Matt x trapped in a mirror child reader part two

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Your Pov:

The next few months it was pretty cool to hang out with Matt. There were many things you two talked about, but it made you sad you could not leave the mirror and enter the world on the other side. You were sure there was a way to get free, there had to be one. Matt researched it in the Internet and found one way, but breaking the mirror could either set you free or made you stuck in it forever, without being able to see or talk to Matt, so you decided risking it wouldn't be worth it.

Of course you didn't want to be stuck in the mirror forever, but there had to be another way.

Whenever Matt and his friends Tom and Edd had an adventure, he told you what happened later, but most of the time he talked about his face and his looks. You didn't really mind that, but sometimes it was annoying when he suddenly started to talk about how handsome he was.

Sometimes Tom or Edd would come and ask Matt why he always needed to talk to a mirror or if he had to talk that loud. Matt was embarrassed then, but he never stopped talking to you. At first you thought it was because he didn't care, but soon you realized it was because he forgot the things they told him very fast.

He didn't leave you in his room all the time, sometimes he took you with him to the town, but you never were on any adventure with him and that made you feel sad.

One day when Matt was at the magic shop again, Tom and Edd sneaked on the attic. Well, they were not actually sneaking. It would take Matt at least one or two hours to come back with new 'antiques', so they were pretty loud.

"He has got books up here?", Edd asked when he saw the pile of books on the floor. "Can he even read?"

Tom rolled with his 'eyes'. "He can read. If he couldn't, how did he finished school then? I think he uses them as a chair or something like that." He grabbed one of the books. "That's 'How to pretend to read'. I was seeking that."

Edd looked around. "Well, we should probably sell some of this stuff. I don't think Matt needs that baby alarm or... Why does he have a baby phone?"

"Matt even has a girl's doll. Hmm. When do we make this yard sale?" A yard sale...? Matt wouldn't be happy about his stuff being sold.

"Tomorrow morning. You still have that mirror to distract him with, right?", Edd questioned.

"I would be crazy if I hadn't. Hey, what about this mirror there?" Tom pointed on - you. Not exactly you of course, he couldn't even see you, but the mirror you were trapped in.

"Matt talked to this one a lot more than to his other mirrors. It's better to get rid of it before he completely loses his mind." Tom walked to you and took that mirror. For one second his thumbs touched the mirror glass. This one second was enough.

"AAAAAAH! KID IN THE MIRROR!" He threw the mirror away - out of the opened window. The mirror broke in front of the house on the street.

Matt's Pov:

I bought a plush possessed by an evil creature and some other cool stuff in the magic shop. The assistant didn't even try to tell me it was a bad idea, I think she got tired of it. But most things there were really disappointing, so I decided I should go back home.

I was almost there, the new stuff under my arm, when I noticed an object which came out of one of my windows and broke in front of our house. The mirror in which Y/N was trapped in.

I screamed in shock and ran there. The mirror was completely broken, not only the glass, EVERYTHING.

Suddenly it started to glow and a small figure appeared. "Huh?"

I blinked a few times and then - "Y/N?"

The kid looked as surprised as I was. "That was...unexpected. I thought I would be trapped forever."

"You are free." I couldn't believe it.

"Yeah..." The kid had a worried look on his/her face.

"Wait...why did the mirror even get broken...?", I asked puzzled.

"Your friends want to sell your stuff on a yard sale tomorrow. Tom took the mirror and...yeah, that happened." Y/N pointed on the broken mirror.

"Y-yard sale?", I repeated.

"That's what they said." The kid looked down at his/her feet to hide his/her sadness.

"Hey, what's wrong?", I asked surprised. Wasn't he/she happy to be set free?

"Now that I'm not stuck in the anymore I can't stay here anymore, too." Tears filled his/her eyes when he/she looked up.

"I can adopt you", I smiled.

"W-what?", the kid asked.

"Adopt. That's when-"

He/She interrupted me: "I know what that means, but my mother-"

"-said in an interview if you appear again you should get into the orphanage because she does not want to take care of you."

"She said that in an interview?" I knew what the kid meant. When I read this in the news paper some time ago I had thought she was joking.

"When did that happen?", Y/N wanted to know.

"Two days after I brought you here."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I told you now."

"Okay, I accept it."

"Accept what?", I questioned puzzled.

"To be adopted by you", Y/N smiled. "That would be fun!"

"Okay, but first I need to talk to Edd and Tom."

He/She followed me back into the house and in my room where Edd and Tom were standing at the window and looked out of it.

"Why did you threw the mirror out of the window, Tom?", Edd asked annoyed.

"And why are you making a yard sale?", I questioned.

My friends turned around. "H-how the hell do you know?"

The next two minutes an angry me tried to catch them, while Y/N was standing there eating popcorn watching it.

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