One drink too many (pt.1)

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(John is trans)

John woke up in bed. He groaned and squinted as the light coming through the blind shined right in his eyes. As his eyes adjusted to the brightly lit room, his head started spinning. He sat up in his bed, but stopped when he realized that those weren't his sheets. He wasn't in his bed. His eyes shot around the unfamiliar room. Finally, he remembered going to Laff and Herc's party.... and drinking more than he should have. Suddenly, he felt something shuffle beside him. That's when he realized he was completley naked.

He froze.

He slowly turned his head towards the sleeping figure next to him. His heart nearly stopped after he saw it was Alex. Oh my god... did we... my best friend? John felt his stomach jump and ran to the bathroom and threw up from the mixed emotions and alcohol. Alex woke up to the sounds of John throwing up. He groaned as the pounding headache hit. Hangovers are a bitch. He looked down and saw he was naked. He immediately panicked. Who did I fuck??? He got dressed back up and waited to face whoever was in that bathroom. John stepped out in an oversized t-shirt he found that went down passed his knees, covering his shorts. He stopped when he saw Alex in front of him, his eyes wide with fear. "John?" He asked cautiously. John grabbed his phone and ran out the door, Alex on his heels. "Wait! Please-" John slammed the front door in his face. What have I done? Laff and Herc stared at him from the couch. "Please don't tell me That's who I thought it was..." Laff asked. "It was John..." Alex answered, regretfully. He ran his hand through his messy hair. "Did you guys-?" "Please don't." Alex interrupted. "Holy shit dude." Herc muttered. Alex sank into the chair across from Laff and Herc. Alex was on the verge of completley flipping out, and the headache wasn't helping. "Please tell me John is older than 16..." A million thoughts were racing through his mind. "He's..." Laff paused. "Oh my god he's 16." Laff remembered. Alex sank deeper into his guilt. "What am I going to do?!? What if I ruined our friendship?! That isn't even a what if! I ruined everything! I fucked a 16 year old! And ecen worse, My best friend!" Alex exclaimed. "YOU fucked up Alex." Herc responded. Alex was whimpering and muttering to himself, trying to process what just happened. Alex's eyes widened. "Oh my god what if he-he's pregnant?!?!?" He exclaimed. "Alex calm down it was one time. That's not enough to get someone pregnant." Laff said.

John slammed his bedroom door shut and leaned against it, sliding down to the floor. He buried his face in his hands. He thought back to the party, trying to figure out what happened.

Alex walked up next to John. "Hey there." John turned and smiled at Alex. "Hey." Alex took a sip of the beer in his hands. "I thought you weren't a party person." Alex said. "I'm not, My parents made me come. They thought it would make me "less socially akward." He chuckled. "In reality, it's just making my anxiety worse." John looked at the cup in Alex's hand. "Is that beer?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" John snatched the cup from Alex and chugged a gulp of the brown liquid. He coughed as it burned his throat. "What the hell John?" Alex couldn't stop laughing at his innocent friend. "God he's so cute." Alex thought to himself. "How do you drink that stuff?! That's disgusting!" He exclaimed, gagging at the taste still in his mouth. "What'd you do that for?" Alex asked, handing John a coke. "I wanted to see how bad it was. I'm trying new things." John answered. "Hey Alex, could I try that again?" He asked. Alex held out the cup and John took another sip, gagging as it went down, but managed to keep it down. "That wasnt as bad as the first one." He coughed. Alex laughed. After about 3 hours of drinking later, John and Alex were both drunk out of their minds. John looked at Alex. Since when was Alex so hot? I mean, it's not like he hasn't always been hot, but damn... He was just wow. When did it get so warm in Laff and Herc's house? Alex looked over at the drunk John. He's so cute when he's drunk. I wonder what he'd look like in just his binder...

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