Future Edd x neko child reader

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Edd's Pov:

The future simply sucked.

To be honest, I didn't really care about Matt's 'beauty' being destroyed or anything else. But the fact Tord ruled many parts of the world was... something I hated very much because I hated HIM now. Not because he and his stupid army killed so many people or because he betrayed us, it was because he was the one who decided cola should be outlawed as a drug. A fucking drug!

His decision was to destroy the things we loved the most to break us and make us his 'perfect little soldiers'. He thought we would start to 'need' him, but we would never. We would join the resistance against him soon and fight him. We would avenge cola. And Matt's beauty (?). Oh yeah, and everybody he killed and everything else he had destroyed.

And I actually thought Tord was my friend once... How dumb I was back then. I wish I would have done what Tom told me all the to about him.

I had changed a lot since he destroyed my life. When I was younger I used to make as much puns as possible and had my problems with authority because of my urge to be funny. But after the thing I loved the most wasn't there anymore...it had changed. I had changed.

I had tried to kill myself after cola wasn't there anymore, but I just couldn't do it, so I had decided to kill my past self. I broke into the Red Army's base, stole Tord's time travel device and was close to complete my mission as Matt and Tom showed up and stopped me because they didn't want to lose another friend or me to destroy things in time.

Now I was back in the future I hated even more than I hated Pepsi and nothing had changed at all. Maybe I really should have tried to kill Tord's past self instead. I'm pretty sure Tom's past self would have helped me with it and Tom and Matt from my time would have helped me, too.

I walked through a dark alleyway, while I was thinking about plans to sabotage Tord's army, when I heard a meow. It came from my left side, somewhere in the darkness. I stopped and listened. There it was again!

I walked to the place the meows came from, it was behind a big dirty dustbin. A little h/c (=hair colour) kitten was stuck under a metal plate and meowed.

Should I help the kitten? It looked really cute and needed help... I raised the metal plate and the kitten crawled out with a meow.

The little cat came to me and rubbed the head against my leg. I noticed it hobbled with the left front paw. I could see it was bleeding.

Tord took everything I loved away from me, even my cat Ringo. I'm pretty sure he is doing experiments with her just because he's able to do it. So why not take the kitten home? I wouldn't be so lonely anymore and maybe think less about COLA BEING OUTLAWED AS A FUCKING DRUG!

"Do you want to come home with me?", I asked and lifted the cat up to pet it softly. The cat purred. "I'll take that as a yes."

After ten minutes I arrived at my apartment and opened the front door.

Your Pov:

The man in the green hoodie and the dark trench coat brought you into his apartment. There was something written and drawn on the wall... I NEED COLA! and next to it a cola can.

You didn't know what to think about this and meowed. Of course you could transform into a human, but you needed someone to give you food and you weren't sure if the man with the beard would do the same for you if you were a boy/girl. It was better not risking it.

"Okay kitten, I guess I will call you...Y/N. How do you like it?", he asked and put you down on a sofa. Y/N... He said it without knowing it was actually your name. You purred.

He got some aid kit and bandaged your left front paw. It hurt, but you could tread again.

He grinned at you, but that grin fated when he looked out of the window. You wanted to see what he was looking at and climbed on the armrest of the sofa. Right in front of the window there was some huge poster, telling everyone cola was a illegal drug now.

"Fuck you, Tord!", the man growled. "Fuck you and your stupid army! I will kill you!" He clenched his fists and walked into the kitchen. You asked yourself if it had been a good idea to let him bring you here. Would he hurt you? There was so much anger inside him...

You jumped from the sofa on the floor and looked up to the window. It was to high for a small kitten, but as a human...

You listened if the man was still in the kitchen. He was probably making food, but you weren't sure if it was a good idea to stay with him. He seemed so angry and sad at the same time, and you wanted to cheer him up... No, Y/N, you need to leave! He might have bandaged your wound, but that doesn't mean he won't hurt you.

You listened to your inner voice and transformed into a human, a seven year old boy/girl with h/c hair, but you still had cat ears and a tail. The bandage was still on your left arm, but it wasn't as tight as it used to he when you were a cat.

Unfortunately you weren't able to open the window for some reason. And when you heard footsteps behind you you knew you had a problem. You turned around to see the man standing there staring at you.

"Er...hi?", you said.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?", he asked.

"I'm Y/N. You know, the kitten?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You aren't serious, are you?"

"I can prove it." You showed him your left arm with the bandage.

"So you are a neko?", he questioned you. You nodded.

"I was...experimented on", you explained.

He crossed his arms. "It's not nice to let me think you are a kitten."

"I am really sorry for that, but people are searching for me. And you really scared me when you said this stuff about killing 'Tord'. Who is that?"

"He is the Red Leader. I thought he would be my friend, but he destroyed everything we liked!", he responded. Tears filled his eyes.

You felt so sorry for him. You walked to him and hugged him. He seemed surprised, but then he hugged you back after a while.

"Thank you", he whispered.

"You're welcome,...er..."

"My name is Edd."

"You're welcome, Edd", you replied and smiled.

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