Vampire Matt x child reader part two

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Matt's Pov:

I stared at the woman through the window, licking my lips in anticipation. She looked so delicious... So full of energy... I could almost taste her sweet blood on my lips and tongue... I imagined how I carefully bit in the delicate neck so I wouldn't miss any drop of the sweet liquid as it came out of the wound, and slowly drank her blood while she screamed in fear and pain...

"Matt, no! This human is not food!" someone yelled. "Snap out of it! Please!"

I jumped at the child's voice and turned around, meeting Y/N's e/c eyes. "I... I really w-wasn't thinking of that woman as-"

"You were drooling, Matt," he/she replied with a sigh. "It was really not that hard to tell. And you are a horrible liar as well. So please, don't lie. I already know the truth."

"O-oh." I probably would have blushed in embarrassment if I was able to, but vampires couldn't blush. "I... didn't know I... was..."

"We need to do something to turn you back human before you actually hurt someone..." Y/N muttered. "Before something really bad happens..."

"Why now? I at least want to taste a little bit of blood once!" I pouted.

"B-but you said you wouldn't hurt anyone!" he/she replied with a worried expression. "You promised it! D-don't you remember?"

"Yes, I did, but that was back then when I had just become a vampire and you told me your parents died because vampires killed them. Things changed. A lot. How was I supposed to know the urge to drink blood would get stronger with every day? How was I supposed to know the urge would make me think about blood nonstop?"

"Matt, I'm not sure how time works for you, but back then was just two weeks ago."

"I know! But do you know how hard it is to not bite any of you?" I questioned. "Like two hours ago with Tom..." I shivered. "I was so close to biting him... But his blood smells weird. Like... Pineapples?"

"I can imagine how hard it is not to bite anyone," he/she replied quietly. "It's one of those animalistic urges you get while being a vampire. It's in your nature."

"Yeah, I really can't help it! It gets worse with every second! And what else am I supposed to do without my reflection to look at? I haven't attacked and bitten anyone, have I?" Y/N looked like he/she blamed himself/herself for this. I knew that the kid had promised me to help me, but it hadn't really done anything yet.

"N-no, not yet, but it will not take long until you lose control of yourself. And we can't let that happen." Y/N was thinking about something for a moment, before looking up at me and giving me a smile. "I have done some research in the internet and actually found some shop that sells spells and potions. Maybe they can help you."

"Okay, and where exactly is this shop?"

"It's only a few streets away. It's weird that you haven't noticed it before. It has been there for years. The only bad thing is that it's only opened from eight am till seven pm. Which means we either have to get you there in the day, I have to go there either alone or with Edd and Tom-"

"-or we break in," I muttered. "I think it's better if we just break in. Edd and Tom have nothing to do with this... situation, and they'd probably not help but buy something entirely useless instead." I knew my friends, they wouldn't help me. They were happy as long as I didn't bother them.

"B-but isn't that... isn't that something illegal?" the kid asked in a worried tone, staring at me with wide eyes. "They are going to call the cops on us if they find out!"

I shrugged. "Being a vampire is kinda illegal, too, isn't it? Vampires are some sort of serial killers if you think about it."

"That makes sense..." he/she muttered. "I guess..."

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