Vampire Matt x child reader

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Author's note:

I thought why not make a vampire Matt x child reader? 

Matts Pov:

So I was a vampire now. That means I had to bite some people and drink their blood. Unfortunately I did not had any mirror with me to see how awesome I look as a vampire. I bet I looked good.

It was late and I wanted to bite someone so I was on my way home to bite my friends. It would be boring if I am the only vampire so biting them was a great idea.

I walked down the empty streets until I was next to a playground because I noticed somebody who was sitting lonely on the swings. It was a little kid maybe seven years old who looked up to the stars. I wondered where the parents were but then I thought he/she could be the first one I bite.

Slowly I slid on the playground and sneaked to him/her. When I was only a few steps away from the child it suddenly noticed me. Weird, I thought I didn't make any sounds.

He/she looked me over. "Are you a vampire, mister?", the kid wanted to know.

I needed a moment before I came to the conclusion that he/she might think it was a costume because it was Halloween.

"Yeah...i-it is a vampire costume.", I mumbled.

The kid shook his/her head in disbelief. "Not a costume. I know vampires are real. You must be one.", the boy/girl said. I was quite surprised.

"You actually saw vampires before?", I asked a bit curious. The child nodded. "Not ONLY vampires."


"There are a lot of magical creatures like demons, vampires and werewolves. My parents were people who hunted them.", the child answered. "They taught me how to recognize monsters and you are a vampire. For sure!"

That sounded really bad for me. " said yor parents were hunters. Did they quit or were they fired or...hey, why are you crying?", I asked nervous.

A lot of tears came out of the eyes of the child. "T-they were k-killed on a dangerous mission by some v-vampires when they tried to save some tourists from them." I felt very sorry for the kid. It must be really hard for him/her.

I didn't know what I should do. The child was homeless, an orphan, because the parents were killed by vampires It felt a bit like I were one of the vampires who killed them. I had the same urge to drink blood and bite people.

In this moment I decided I would NEVER bite any human. And probably not Edd's cat Ringo or else he would kill me.

"Er... really sorry...", I responded.

"Y-you d-don't n-n-need to be sorry, you are not responsible for it.", the boy/girl sighed and wiped away his/her tears.

" live in an orphanage or do you have any other family members...?", I wanted to know.

"I live on the streets.", he/she explained with a quiet voice. I looked at him/her with big eyes. "H-how long?", I asked slowly.

"Three months.", the child answered.

I didn't say anything for a moment and just watched the child.

Your Pov:

You looked a bit afraid to the vampire. His red eyes glowed when he looked at you. Your parents always warned you to run away if you see a monster. But you didn't run away when you noticed him here because you were too sad about your parents death to do it. And then you were even brave enough to talk to him.

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