PowerEdd x child reader

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Edds Pov:

Me and Eduardo were fighting each other in the ski. We both were strong and could fly and I think we might have been equipollent. We were thrusting our fists into the face of each other. I didn't get why Eduardo wanted to be the bad guy but a superhero had to fight bad guys and it doesn't really matter who he is. He destroyed factories who made things I love!

Suddenly he hit me that hard that I was flung backwards and destroyed a few houses accidently. Hopefully no one was hurt. When I hit the last house I fell into a child's room and a little boy/girl stared at me slack-jawed. "Wow!", he/she gasped. "Sorry!", I mumbled and jumped out of the hole in the wall.

I flew out of the last house I hit and to Eduardo. I was really angry. What was his problem? I didn't do anything to him!

"Just admit it. I am better than you!", he said with arms crossed and floated while I lit on the roof. I tried to hit him but he avoided the bowl and came from behind to kick me. I bashed him from the side but then he almost hit me with his powers. I really wanted to beat him because he deserved it for what he had done to the people of the town.

We flew in the air and he gained the mastery soon. He hit me until I lay on the ground of some park. Oh no!

"Why don't you just give up?", Eduardo asked me while he raised his hand and striked me in the face. I couldn't fight back. "You're a loser!" He thrust his fist again into my face. "Face it Edd!" I felt blood in my mouth. He must have hit me really bad. "You're coming in second place!" He created a giant green ball to hit me with it.

"Second place?" There was something... Something in my childhood...

I had a flashback when we were in school. Back then he draw a picture with a duck and I draw myself as a superhero. It wasn't a good picture and it wasn't better than his but I got first place. I guess the teacher liked me more. Then I sneered at him because he was 'second place'. The whole class began to do it, too. He was a bit traumatised after this.That was the reason he hated me! And I completely forgot it!

"I..." He hit me with the giant ball. I felt pain all over the body. The whole ground around me exploded. I lay in a big whole.

"NO!", a child voice suddenly shouted. "Stop it!" It was the boy/girl I saw in the house I fell in. He/She had to run away! But the kid came closer. Then he/she saw Eduardo was flying back to me and hid next to the park wall.

Eduardo floated in front of me. "Any last words?" He wanted to kill me because of it. That was very bad for me. It was time to apologize, I guess.

"I...I'm sorry.", I mumbled.

"Yea- What?" He seemed surprised and a bit confused. It wasn't that surprising that I said sorry, was it?

I continued. "You did deserve first place. My drawing sucked."

"Wow...I uh...", Eduardo commenced but I suddenly saw a big silhouette behind him. Then a giant monster roared and wanted to hit him. It seemed a bit familiar to m,e but I didn't know why.

"Watch out!", I shouted and threw myself in front of him. The claw banged me and I was flung against the wall. "ARGHH" I rembered that I fell on the grass. I was knocked out for a short time.

Your Pov:

You ran to the super hero who lay on the ground. "Mister super hero! Wake up! Please!" His costume had disappeared, only one of his boots was left. You could still hear his breath. At least he wasn't dead.

The enemy of the super hero seemed very angry about the giant black and purple monster. "No one hits my neighbour but me!", he yelled and created a green power ball. His hair became green and glowed like the ball. "Wow!", you mumbled.

He threw it at the giant monster. The eye of the monstere became big before tjhe power hit it. You didn't know why but you thought it acted a bit like a human. A  purple cloud flew out of the park but the man didn't notice it. He lit on one knee and one hand and like the other super hero his costume disappeared. Does that mean that both had lost their powers?

"Everyone okay?", the man asked. He seemed very tired. You could hear that the police was arriving. He looked at you.

"I-I'm okay. And he is okay, too."

He nodded. "Good."

You noticed two men who stand in the park. One of them had lost lot of hair. He looked like someone threw a power ball at him and really stressed, too. He wore a blue hoodie.

"Tom, did you see the Monster!?", the other man asked him. He grined all the time and wore a purple hoodie and a green overcoat.

"...Nope", the man, Tom, answered.

"It was awesome! It was all ilke ROOOAR! I'm a monster!", the other man shouted. A Police officer yelled: "There is the monster! Get 'im!" And then they all ran after the man. "Aaah!", the man with the purple hoodie screamed and ran away. Tom smiled.

The police is very stupid, you thought.

"What happened?" The super hero finally woke up. You ran to him. "Everything is okay, mister super hero. The other man beated the monster. But your custome disappeared.", you told him. "I guess that means your powers disappeared, too."

"Oh man! And I wanted to save the world at least one time!", he sighed. He was silent for a moment.

"What's your name?", he asked you.

"Y/N.", you answered.

"I'm PowerEdd. But I lost my powers so you can call me Edd.", he explained. Before you could answer he went to his enemy. And then he floated. His poweers wan't gone!

"Heh, shame we lost all those powers. Fun while it lasted, though." He didn't notice he floated. But before you could tell him, his enemy did.

"Uuh...you may wanna look down.", the man said. He didn't look very happy with it. You figured he must have been jealous because his powers disappeared.

Edd looked a bit surprised. "Huh! Guess I have some juice left." Then he pointed at his enemy and sang: "I still have powers! I STILL HAVE POWERS!!" The other guy looked very angry.

But then a bee flew next to Edd. "Argh! Bee!", he shouted, pointed on the bee and the last power he had disappeared. He fell on the ground.

You went home until anyone could hinder you from doing it because you didn't want to tell the police what you saw. You were tired and your parents would be worried if you wouldn't be home soon. But you knew you would never forgot that spacial day. Hopefully your parents would believe you that a super hero destroyed your room.

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