Matt x trapped in a mirror child reader

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Matt's Pov:

"Guys! Guys, my mirror is broken!", I cried while running into the living room. When I arrived I looked at my friends who were sitting on the sofa watching a boring show called 'Professor Why'.

Tom rolled with his 'eyes' and turned the TV off while Edd answered "You have hundreds of mirrors. Go and find one of them in your room. Just stop annoying us."

"But that was my favourite one!", I replied. "My favourite mirror was the best mirror in the world!"

Tom muttered something rude and sarcastic and Edd sighed. They didn't care about any of my stuff, I could see they didn't. As long as I didn't 'annoy' them everything was great in their opinion.

"Matt, why don't you do something helpful like go shopping?", Edd asked. A good idea, but I didn't want to buy stuff for them.

"I will go to the magic shop and buy a new mirror", I growled. It hurts when people don't care about you and the things you love. It really, really hurts.

"Alright, but buy some cola, too, please!", Edd answered.

"Stupid Edd, stupid Tom", I muttered furiously while I opened the front door and left our house. "They don't know what's awesome."

But on the way to the magic shop I calmed down and after I entered the shop I was happy again. There were just too much cool stuff to be angry.

A lot of strange but cool things were on the shelves like a love potion, the skeleton of a dinosaur and a cursed film.

The woman who sold Tom the donut box walked around with a mirror in her hands as big as the one I got here the last time. I fell in love with it right in that moment. It just looked so awesome...even better than my favourite mirror...

"Excuse me, but how much does this mirror cost?", I asked her. She turned around and stared at me.

"You really shouldn't buy that mirror", she answered in a quiet voice. "That's a very bad idea."

"Why?", I questioned curious.

"The woman who owned it...was a real witch and people say there is a curse on the mirror. She is in prison because someone... disappeared."

"As long as I can see myself in it I don't mind", I replied. "And you also told my friend there was a curse on the box, but that was wrong. Why should I take your word for it?"

The woman shook her head. "A little boy/girl disappeared because of that witch one month ago. It's really a serious problem. Do yourself a favour and find something else you want to buy."

"I don't care. A mirror is a mirror. How much does it-?"

"We don't SELL cursed antiquities, silly. Our costumers need to know that they are dangerous."

"So it's free? Awesome!!" I grabbed the mirror and ran out of the shop. The mirror felt warm and like a living object, but I didn't mind that.

On my way back home I remembered Edd's cola and even bought some Smirnoff for Tom. I just felt great, so why don't make them feel great, too?

"Oh, hey Matt, you are back!", Edd greeted me when I entered the living room. They were  still sitting on the sofa, still watching 'Professor Why'.

"Hey guys!", I smiled.

"Cola!", Edd shouted when he saw what I had in my hands and grabbed the cola can. Tom just rolled with his eyes and took the Smirnoff. "Thanks", he said.

I walked into my room and put the special mirror on the wall, next to one of my favourite pictures of myself. Then I walked in the kitchen to drink some milk.

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