Demon Tord x child reader part two

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Author's note:

I'm happy that you liked the demon Tord x child reader oneshot. Here is part two of it. A special thanks to the people who read my  oneshots. I hope you enjoy it.

Your Pov:

It had been over a week since Tord scared your babysitter and put her to rout. Your parents had been very angry when they found out that she had left you alone for a couple of hours.

You were a bit sad that the demon still wasn't there to become your new babysitter but at least your parents hadn't found a new babysitter yet. Instead of a babysitter a neighbour took care of you until your parents find a new one.

It was a nice old lady but she was deaf and she sometimes forgot that you were there and just read a book until it was time for her to go. When she read a book, a train could drive in the house and the old woman wouldn't even notice it because she turned off her hearing aid. Because she didn't make food for you, you had to do it yourself but it was okay after you found a cookbook in one of the shelves in the kitchen.

You really missed Tord and wanted that he came back but you didn't even know where he was living.

But then, on a sunday evening while you played with a ball in the garden you heard someone opening the frontdoor. But the old lady read a book about a romance and you parents wouldn't come back before midnight. Who could this be? And who would have the key to your house except for... your old babysitter.

You ran to the frontdoor but it was too late: an older girl, your babysitter, entered the house. She had a wicked glint in her eyes and looked like she would hurt you any moment.

"So what have we got here?  Y/N, the little freak. When your parents come home I will tell them that you played a dirty trick on me to get rid of me and almost kill me. I will say that you are terrible little child. A liar. Your parents HAVE to believe me because why should I lie to them? I am a beautiful angel, why should I lie? This time you are without a man in a demon cosume." She thought it were just a costume? Why had she run away then? Had she deceived herself until she believed it was a man in a costume? "I have to say it looked very real. But this time you are completely alone!", she giggled and stepped up to you.

"Why do you even have the key to our house?", you asked in a high voice. "Your parents lent me the replacement keys when they hired me and I still have them.", she answered but then she saw the lady sitting and reading on a armchair.

"Get the fuck out of here, craggy old bat!", the girl yelled angry. Nothing happened. The woman changed pages. "Did you hear me?!" Your old babysitter finally showed her true face. You wished your parents or Tord would be here. Now that she wasn't your babysitter anymore and because the woman didn't look she could do anything to you what she wanted. 

While she was distracted by yelling at the lady who didn't even react you saw your chance to get help. You knew only one person could help you.

When you were at the front door the girl suddenly realized that it was meaningless to yell at the woman and noticed you were gone. "Come back, little brat!", she shouted and ran to you but you had already opened the door and ran like hell.

You had to find Tord desperatley. The only problem was that you didn't even know where he lived.

You didn't think he would be at the same place where you had met him but it was worth a try. When you arrived at the place you hid a week before, no demon was there. You had to continue searching. Maybe he was somewhere in the shopping centre?

You sprinted in the shopping centre. "Mind what you're doing!", a man in a shouted when you almost bumped into him.

"Sorry!", you apologised while you run to a shop. The man shook his head inastonishment. But you didn't care. You had to find Tord.

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