Red Leader Tord x child reader part one

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Your Pov:

As the son/daughter of the Orange Leader (you can change that into a different colour if you want to) you grew up to become the next Leader.

Your father was a strict man who was never afraid of anything and treated his soldiers with respect. He even gave his enemies the chance to join him after he beat them. Only traitors were punished.

But then there were rumours about a Red Leader, a young man from Norway who betrayed his friends and whose army became strong. Some soldiers of your father's army left and went to the other army to see if the rumours were true and tell it your father after they came back, but nobody came back.

So your father wanted to fight against this Red Army and kill their leader before it was too late.

"Daddy, please don't go!", you cried when he was with you in his office and prepared his weapons. "I don't want you to get hurt! Let me come with you and protect you!"

"Don't worry, Y/N, we are going to win that war", he smiled at you. "As long as we fight against them you will stay here where it's safe. War is not good for a six year old."

"But daddy..."

"My little army leader don't want to get hurt, right? Promise me not to leave this room until I'm back." He knew you would do what he told you if he used the nickname he gave you.

"I promise, daddy", you answered.

"Good, but don't touch daddy's things, okay?"

You nodded and your father left the room. "See you later, little army leader", he said, then he locked the door and it became silent.

Now you were in your father's office, completely alone. You took a puppet of a soldier you got as a birthday present and played with it.

It became boring after a while, so you started walking around and looking at your father's weapon collection. He had guns, but also weapons which were pretty useful before guns were invented.

You couldn't tell how many hours passed and you wished to know what happened outside, but you promised your father to stay in his office.

After a while, you decide to play with the soldier puppet again. You took the puppet, went to your father's desk and crawled under it because you thought the surrounding was way more fun.

Suddenly you heard someone coming to the office. "Daddy?", you whispered. You heard voices, but none of them  was your father's voice.

You were afraid and concealed yourself in the rearmost corner under the desk.

Then your heard the door to the office opening.

"Red Leader, what are we going to do with the survivors?", one voice asked. Red Leader... They beat us. That means...daddy is dead?

You could here at least three people entering the room. Can they hear me when I am breathing? You didn't want to find out, so you held your breath.

"The survivors are allowed to join us, the soldiers who don't do that can do whatever they want as long as they don't join another enemy", a voice with a funny accent you didn't recognise replied.

"It's a pity the Orange Leader died", the first voice sighed. "He seemed to be a good soldier. He could have joined us." Your eyes filled with tears. Daddy is really dead.

"Pat, it's not your fault", another voice responded.

"Whatever. Paul, Patryk, you two are going to talk to the survivors. I am going to look at the Orange Leader's plans", the voice with the funny accent said.

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