Future Tom x runaway child reader

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Author's note:

I accidentally uploaded the oneshot before it was finished, but now it's completed. Sorry!

Toms Pov:

If somebody had told me I would work for Tord aka Red Leader some day my old self would have laughed, would say this wasn't possible and get fucking drunk. But this was how the future looked like.

And now he wanted me to get one of his old inventions, a teleporter, while Matt had another job to do for the Red Leader so I had to travel back in time alone. Matt's job was convincing Edd not to kill his past self, but as long as cola wasn't allowed Edd would do things the Red Leader didn't want.

When I entered the past with the time travel device I knew where I had to search for Tord's invention. He left it at our house, when he joined the army, but the problem was it got destroyed by his giant robot.

I knew how to get it from our past selves or better when. The day I travelled to was the day we were in asdfland and fought against zombies until we reopened the park as Fun Dead.

When I came to our neighbourhood I watched our past selves jumping in the car and driving away. We didn't notice the zombies back then and none of us really knew we were in a zombie apocalypse until we were running away from them.

Luckily our past selves forgot to close all of the windows before they left and I could climb in the house without breaking one. I walked to my room and entered it carefully. The smell of alcohol was in the air. Back then I used to drink a lot, but after I had begun to work for Tord I drank less.

Tord's stupid picture was on the wall. My past self had never searched for something behind it, why should I? Nobody thought there was anything. I took the picture and threw it on the ground. There was another picture on the wall I had to throw on the ground, a stupid trick, but behind it...

I pressed the bottom and a secret part of the room appeared with Tord's weapons and inventions. There was a shelf at the wall with many of his inventions. I walked to it and read the names. 'Shrink ray' said one, the next was a 'Personality changer'. Finally I saw the teleporter. It looked more like a futuristic, grey watch, but I knew it wasn't. I took the teleporter, closed the secret room and put the pictures back where they had been before I came here and put the teleporter on my wrist. Mission completed.

I knew I could have stayed here and wait for my past self to warn me about the future, but that wouldn't change much. Tord would still be Red Leader and take over parts of the world.

I had also thought about joining the resistance with Edd and Matt a few times. I would do that as soon as Tord didn't look at us and we had a chance to escape, of course. But until that happened we had to play soldiers and do what he wanted.

While I thought about this I climbed out of the house again and walked down the street.

Your Pov:

You sat on your bed and listened to your parents shouting downstairs. They yelled at each other because of small mistakes the other one did. When did they start to yell at each other?

It hurt you and you wanted everything to be like it was before your father got fired and had to find a new job. But he spent more time at work than at home and your mother started to say he would meet another woman. You knew this wasn't true, but your mother...

"Admit it, there is someone else! Who is she?", your mother shouted.

"How many times do I have to tell you: there is no other woman! It's the job!", your father answered.

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