Edd x invisible child reader

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Author's note:

Hello guys, I am finally back! I had a few new ideas about the oneshots so here we go! And thanks to all the people who are reading this, you are the best. I wanted to upload this earlier, but I didn't have much time.

Your Pov:

You life had been horrible. It had been horrible since your parents died in a car crash. Your 'parents' or better the adults who adopted you were scientist, who wanted to find a serum to become famous and they would do anything for it, even risking your life. They were just crazy.

The last year they tried to test their serums on you, but you were smart enough not to drink it. You had always known you were their test subject because you weren't allowed to go outside or go to school and they had always treated you like you weren't a human but a thing.

But they noticed nothing happened to you. It made them really angry, so a few days ago they injected a serum into you and everything had changed after that.

Your body had hurted, especially your skin and you wanted to throw up the whole time. They left your room a few times to note the things which happened to you and after the fifth time everything was different. It had stopped to hurt and your urge to throw up had disappeared, too. And there was another thing different...

"She escaped!", your 'mother' had yelled when she entered the room.

"But how?!", your 'father' had asked. You had stared at him. You were still there! How could they not see you? What was happening?

"Y/N, stop hiding or we will do something really bad!", your 'father' had shouted.

For some reason they didn't see you. You had looked at your hands, but you couldn't see them. You were confused, so you went to a mirror, but you saw nothing of you in it. You were...invisible?!

It was easy to escape like this, you only had to went out and be careful they didn't hear you or saw you opening the doors. You hadn't seen any reason to tell them you were still there, they had treated you like a test object.

But being invisible...it made you alone. You tried to talk to another kid after you escaped, a boy you knew because he lived in your neighbourhood, but he just ran away and screamed like it was the end of the world. Maybe you escaped your 'parents', but your life was still horrible. Being invisible might be awesome, but only if you are able to become visible again.

Suddenly you noticed a man in a green hoodie who walked down the street. He looked nice. Maybe you should follow him? You could stay in his house and watch him, maybe steal some food without getting noticed. It would be better than being alone. He wouldn't noticed you were there and you had a place to stay for a while. You walked behind him and looked at his bag. It was full with cola cans, but also donuts and other food.

After a few minutes he arrived home and opened his front door. You were fast enough to shoos in without being heard.

"Matt, Tom, I'm home!", he said and walked in the kitchen. He took a cola out of the fridge and opened it.

You thought it would be cool to look around so you went in another room. It seemed to be the living room. A man in a purple hoodie and a green overcoat was sitting on the couch and watched 'The Children' on TV. Oh, you loved this show! You sat next to him and enjoyed it for a few minutes.

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