Fusion Torm x bullied child reader part two

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Tom's Pov:

We were watching TV together with Edd and Matt. Believe it or not, they had managed to find something far worse than this TV show called 'Professor Why' or something. I honestly don't know what this shitty show we were watching now was called and I didn't even want to know because of how awful it was. I think Matt might have mentioned it before we started watching, but all I remember is that the name was more horrible than the actual show, and that makes you ask yourself what the producers were thinking.

This. Is. So. Fucking. Horrible! I thought.

Heh, tell me about it.

Who keeps watching this shit?! It's so bad that I wanna vomit...

Matt, apparently. And Edd. And please don't vomit, I hate it when people do that! Tord's voice echoed through my mind.

This is just...ugh...Let's get away from here, okay? I'm so done with everything.

I totally agree with you. For once.

"Er...we... we need to do... something, apparently... we will come back later..." we said and stood up from the sofa.

"Aww, really? That's really sad. You will miss the best part!" Matt replied in a sad voice. Best part? Probably the worst part! Matt doesn't have a good taste.

"Uh, yeah, sure." We walked out of the living room and decided it would be best if we left the house for a while. We would probably be stared at, no, definitely be stared at, but who cares? At least we didn't have to deal with this shitty TV show anymore.

"Do you think we should go shopping? Edd wants to taste some of this new coke, cola with bacon or something, and I need some alcohol or else I will go insane."

"Alcohol? You mean this disgusting Smirnoff of yours? That tastes awful, we aren't going to buy that," he replied.

"Oh, come on! It's not disgusting, you idiot! And I haven't said anything about your cigars, so at least do me this favour!" I shouted, while we left the house. Luckily our neighbours weren't in the backyard, it would have been awkward if they had noticed us.

"You complained all the time about its taste, Jehovah's witness," Tord responded, rolling our eyes.

"But I still smoked it, didn't I?" I hissed.

Arguing, we walked down the street, not caring about the people staring at us. I have been stared at my entire life, so I knew they didn't have anything better to do. And Tord didn't seem to care at all, I think he even enjoyed the attention he was given.

"Hey, remember this kid we rescued from his/her bullies?", the stupid commie suddenly asked when we were in the center of our city. Little kids were running around, probably trying to hide from their parents or just seeking for a toy shop.

"Uh, yeah? How could I not remember? This happened like... two weeks ago. Why do you ask? Do you just want to change the subject so you don't have to drink Smirnoff? I'm not dumb, that's not gonna happen, commie." I shook my head. I couldn't believe how stupid my enemy actually was.

"I don't want to change the subject, stupid. If I'd do that you wouldn't notice and I'd get away with it. It's just... I think I might have just seen him/her," he muttered.

"No way! We are sharing the same eyes, so I'd have seen him/her as well."

"Well, apparently you are blind because he/she just went into that alleyway," he replied with a grin, pointing at one of the dark alleyways on our left. He was definitely lying. Why would a child walk in such a dark place? People knew there were always weird and terrifying things in those.

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