Mark x child reader

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Your Pov:

You stared at Edd, not sure if he was serious. "You want me to do what?"

"To climb the tree in our neighbours' garden to spy on them. I don't understand why you're acting like it's a big deal, they won't find you there," he replied and looked at you with puppy eyes. "Please, Y/N! You're so small, you're the only one who can do it! Please, do it for me!"

What a glorious day in the life of Y/N L/N. You were seriously asked to do something that stupid. It could be funny if it wasn't you who was expected to do it.

His begging made you even more angry. "Edd, that's just not right! That's probably illegal! And even if it wasn't, I don't want to get involved in your and the other guy's rivalry, it's already bad enough to have him yell insults at me when I come home from school."

"When he tries making a scene if he finds out I will just beat him. Seriously, why are you acting like this?"

"Edd?" Tom asked, standing behind him and taking a sip of his Smirnoff.

"Yeah?" Edd looked at him, annoyed about being interrupted from his begs.

"You're an idiot." The black eyed male turned away and left the room. "So don't talk to me for the rest of the day, 'kay Edward?"

"Hey, what on earth is your prob-?! Aaaand he's gone. How rude! Now what have I just told you?"

"To spy on the neighbours even though I don't want to because it has isn't legal," you replied. "And there's literally no way I'm going to do that."

"Oh yes, that was it! If you don't do it I will have to do the some stuff I really don't want to do."

"And that would be...?" You asked, narrowing your eyes.

"It's quite simple, actually: Take away all of your toys," Edd responded, with a wide grin on his face. You would definitely not do what he told you without resistance and he knew it, but you wouldn't have expected him to threaten you to take away your toys. What a meanie!

"What?! Edd, that's just not fair! Matt just gave me a new one after you brought the devil himself here and he burnt most of them!" You shouted. "Why are you like this?"

Edd shrugged. "Because I can. Looks like you have to spy on the neighbours if you want to keep them."

You rolled your eyes in annoyance, but said nothing about it. It wouldn't change anything and you knew it. Reasoning with Edd was completely pointless. "Edd, you are the worst."

"I know! Wait, what?"

You left the house, grabbing a spyglass from a shelf on your way out. You were almost thirteen, but you still had to deal with this sometimes. It was really annoying.

You peeked over the fence very carefully because you really didn't want to get caught climbing over and hiding in a tree.

Your heart was beating faster when you ran through the garden, crouched and arrived at the oak tree. You looked around, making sure no-one had seen you, before climbing up.

The branches cracked under your weight and you quickly made your way up until you were sure you were hidden from view.

You looked through the spyglass into the neighbour's window, even though you didn't feel comfortable doing it.

Jon was sitting in a small blue room, probably his own, and played some videogames. Eduardo was drawing something on a piece of paper. As you looked closely you noticed he was drawing himself strangling Edd. Strange, you wanted to do that as well...

"Hey, that's my  tree."

You wheeled around and almost fell down the tree limb you were perching on.

Mark was sitting only a few inches away, an annoyed look on his face. In his left hand was a book called 'How to ignore everyone around you'.

You gulped. "Um...hi..."

"What are you doing here? Aren't you Edd's brat? Did he send you to spy on us?" the blond man asked. So many questions... Normally this man was so much quieter.

"Y-yes, he did... How did you-?"

"It's not that hard to tell. Believe it or not, he's always been like this."

"No, how did you come up here without making any noises?" you questioned.

"It's easier than you think, er...Y/N was ist, right?" You nodded. "Anyway, what am I going to do with you now?"

"Please don't tell Eduardo!," you begged. "He will make my life a living hell!"

"I am not going to tell him... but I can't just let you stay here, spying on us," he muttered. "That would be dumb. Who even cares about their competition...?"

"Believe me, I am not doing this because I want to," you replied. "Edd forced me to do it." That meanie!

"He forced you? I wouldn't have thought he would do something like that... Then again, he broke into our house once to steal a regular coke can Eduardo had bought for Jon."

"He did what?!" you gasped.

"Oh, there's a list of things that cola obsessed did. You don't think Eduardo is just mean for no reason at all, do you? But you really should get home now, before Eduardo comes out and-"

"Mark, who are you talking to? Is there someone on that tree with you?" someone yelled.

You looked down and whimpered when you saw Eduardo standing there, staring up. He didn't seem like he had seen you yet, but he would soon, for sure.

"Shit," the blond man cursed under his breath. Then he shouted back, "No, I'm just talking to myself again. And why would anyone sit in that oak tree anyway?"

"I don't know, it's just how Edd is like. We are spying on them, they are spying on us. It would make sense." They were spying at you and the others?! You looked at Mark, who just shrugged. You understood. He couldn't do anything about it. Mark was just as annoyed as most people who knew Edd and Eduardo about the whole competition thing.

"I'll distract him, so you can leave without getting seen." Before you could say anything he started climbing down the tree. You heard him jumping down on the ground and the two men started talking.

"Why are you here? I thought you didn't want to come to 'my nerdy place'."

"I never called it that," Eduardo replied.

Mark chuckled. "Yes, you did."

They started walking away. Should you just climb down and sneak out of their garden? Either Mark made him go away and you could take your chance whenever you wanted or  Eduardo was going to be nearby all the time and you had to risk getting seen...

You decided without a risk there was no adventure, and slowly climbed down the oak tree, always looking at the place the two males were to make sure Eduardo wouldn't see you. You had actually expected him to be aware of your presence very fast, but surprisingly that didn't happen.

When you were back at Edd's house and opened the door, he immediately ran over to you, questioning about the things you had seen. Matt and Tom were sitting on the couch, looking like they were feeling more than just a little uncomfortable with the situation.

"I was lucky I wasn't caught. I am not going to go there again," You replied, glaring at him, and walked to your room.

"Y/N, please!"

"Unless... I get free cookies."

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