Numero uno x bored child reader

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Eduardo's Pov:

My head hurt very badly. What did I do that it hurt so much?

...Oh yeah, it was because of the things which happened on the roof last night. Or when did it happen? It felt like it was only a few hours. But more important was how could I forget I had that conversation with Edd and...really weird stuff happened after I hit our satellite? That was just stupid.

I opened my eyes and sighed. Sometimes I asked myself if it was really worth it being an asshole to them, but then again...they deserved it for making me feel like a piece of shit back in primary school. It was just fair to get revenge.

Suddenly I realised I was in Jon's bed. In his fucking bed, not my own! Why...why am I here?! Am I not supposed to be in my own bed?! And where the hell are Jon and Mark?! 

I wanted to get out of the bed, but when my feet touched the ground I started...floating?! What the heck?! I almost screamed. Almost. I hated acting weak around others and I didn't know if Mark and Jon were home. So I just whimpered "What the hell is going on?" and flailed about like a idiot. Then I fell back  on the ground, hitting it  with my chin. "Ouch!"

I sat there thinking about what had just happened. Then I realized what it meant. But could it possibly be? The satellite had given me...superpowers? I concentrated on my left hand. I started to feel something powerful and held my hand in the direction of Jon's bed. A green light flashed out of my hand, causing it to explode (RIP Jon's bed, you will be remembered).

Yep, I really have superpowers, I thought, grinning and thinking about the possibilities. But then I realized Edd would have superpowers as well. Dammit, he would never stop doing and having the same things! I stood up, growling, and walked to my room to make myself a superhero, well, actually supervillain costume. Numero Uno. A perfect name to present myself.

After I was finished I put it on and walked down the stairs to see Mark and Jon watching TV. "Hey, Mark, when does a person start learning a language by hearing it?", Jon asked Mark. "I don't feel like I will ever understand what these alien creatures are saying."

"I don't know when, Jon, but I hope Eduardo buys a new satellite soon, this one sucks! Why do we have TV channels if they are all in that strange alien language? Can't we just have a normal satellite like everyone else? We can't because Eduardo has to be better than Edd in everything."

I felt anger inside me. How dared he saying such things? I had never hit him before, you should never hit the smart guy or it would cause damage. But Jon...Jon was a different thing.

I walked closer to the couch. Jon noticed me, but didn't turn around and Mark didn't either, so they didn't see what I was dressed like. "Oh, Hey Eduardo! Do you feel better? We-"

"I am not Eduardo, idiot, I am Numero Uno!", I shouted and started floating behind them. They turned around and stared at me. Their pupils dilated in shock.

"Oh my-!", Mark gasped.


I didn't let Jon finish his question and flew up to the ceiling, breaking it by holding my fist up and flying in the sky with high speed. It felt amazing. "I am Numero Uno!", I yelled. I would be a really strong supervillain. The perfect enemy to win against that stupid  Edd.

Your Pov:

You sat in your garden, watching the clouds over you floating away. It was a really boring day. Your best friend was on a trip with his/her family and you were all alone. And nothing cool happened!

You sighed. Why can't something interesting happen? Like a zombie apocalypse or at least some evil clones showing up? It's just boring being here and there's absolutely nothing cool stuff that happens. Isn't this town known to have supernatural appearances everywhere?

"Y/N, could you please go to the supermarket to buy something for me? Your father forgot to buy new food. Again", your mother's voice came from inside of the house. You stood up and walked inside, seeing your mother standing in the kitchen, cooking lunch.

"Okay, I am bored anyway. I think I can  buy some. What do you need?", you asked. She gave you a grocery list and some money.

"You can also buy some f/s if you want to", she smiled at you. "But please don't be here late."

"Thanks mum", you answered. "Don't worry, it won't take more than half an hour."

Ten minutes later you left the grocery store with a bag filled with the food your mother wanted. While you walked in the direction of your house you looked on your watch and sighed again . "Why can't something cool happen? Is that too much to ask for?"

There was a loud crash nearby, coming somewhere from behind you. You jumped and whirled around to see a big hole in the wall of the jeweller. "Holy shit!", you gasped. Then you ran to the hole and looked through it. A man dressed in some sort of green costume stood in the middle of the jeweller, laughing like a maniac and holding a money bag. Some part of you was afraid, but the other part was just happy about it. "Yes, my wish came true!", you cheered, maybe a bit too loud.

The man turned around and grinned. "Well, well, well, look who we've got here...a dumb kid thinking he/she could fight me..." He thought he was frightening, but he just wasn't.

"Well actually I am just here because I'm bored", you answered calmly. "Really, really bored."

"W-what?", he stuttered. "I thought you would fight me or get help... just run away now, brat! And if you see a man dressed like a superhero tell him I am going to destroy the factories which make his favourite things like cola, bacon and green hoodies!"

"And who says that I should do that?", you questioned. 

"I, Numero Uno", he answered. You rolled with your eyes. You had been wrong. Some crazy guy dressed like a superhero or super villain or whatever he was supposed to wasn't really exciting. It was just boring seeing that guy robbing a jeweller. You should probably just call the police.

"Whatever. I will go now", you said and walked away from the hole.

"You can't just-," You ignored his shouting and turned the corner to bump into a tall man.

"I am sorry, I didn't see where I was-" you interrupted yourself when you noticed the knife in the man's hand. Oh no.

You stared at the knife, not knowing what to do. The man grinned and looked at you in a really creepy way. You walked backwards slowly, but when you noticed he followed you, you started running, pressing the bag with food against your chest. Why did I wish for something exciting? This is not what I wanted!

"What are you doing with that child?!", somebody shouted from above. You looked up, your mouth wide open. There was that man in the green costume again, floating over you and that man.

The man and you stared at him for a few seconds. Then the man answered with a deep voice "That's none of your business." He grabbed your arm holding the knife up to stab you in the chest. You closed your eyes.

"Leave him/her alone!", the man in the costume yelled and the next thing noticed when you opened your eyes again was he had flown down and had hit the man against the wall of a random building.

"Are you okay?", he asked you.

"Y-yeah", you stuttered. "I'm fine I guess..." You still pressed the bag against your chest. This man had had just met someone with superpowers...

"You should probably go home now", he said and looked at you. "There will be some fight soon. Me against my neighbour."

You nodded quickly and ran down the street until you arrived home.

"Mom, Mom, I just met a superhero!"

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