Where are you? pt. 2

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Alex's P.O.V.

It's been two months Since John has gone missing and they still haven't found him. They keep assuring me that they will find him. Alive or dead is still the question. I can't focus at all. I know he's out there, its just a gut feeling. I dont know when they'll find him, If he's Alive, or If they'll find him at all. They say that I just need to continue my life normally and that they will find him and he will come home... he'll come home... How am I supposed to continue with family life like nothing ever happened If my best friend and the person I'm IN LOVE WITH HAS BEEN FUCKING MISSING FOR TWO MONTHS?!?!?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CONCENTRATE AND STAY CALM WHEN IM TERRIFIED THAT HE IS GOING TO DIE OUT THERE ALL ALONE AND WILL NEVER VE ABLE TO LIVE TO SEE ANITHER DAY?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO STAY CALM WHEN I DONT KNOW IF HE IS GOING TO LIVE TO GO TO COLLEGE AND HAVE A GREAT LIFE SOMEDAY?!?!?!?!?!

I heard a knock at the door. I didnt realize I was wheezing and sobbing until then. Someone opened the door and I turned around to see my mother standing there. "Alex honey..." she came and hugged me. "Honey I know Its hard, but you need to sleep. This isn't good. They will find John and bring him home..." she knew there wasn't much hope for that, but she keeps lying anyway. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP WHEN I'M SCARED THAT I MAY NEVER GET TO SEE MY BEST FRIEND AGAIN?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP WHEN THE MAN I LOVE IS MISSING AND MAY NEVER BE FOUND?!" I snapped. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP WHEN I DONT KNOW WHEN THEY'LL FIND HIM O-OR IF THEY'LL FIND HIM AT ALL?!" Tears started streaming down my face. "I-I don't know when im going t-to get to see his face, or when i get t-to hear his voice again. I dont know if i-I'm ever going to walk with him through the p-park, or go to school with him every Day." It was getting harder to speak, I was choking out every word. "I-I just want to see him smile ag-again. I'm TERRIFIED of answering that phone because im s-scared if I do, John- he-he will be gone. So HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP WITH THE CONSTANT FEAR THAT MY LOVED ONE IS GOING TO DIE OUT ALL ALONE AND I'M NEVER GOING TO SEE HIM AGAIN?!" I broke down into tears. "IT'S all my fault." I slammed my head down on the desk and cried. My mother stayed silent. "Honey... it's not your fault..." she finally spoke. "YES IT IS! IF I HAD JUST GONE WITH HIM HOME, I COULD HAVE PROTECTED HIM! A-AND HE WOULDNT BE MISSING!! HE COULD BE DYING RIGHT NOW! WHAT IF SOMEONE IS BEATING THE LIVING DAYKIGHTS OUT OF HIM?! WHAT IF HE'S BEING RAPED?! WHAT IF THEY ARE JUST TORTURING RIGHT NOW?! HE HAS A LIFE! HE HAS MORTIFIED PARENTS WHO ARE HOLDING ON TO WHAT LITTLE HOPE THEY HAVE LEFT THAT THEIR MISSING SON IS GOING TO COME HOME! H-HE HAS AN EDUCATION, HE COULD GO TO PROM IN A COUPLE YEARS! HE COULD HAVE A FAMILY SOMEDAY! BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS IF HE'S DEAD!" I choked on my own tears and hiccuped. "P-Please just leave me alone."

- A few days Later -

I was sitting in class with my favorite teacher, Mr. Washington, when suddenly the announcements came on. Everyone jumped from the loud noise coming from the speakers. "Alexander Hamilton come to the office IMMEDIATLEY! Again, Alexander Hamilton report to the front office IMMEDIATLEY!" The urgency in her voice made me spring upright. Everyone in the class was staring at me. I was so confused on why I was going to the front office, then I thought of the only reason.


When the realization hit me, I grabbed my stuff as fast as I could and bolted to the front office. When I reached the door I was out of breath. I saw police officers standing by the desk talking to the principal, with my mother beside them. But I didn't see John. "Mom!" I exclaimed and ran towards her. She turned, and that's when I saw the tears in her eyes. My heart sank to my stomach. "M-mom?" I stepped forward cautiously. "Th-they found John..." she whispered. "I-I-" she tried to speak, but sobs were all that came out. The principal was now crying too. My mind was racing. They found him, so why is she crying?

"Sir, we would like to speak with you alone." The woman officer from before said. "No, If you have something to s-say, just say it now." I blurted out. The officers looked at each other and then at me. "Just tell me already!" I felt tears rising. "Wh-where is John?!" I cried. The lady officer took a deep breath. "We found John Laurens in the woods by the highway with bruises covering his body..." when the words escaped her lips My insides flipped. "He wasn't breathing when we found him... we estimate that his death occurred sometime in the early morning from multiple traumas to the head and other places..." she continued. I stood there in shock, just listening. "He was beaten almost to death and thrown out to die..." the other officer said. Emotions mixed in my brain. Anger, sadness, grief, guilt, denial.

Anger took over. "You said..." I mumbled. "You s-said you'd bring him back ALIVE! YOU SAID HE WOULD COME HOME! Thats your JOB! YOUR JOB WAS TO FIND HIM AND BRING HOME HOME ALIVE! YOU LIED! YOU SAID H-HE WAS ALIVE! YOU SAID!" I screamed. "YOU JUST LIE! YOU TOLD ME THAT HE WOULD BE SAFE, AND YOU JUST FLAT OUT LIED TO MY FACE!" My mom tried to calm me down but I just slapped her hand away.

Then sadness took over. I walked out the door and sat on the bench outside and cried. Grief. What am I going to do now? He's gone forever. Murdered by some bitch who likes beating children to death and throwing them out like trash, leaving them to rot. Guilt. If I had only gone home with him, he would have been able to see another day.

I stared at John's pale corpse. He was covered entirely with huge bruises and deep cuts. His eyes that were once emerald green, were now fogged over and misty grey-green. Just looking at him made my stomach churn. Who would do this to such and innocent child. The only thing that really had life in them, were his freckles. Still shining like copper in the sun. He was so skinny, he looked like a walking skeleton.

Whoever did this is gonna pay.

(Sorry I've been writing sad one shots lately... I just wanted to write something sad idk. Im gonna write an alternate ending to this because i couldn't decide between two ideas so this is ending #1 and #2 will be coming soon!

Jeez I sound like a Disney movie commercial)

- Peter 💖💛💙

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