Fusion Torm x bullied child reader

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Your Pov:

School really sucked.

It wasn't just because of learning and homework, that wouldn't have been a problem. Well, at least not a big one.

The kids in your class were almost all jerks. You know what kinds: the ones who do everything for their popularity, the spoiled ones whose parents are rich, the ones who hate you for no specific reason...you know what I mean. And you were in the main focus of them. You were their favourite victim. They enjoyed bullying you, calling you names and beating you up. It didn't matter when, it was before, while and after school. Nobody seemed to notice. No, nobody wanted to notice.

School had just ended. Another day you had survived this hell. You walked out of the school building slouchy and looked at the piece of paper one of your bullies had given you before. We will beat you up after school. They weren't even imaginative with telling you this. You could just show it a teacher...but it would only make the bullying worse. And you were sure some of the teachers knew, but they just didn't care. Stupid adults.

You sighed. You couldn't escape. You could try running away, but...would that work? You tried to run away twice, but they had beaten you up even worse as a 'little punishment'.

But this time I will be successful. You looked back at the entrance. None of them was there yet. You could escape. There was a chance to get home without being beaten up. Why were you still standing there? You needed to run before they were here!

Finally you started to run. At first it was very slowly, you couldn't really call it 'running', but you became faster with every step. Faster, Y/N! Faster! You can make it!

You looked back after a short while of running. You wished you hadn't. They had left the building, too, and had seen you running away. And they had started following you. Shit! They are too close!

You ran down the road, not caring you were almost bumping into people. All you thought about was finally escape the bullying. You didn't think about tomorrow, you just wanted to escape today.

You didn't pay much attention to the direction you were running in. As long as you were safe in the end it didn't matter to you, so you looked back most of the time. After five minutes of running you didn't see them anymore.

But then you bumped into someone and fell on your back. "Ouch!"

"Can't anyone in this town pay attention where they're going?!", the person you bumped into growled. You bobbed up and stared in two various coloured eyes. The left eye was a black void, the other one was grey. How strange...

His hair was dark and horny, but it also looked a bit like two demon horns. The right half of his hoodie was blue and the other one red. And the strangest thing was that he had four arms. You backed away. This guy looked so weird...

"Are we really that scary?", he asked, this time with a different voice with a funny accent. "I know we look strange, but I thought-"

"I don't know, commie. Probably we aren't, but kids get afraid very easily, so...", he interrupted himself and looked annoyed. What was going on...? How could this man talk with two different voices?

"He/She seems nervous. Is that because of us?" He talked like you wasn't there. Like there was someone else. You really felt uncomfortable now. Is this guy crazy?, you thought.

"What would you feel like, when it looks like someone talks to himself?" They raised an eyebrow. "You are a jerk, Tord, and I am pretty sure you would just run away if that would happen to you..."

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