and offered it out to John. "Want a sip?" I asked. He immediately made a face at it. "How do you drink that stuff?! It tastes disgusting!" He fake threw up. I shrugged and took a sip, making him gag.

Eliza announced that she found the popsicles and started throwing them at us. I got a red one and John got a blue one. I bit off the end of mine and John just stared at me with a pained expression on his face. "What's the matter?" I asked. "You just bit into a popsicle! Your doing it wrong!" He exclaimed. "Oh yea, the how are you supposed to do it?" I joked. "Like this!" He licked it teasingly with a devilish smirk on his face. I watched as he bobbed his head up and down on the popsicle like it was... something else. I felt me pants grow tight as his smirk grew. He played the innocent card, but he knew all too well what he was doing. "You little tease." I couldn't help but laugh. I lunged at him and he squealed but I caught him before he could go anywhere. He wrapped his long skinny legs around my waist and put his arms around my neck. I rested my hands on his Ass and he rolled his eyes. "You brought this upon yourself." I said and pinched his ass. He squealed and wiggled. "I touched the butt." I whispered. "Hey!" He slapped my chest playfully.

He rested his head on mine and started playing with my wet hair. God I love him so much. I pecked his lips, which made him giggle. I kissed him again but this time it was more than just a peck. My heart got all fuzzy. Just a kiss from him turns me into a giddy little fanboy inside. As if it couldn't get anymore cliché, fireworks exploded in the dark sky above us. I pulled away from our kiss and dove under the water. I lifted him up on my shoulders and we watched the fireworks. All different colors flashed through the sky. Each color reflected in his eyes. Watching the fireworks explode in his eyes was the most beautiful thing ever. We watched the fireworks for the rest of the night while eating our popsicles.

"Happy 4th of July baby."

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