Zombie Tord x child reader

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Tords Pov:

I slowly walked through the town to Edd's house. I knew he wouldn't let me in because I am a zombie but I had an idea to persuade him. I hoped Matt wouldn't be revived and after the necronomicon ,too. If I was alive he could also be back so I had to be fast before any zombie found it.

If Matt would find the necronomicon before me I couldn't be freed of the zombie being. I guess some part of me were still human because I was still able to feel pain and this wasn't really good for me and I weren't stupid like the other zombies. At least that was something good.

I didn't want to ask Tom for help because we always fought and he called me a commie.

I had lost one eye and my skin had a green colour because I lay in a grave. It indentified me as a zombie so I had to be careful so that nobody would see me.

The good thing was that it was late at night so nobody were outside when I was on my way to Edd. I was glad about it. It wouldn't be good if I met any human. They would scream and kill me. Then I wouldn't be able to rest in peace.

While I walked through a very dark road I heard something. I stopped and eavesdropped intently. Had I mistaken? But then I heard it again: someone cried. It wasn't very loud but it proceed from somewhere next to me.

I was curious. When I followed the noise and sneaked carefully to a dark house entrance which was in a small backstreet I noticed a small eight-year-old who sat there lonely and cried.

Where were his/her parrents? This  wasn't a good place for kids not to mention the zombies which appeared everywhere. What did this child do there?

Suddenly the boy/girl looked up and saw me. He/She gasped and stared at me for a moment. I thought he/she would scream 'zombie!' and run away but the kid brushed the tears away quickly. He/She sized me up and then he/she laughed. I was confused.

"You look funny, mister!", the boy/girl giggled. Maybe the kid was too young to know what zombies are or just didn't recognise me as one of them but I didn't think I really looked funny.

"Hey, kid, where are your parents?", I asked the child. He/She looked at me with big eyes until he/she answered slowly: "I have no parents. My parents are dead for a few years. I am living with my grandparents." The child yawned tired and looked up into the dark sky.

"Where are you grandpartents then?", I wanted to know from him/her. The child was nervous and it took a moment until the boy/girl answered.

"My grandparents said it would be to dangerous if I stay with them because there are lost of those zombies where we lived together. They want that I am safe and sent me to a friend of my parents but I got lost in this town and don't know where he lives or where I am. All people I wanted to ask for direction hadn't helped me. They said here are zombies, too.", the eight-year-old explained. The child began to weep copiously. I felt sorry for him/her. The kid didn't even seem like  he/she knew I was a zombie. It was better if the child wouldn't find it out.

"You came in the town alone?", I questioned the kid. The boy/girl nodded. "My grandparents said they are too old and told me the friend of my parents would wait for me in the centre of the city at twelve but I didn't even find it!", the boy/girl snivelled with tearful eyes.

"Have they told you where that friend lives?", I wanted to know and lay my hand on his/her shoulder.

"They have given me his address but I couldn't find my way because I don't have any city plan.", the kid explained and showed me a little address card so I could read it. I knew where it was. It was a house in the same street Edd was living.

"I know where his house is.", I said to the kid. The boy/girl standed up and looked at me in a hopeful way. "R-really?", he/she asked with a high voice.

"Yeah. If you want to I can take you over there. It is on my way.", I smiled. The eyes of the child glowed.

Your Pov:

The man was really nice. He looked a bit strange but you liked him. When he said you, you could go with him, you were really happy about it. Finally you had found someone who helped you and didn't push you away like the other people had done.

"Yes, of course I want to come with you!", you jubilated and smiled at him. He smiled nervous and took you by the hand. His hand was very cold and felt lifeless and it confused you but then you thought that he might be sick.

While you both walked to the main street he was antsy. "Hey, mister!", you said. He looked down to you.

"You look ill. Are you going to go to a hospital after you take me to my partents friend?", you asked him.

"Er... yeah...o-of course.", he stuttered. "A-at least to a place that can heal me." You were a bit confused but you left it at that because you didn't want to annoy him with your questions. 

"My name is Y/N.", you told him. "And what is your name, mister?"

"I'm Tord.", the man answered and smiled. "You said you lived with your grandparents because your parents died. Why did they die?"

"They had taken a flight to Spain but then they died in an air crash. One of the airmen flew the plane into another one. Most passengers of both planed died.", you answered. Tears welled out of your eyes while you thought about your parents death.

"It's okay.", Tord comforted you. "We're there." He pointed to an old house next to you. It was a bit bigger than you had thought and you asked yourself if it was really the house of your parents friend but when you looked at nameplate at the door you knew you were at the right house.

When you looked to Tord you saw that he wanted to go away.

"Y-you don't want to meet him? You are going to leave me alone?", you asked sadly.

"It is better like this, believe me. I have something to do first.", Tord explained.

You were sad. Why would he leave you? You didn't understand.

He smiled at you. "I just have to go now. We might meet again, I think. This is a small town." Then he went away. "Goodbye, Y/N."

"G-goodbye, Tord." When he had disappeared in a small street you slowly walked to the door and pressed the doorbell. Soon you heard fast steps and a young man opened the door.

"Y/N! Where have you been?! I was worried that a zombie ate you!", he shouted.

"I am sorry, sir. I don't have any map so I got lost until someone helped me to come here."

The man nodded slowly and let you walk in. "There is a  guestroom upstairs. You can sleep there if you like. You must be really tired. Tomorrow you have totell me everything, okay?"

"Yes, sir.", you replied.

When you walked into that room and sat down on your bed you hoped Tord would be okay. He had been really nice to you althrough he didn't want to meet the man. You wanted to meet him again soon.

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