Juan x kidnapped royal child reader

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Small explanation: You are Prince Matthew's younger sibling and got kidnapped instead.

Your Pov:

You sat inside the small cage the mean bandits had put you in, staring at them in fear while they were laughing and examining the jewellery they had stolen from the town. Only the one they called Juan seemed nervous, maybe even scared, but you couldn't really tell because the scarf he was wearing hid his mouth.

"Um... excuse me... C-could you please l-let me out, Sir?" you stuttered nervously, "I-I don't really... like being in a c-cage, the bars are c-cold and I really miss my b-brother..."

"Let you out? We can make thousands from your kidnapping. I'm sure your brother and parents would spend a lot of gold and silver to get back their precious little brat," the bandit named Eduardo smirked.

"Si, estàs pagando por sus hijos. La genta rica son predecible," Marco replied. What did that even mean? You didn't understand a single word.

Eduardo stared at him, also trying to find out what he had just said. "Start talking English... I don't even know what you are saying..."

"Did we really have to kidnap a child?" Juan asked, "He/She is so... innocent. It feels wrong to do this."

Eduardo rolled his eyes. "Juan, stop being such a crybaby. You are a bandit, for god's sake! Feelings don't matter! We aren't hurting him/her. Yet. Right now, we still need him/her." You shivered in fear. They would actually hurt you? Please Matthew, come here as fast as you can!  "Keep an eye on the price/princess while we hide our thefts." He and Marco walked out of the room carrying the jewellery they stole. You could hear their laughter, but it was getting quieter and quieter.

There was an uncomfortable moment of silence before Juan said, "I'm sorry for how they're acting." You stayed quiet, fearing he might hurt you when you replied. He did look nice, but he and the other two bandits had kidnapped you from the hotel you and your older brother had been staying in. A nice person wouldn't do that.

"They are so mean," you muttered after a minute, hugging your short legs. "Why... why are they so mean? It is not nice to laugh at others who happen to be in a cage in a very dark corner. What did I do wrong?"

The bandit shrugged. "Well, we are bandits, aren't we? Bandits have to be mean. It's in our nature to be. And you can't change nature, can you?"

"But why do I even have to be in a cage? I don't like it. There is almost... no space for me. It's just too small..." You touched the bars, as if you were hoping the cage would fall apart on its own. You really hoped it would happen.

"It's so you don't escape, little prince/princess. We wouldn't want you to run away. Eduardo and Marco expect to get paid a big amount of money from your family," he explained.

"Why are you here?" you asked. "It doesn't make sense."

"I'm sorry... but what do you mean?" he asked puzzled.

"You don't act like a bad guy. You act more like a nice gentleman. Why would you ever be a bandit? I don't think you wanted to be one," you explained. "How did you become a part of this bandit gang?"

He sighed, kneeling down to you, "Life doesn't always work out for everyone, little prince/princess." You could see the sadness in his small black eyes. "I was hoping to become someone who could help people, someone famous, but I was never good enough. I just wasn't smart enough for any job they offered. In the end I became a bandit to have money in my hands. The world's all about money. Nothing else matters to people. If I hadn't become a bandit I would have died from hunger."

"That's sad..." you replied, "But I can help you! Let me out of this cage and I will make sure my brother puts you into the right position! You could be our accountant! My brother has big problems not spending all of it immediately. You could help!"

"I-I don't know if I can just... leave. They wouldn't let me. I would need a distraction or-"


Juan was frozen for a few seconds, before he took the keys from his belt and opened the cage. As you crawled out he nervously looked over his shoulder before picking you up and carrying you to the other door that led outside. You heard loud shooting noises and Eduardo was yelling for the other bandit to finally come.

"What are you doing, Sir?" you asked. "I can walk on my own. You don't need to-"

"It's dangerous, little prince/princess. I don't want you to get hurt," he replied and quietly went down the stairs.

As you got out you noticed three guys hiding behind rocks, one of them being your brother. The other two men were people you didn't know, but you could tell the one with the eye patch was the sheriff. The other one took a sip of a drink he was holding in his hand and started shooting at the two bandits standing on the balcony. They were screaming in pain as the bullets hit them, but the man wasn't skilled enough to actually kill them. Or did he choose not to?

Prince Matthew noticed you in Juan's arms when you got closer and his face turned red in anger. "Leave my brother/sister alone, you dirty bandit!"

"I, Detective Gold, will not let you hurt the prince/princess of-!"

"No no no! He's not hurting me, he freed me!" you shouted. When he let you go, you shielded him. "He has done nothing wrong!"

"He is a bandit," the sheriff replied.

"No, he is our new accountant," you corrected him.

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