Red Leader Tord x child reader part two

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This is for everyone who liked part one.

Tord's Pov:

I had done it.

It had taken me some time to gather courage to do it, but now I had finally done it and had left the army, although I knew my soldiers hated me for it. But I didn't care. It was like all the things which pressured me weren't important anymore. I felt free and like a completely different person. I wasn't the Red Leader anymore, I was just Tord. Like I was before I had joined the army.

I had bought myself a house in the near of our old home I destroyed when I saw my friends the last time. And I had taken Y/N with me. He/She got over his/her father's death after a while and saw me as some kind of older brother. It didn't matter that I told him/her my name after a while, he/she liked to call me 'Red' for some reason. It was quite hard to take care of the little boy/girl because he/she was really stubborn sometimes.

Sitting on a chair in the kitchen I read the newspaper and noticed a few news articles about the Red Army taking over a few cities in the locality. Not my business anymore, I have other things to do, I thought and turned the page. The time of you being the Red Leader is over.

"Red, you said you would go there", a voice said. "Why haven't you done it yet?"

I looked up from the newspaper. Y/N was standing a front of me, hugging a small teddy bear I had bought him/her a few days ago. He/She was looking at me in an expectant way, what made me feel very uncomfortable.

"I'm...just not ready yet. What if they don't forgive me? What if they hate me?" I bit my lip. "I won't do it. Not now... I want to wait..." I sighed. One day it's going to be too late, Tord, and you know it.

"Alright...", Y/N replied. "If you don't want to go there I can't force you..." He/She started smirking. "But that doesn't mean I can't go there myself!" Before I could react he/she rushed out of the kitchen.

"What the-?!" I jumped up from the chair, threw the newspaper on the table and ran after the six year old. "No! Don't go there!"

Opening the front door, he/she just laughed and ran outside. I followed him/her quickly. "Y/N, wait!" A few people on the street turned around and stared at me chasing him/her. Luckily they didn't recognise me as the Red Leader from the wanted posters or else this would have gotten worse.

I really wished I hadn't showed him/her in which house they lived, it was a terrible mistake. "Come back here!", I shouted. But Y/N had already gotten to my friends house and rang the doorbell.

Oh no, I thought when the door opened. I flopped down on my hands and hid behind a bush.

Your Pov:

You looked back and noticed Tord had hid behind a bush in the garden of a neighbour. Did he really want to say sorry to his friends? Your daddy told you soldiers were brave and not afraid of anything, but he seemed very afraid and he had been the leader of the Red Army!

A man in a green hoodie stood in the doorframe and looked at you. "Er... kid, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school like everyone else? Where are your parents?" Too many questions which reminded you of things you didn't want to think about.

"I am here because someone...someone you know is sorry", you replied and looked up at him.

"What...? Who should be sorry?" He gave you a puzzled look. You pointed at the bush behind which Red was hiding. He still didn't seem to know what was going on. "Okay?" The man walked to the bush slowly, but then he saw Tord.

"Holy shit! Tord!", the man in the green hoodie yelled and walked backwards with a shocked expression on his face.

"Hey, Edd...It's me...", Tord muttered and stood up. The other man, Edd, stared at him, shaking his head in disbelief. 

"What do you-?", he questioned, but was interrupted by yelling.

"Edd! What's going on?!"

You looked back at the door. Two other males were there, one of them wore a blue hoodie had black eyes and a harpoon in his right hand, looking like he wanted to use it, and the other one was a ginger in a purple hoodie and green overcoat who was eating a cookie.

"Um, hey guys...", Tord said.

The expression of the man in the blue hoodie turned into pure anger. "You!" He looked at Tord in  an angry, disgusted way.

Tord looked at you. "Didn't I tell you something like that would happen?", he muttered almost impossible to hear.

Tord's friends looked at you. "And who is this? Is he/she a traiTORD, too?", Edd asked Tord.

Tord opened his mouth to answer, but the man with the black eyes ran to him and punched him in the stomach. "This is for everything you did to us, commie!"

"Stop it!", you yelled, almost starting to cry. "He came here to apologise, not for him getting beaten up!"

"You should really stop, Tom", Edd said.

"But Edd, he-!"

"Stop." He looked at Tord who whined in pain. "Is that true? You really came back here to say sorry to us?"

"Y-yes", Tord responded.

"Liar", Tom muttered. You glared at him and growled, "Shut up." He stared at you, probably because no child had said that to him before.

"I... I really was a selfish idiot", Tord stuttered. "I am sorry."

"It's okay", Edd said and hugged him. "I forgive you."

The man in the green overcoat went to them. "Group hug!", he shouted and hugged them. Tord made a surprised face. " forgive me? Matt, Edd...I don't deserve to be forgiven..."

"Of course! Everyone deserves a second chance", Edd smiled. "And you're our friend."

"I just enjoy hugs!", Matt answered, making Edd and Tord laugh. I knew they'd forgive him, you thought. This is why he should have come here earlier. There was no reason to be afraid for him.

Tom looked at them and rolled his eyes. "Seriously? He destroyed our home and almost killed me!" You sighed, grabbed his sleeve and pulled him to them. "What the-?!"

Edd and Matt laughed when you pushed him to them. "Come on, Tom. We should probably all forgive Tord." Tom made an angry face, but then he smiled.

"I guess I have to forgive you, Tord...", he muttered. "But please don't expect me to be friends with you all of the sudden." Matt grabbed his hand and made him hug Tord as well.

"Matt! You know I don't like hugs!", Tom shouted. His friends laughed.

Tord smiled at you. "Thanks."

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