Ghost Jon x child reader

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Authors note:

I always wanted to read this oneshot but nobody made it, so I made one. I thought a lot about how Jon would feel about beeing a ghost. I hope you enjoy!

Your Pov:

A few weeks ago your family moved into one of the two rebuild houses that was destroyed by this 'incident'. There were rumours some giant robot would have destroyed parts of the neighbourhood but you didn't think you should believe them.

You tried to make some friends there but because you were new you haven't found any before. You really missed your old friends but when you told them you would move away they became angry and said they don't want you to come back.

You didn't really like the two men who sold your family the house and owned it bevore you. Their names were Eduardo and Mark or something like that. They behaved arrogantly and when you visited the house the first time the one who wore green whispered to his friend: "I hope they buy it soon enough. There are too many memories about the idiot. I don't want to see anything from him again."

Today your parents would visit a little party in the city centre so you would be home alone the whole evening. You didn't expect your partents to come back home until 2 am. That was awesome because when does a twelve-year-old get the chance to be the king of the house and do what he/she wants?

So the first thing that you did when you heared your parents car driving away was bringing cola and crisps into the living room and start to watch a ghost film your parents would say you are too young for. But hey, they were not here so who would tell them? You liked ghost stories. Even if your parents said some of them weren't good for you, you would watch them. Others were fans of vampire stories like Twilight, right? Also you couldn't watch normal channels on TV. When you turn on the TV you would always see awkward aliens.

The half of the film was over when suddenly you started hearing something coming from the three bedrooms. It sounded like... a voice.

You was a little bit scared but you were not a baby anymore so you grabbed a flashlight and looked where the noises came from.

Jons Pov:

Honestly, beeing a ghost isn't that bad but I felt quite lonely. My friends moved out of the city and they didn't seem to come back. If they knew I am still here...

I wasn't in my room since I died. Why did I die anyway? A giant rocket killed me but why was I the innocent person who get killed? My life wasn't very nice but that doesn't mean I didn't liked it to be alive.

"Why me?!", I cried. "That isn't fair!"

I flew in the middle of my old room and tears rolled down my tears while I thought about old times. Eduardo would say I am weak. I always wanted to be like him and did almost everything he wanted but he always said "I never liked you" or "I wish you are dead". He was my hero but he always hurted me with his words. I wanted to be like him, that he was proud of me and liked me even if had to hurt people he hated but I didn't hate.

"I want to go back.", I whispered. "I want to be alive again."

Suddenly I noticed a girl/boy who stood at the door and stared at me with big eyes. There was a moment of silence. I stared at the twelve-year-old, the twelve-year old stared at me. Then the kid fell into a faint. That was bad luck. The first Person I met was able to see ghosts.

"Oh my god! What shall I do, what shall I do, what shall I do?!", I repeated myself.

Well, that was really bad. I was a ghost in my old bedroom and a child that passed out laying infront of me. I didn't know the kid. I had never saw him/her before. Could it be that Eduardo and Mark... sold the house?

I carefully took the child in my arms and put it on my bed. I never had been strong when I lived so it hadn't really changed after I did. The thing that I had to concentrate to hold him/her so that him/her didn't fall through me didn't make it any easier. I had absolutely no idea what I should do when He/she would wake up.

Your Pov:

You came up resting on the bed in the blue painted bedroom. First you didn't know what happened until you saw the blue glowing ghost between twenty and thirty years old flying next to you who looked at you worried. You sat up.

You stared at him again. You was able to look straight through him.  It wasn't every day that you saw something supernatural in real life. Weakness, that was the thing you felt in this moment. The ghost could posses you and you couldn't do anything against it.

But... would he really going to hurt you? He doesn't seem like he loves hurting people at all.

"Er...Hi." The ghost seemed as nervous as you. "I-I guess we had a...not so good first meet, had we?",  he stuttered. "I am Jon. And...who are you?"

"I am Y/N.  Will you hurt me?", you asked carefully.

Jon looked at you shocked. "What? Why should I hurt you I meet you the first time! Besides I...." He interrupt himself. "P-please don't laugh, okay?"

"Okay...", you said slowly.

"I don't have any friends. N-not anymore. This... was the home of me and my best friends." Then he broke out in tears. You put a hand on his shoulder. Or better: You tried. Your arm went through him.

"Your friends are... Eduardo and Mark, aren't them?" He nodded. In this short moment you wanted to slap his friends. Was he the 'idiot' they talked about?

"Sorry for asking but... how did you even die?", You wanted to know. You watched him curious.

"A rocket from something like... a giant robot, I guess. I can''t remember everything. It happened so fast.", he said with tears in his eyes. 

"Really? is it? How is it to...die this way.?" You asked him nervous.

He looked at you with sad eyes. "It's painful. I don't think anyone deserves to die like me. Not even the person who killed me with his machine."

"Someone...someone KILLED you?!", you gasped. "Who would do something like that?!"

John's little black eyes were full of pain. "I don't know. Someone my neighbours knew, I think." He trembled uncontrollaby. "I don't have any friends.", he repeated.

"I...I can be your friend if you want to.", you told to him. Jon looked at you for a moment.

"R-really, Y/N? Do you really want to be friend with a ghost? The other kids will think you are a freak when you talk to yourself.", he answered.

"Why talking to myself?", you asked confused.

"Because you seem to be one of those people who can see and hear ghosts."

"If it is like you say why are you the first ghost I meet? Aren't ghosts everywhere?"

"I have never seen any ghost except for me.", Jon explained.

You hiked your shoulders. You didn't really care about it. "I don't think I will find some friends here. Most children here behave selfish. And better a ghost as a friend than no friends.", you spoke out your thoughts. "I think it's pretty cool to have a ghost friend actually. You can do things most people could never do. And also you seem to be cool."

"Thank you.", he smiled. You smiled back. Then he suddenly hugged you. For a moment you were surprised but then you hugged him back.

You yawned tired. Jon noticed it. "You should go sleep, Y/N", he wispered.

"My parents will kill me if the TV is still on when they arrive.", you mumbled.

"I can turn it of. And... You can sleep here if you want to.", Jon offered you.

"Thanks.", you said and layed down on his bed again. You eyes closed and while he turned the TV off you fell asleep.

You both finally found a new friend.

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