Tiny Tord x child reader part one

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Your Pov:

"Tord, I'm bored! Please play with meee!", you whined. "Please play with me, it's so boring!"

Tord gave you an annoyed look and looked back on his weird magazine. "No."

"Why not? You never play with me!" You jumped on the couch and pouted.

"Because I have no time to play with you, dwarf." Tord turned the page and grinned because of something you couldn't see. You wondered what it was, but every time you had asked the others before they became angry at Tord. You didn't want him to hate you, so you stopped asking.

"I am not a dwarf!"

"Yes, you are a dwarf", Tord muttered.

Tom entered the room, yawning and stumbled over one of Matt's plushies, falling on the ground. Tord chuckled. "Good morning, sleepyhead. Looks like you drank too much yesterday. Does Edd know about it?"

"Fuck you, commie", Tom growled.

"Hey, no bad words in front of Y/N!", Edd shouted and walked in the room, not caring he stepped on Tom's leg. "Tord, are you reading hentai with a kid in here?! You know what I told you!!"

"That's better than being drunk while babysitting like Tom was yesterday", Tord answered. You wanted to shelter Tom from blame, but before you could open your mouth he did. "I wasn't that drunk! I only drank...one bottle. Or two. Or was it three?" He stood up from the ground and glared at Tord. "It doesn't matter, reading hentai is worse."

"Hentai is life", Tord answered and looked at him for a second. "And you can't change that."

Edd rolled with his eyes. "Whatever Guys, Matt and I are going in the new supermarket in town to do the grocery shopping. You two will keep an eye on Y/N."

"I can't, I have no eyes", Tom replied.

Edd sighed. "Then Tord will-"

"Why me? Why can't I go shopping with you and Matt takes care of him/her?", Tord wanted to know.

"Don't you remember what happened the last time Matt did, Tord?"


Edd, Tord and Tom came into the kitchen with four shopping bags, seeming happy and relaxed until-

"What happened here?!", Edd yelled and looked at you.

"I...um...wanted to bake a cake", you answered and smiled nervous. You were covered in flour and the floor was, too. It looked like it had snowed in there, but it hadn't.

"Wasn't Matt supposed to make food for you?", Tord questioned.

"Oh, I asked him to do it, but he was just looking into his mirror and said 'I will when I'm finished talking to this attractive man' every time I went in his room and asked him, so..."

"Hey, you are finally back!", Matt smiled, entering the kitchen. His three friends glared at him. "What? Did I do something wrong?"

"Matt is an idiot. He can't take care of Y/N, so you guys will", Edd said, took Tord's magazine and bunged it in the bin.

"But Edd-"

"Who is the one who lets you live here?", Edd asked.

Tord sighed and muttered "You."

"Good. Then there is no problem with you babysitting Y/N for today. See you later!" Edd left the room and a minute later you saw him and Matt walking down the road.

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