Monster Edd x child reader

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I just did this because I saw pictures like that one above. Thanks for 5.4 people who read this book so far! 🙂

Short explanation: Tord put some liquid, which could lead to a transformation from a human to a monster, in one of Edd's cola cans. Don't ask me why, it was an idea.

Edd's Pov:

I took a nip of my cola can and grimaced. Why did it taste so weird? Was it expired? But that didn't make sense, I bought this cola yesterday.

Didn't Tord took some of it? He probably put something else in it after he drank it, but why should he put it back? Or did Tom do a prank again, putting alcohol in my cola can to show me how 'good' alcohol was? I may be wrong though. Matt could have put some of his glitter in my can by accident, he had already done it before. So all of my friends could have done it, but it was better if I would ask them later about it. No one makes cola taste weird as long as I am alive. No one!

I stood up from the sofa, walked to the fridge and opened it, but there was no cola in it. NOOO! What happened?! I only cola cans since yesterday. But I bought more than just twenty. Who took the rest?

I guess I have to buy new cola thanks to whoever took my cola, I thought and stepped out, ignoring the neighbours, who were on sun loungers and watched our house with spyglasses, luckily not noticing me at all. Those idiots. I always saw them spying on us. They did have other hobbies, too, didn't they?

I felt a little weird after a short walk, probably because I hadn't drunk any cola for at least three minutes. It was never a good thing for me if there wasn't any cola to drink.

I arrived at the store two minutes later and immediately walked to the shelf with the cola. I glared at the people who grabbed Diet Coke, Pepsi and cherry cola. How could they like that disgusting shit? Even Eduardo agreed with me when I said cherry cola and Pepsi were horrible as we met each other here once. But then we got into a fight about regular and diet coke. It's just stupid! Everyone knows regular coke is better!

I grabbed eight cans and bought them, then I left the store again. If I ran out of cola today I would just make Tom go shopping. He would probably come back drunk, but as long as I have my beloved cola everything was fine.

When I passed a dark alleyway I suddenly felt weird. My vision got blurry and I had the feeling I was about to throw up for a few seconds, so I stumbled into the alleyway to make sure nobody would kidnap me if I fainted or kicking me or even worse: steal my cola!

Why...why am I feeling like that? My stomach hurt very badly and I fell on my knees. My whole body was sweating and felt like it was burning. I moaned in pain. I heard the sound of clothes ripping. What was going on...? I saw double, something green in front of my eyes. I moaned a last time in pain, but then it stopped. Weird.

I stared down at two green, fluffy hands. For a moment I thought something was wrong, but then I noticed they were just my claws...

Wait, what?!?!

"Holy shit." My voice sounded so deep... I barely recognised it as mine. I could almost not understand what I said because of how deep my voice was. What happened to me?

Then I saw a kid coming into the alleyway. Not good... I walked backwards, noticing I was bigger and had a tail.

Your Pov:

You walked down the street and looked at the shops around you. That's so cool! I want to have some of that stuff!, you thought when you saw the toys in the shop windows.

Then you noticed something big in a dark alleyway next to you, but you couldn't see what it was...

You was wary about going there, but there was some part inside you telling you it would be fine if you went into that alleyway, so you decided to see what was in there and sneaked into the alleyway, not knowing what you would find. It was dark, but after a few seconds your eyes gradually became adjusted to the darkness.

The moment you saw the black monster with the green claws and horns you screamed and stumbled backwards.

It whined and came in your direction, holding one of its claws up. You turned around to run backwards. "Nononono! Don't run! Please!"

You stopped and turned back to the monster, not sure what to do. "Please don't run..."

"H-how c-can you t-talk?", you stuttered.

"Why should I not be able to talk?", The monster asked.

"'s are a big black and green monster... I didn't think you could talk. I thought you would...kill me", you answered, feeling very uncomfortable in this situation. What was that...thing going to do with you now?

"Why should I kill you? That's stupid! I wouldn't kill you. Okay, I would kill you if you poisoned my cola, but..." Cola...? How did it know cola? You never thought some kind of monster would drink cola.

"What...are you?", you asked. "You don't act like a monster..."

"A human", it replied. "Believe it or not, but I am a human."

"Then how did you end up... being this?", you questioned.

"I have NO idea", the monster responded.

"Can you somehow or...?"

"I feel kind of strange, almost the same way I felt when I transformed into this. Maybe you can buy me some clothes. There is my pocket money on the ground. You can take some money and buy me a green hoodie and brown trousers." You nodded and did what it said.

Timeskip because I am lazy

A few minutes later you came back with the clothes it had asked for, but didn't see it anymore. " Where are you?"

"Could you please give me the clothes...?", Someone asked. You saw a brown-haired man, hiding behind a dustbin, blushing a bit.

"And you are who...?", you asked, totally confused.

"The monster which was here in the alleyway, and now give me the clothes!" You handed them over to him and he relaxed a bit after he had put it on.

"Sorry about that earlier, I was just pretty stressed. It doesn't happen every day you get turned into a monster and need new clothes. I am Edd by the way", he smiled.

"I am Y/N...", you answered.

"Nice to meet you! Thanks for helping me and not running away when you first saw me."

" problem", you muttered.

He looked on his watch. "Anyway, I need to go home now, I have a lot of cola to drink. Hope I will see you again soon!" And with that words he left.

I hope I will see you again soon, too, Edd. As a monster or as a person, you are really nice.

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