Future Tom x runaway child reader part 2

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Your Pov:

Three weeks had passed since you ran away from home and met Tom, the man who helped you. Your parents didn't fight anymore after you told them you ran away while a zombie apocalypse. They had been shocked when you told them you ran away and now they wanted to do better.

Your parents thought it was goof if they had some sort of one-day-holiday to resolve everything. And because they didn't think it was good to take you with them they decided to let your aunt babysit you.

Your aunt was a very strict woman who didn't like kids and treated them very unfair. It was clear you didn't like her, too.

But your parents were sure she was the best babysitter. Well, actually your mother didn't want to pay somebody to babysit you and relatives do that without money.

So you watched your parents driving away with their car from your window early in the morning while your aunt watched TV. She watched shows you wouldn't call kid friendly, but she didn't care you were in the house. "I don't care about you or what you want, brat. Just don't bother me and stay  in your room", she had said to you when you asked her if you could watch 'the children' later.

At twelve o'clock you had to go downstairs because you were hungry. Your aunt was still in the living room, but she stopped watching TV. She was just sitting on a chair, looking bored. "Could you make me something to eat please?", you asked your aunt.

She looked at you and answered "First you go in your mother's bedroom and get her jewellery for me. I would love to see it."

You didn't feel like that was a good idea, but nodded because you knew you wouldn't get any food until you did what she said. You were pretty hungry.

You brought her the box with your mother's jewellery. She grabbed it out of your hands and opened it.

"My dear brother married a woman who knows what is beautiful", she giggled and put the jewellery in her handbag. Then she gave you the empty box. "Put that back, Y/W/N (your wrong name)."

"My name is Y/N", you answered. "Not Y/W/N." You really didn't know why your parents thought she was a great babysitter. She didn't know your name and you wasn't sure why she put the jewellery into her handbag. Did she want to steal it?

"I said Y/N, didn't you listen to me? Stupid brat." She glared at you. "Now put that box back where you got it."

You sighed and did what she said. When you were back in the living room she looked into the opened shelves and threw photos and books on the ground.

"What are you doing?!", you shouted.

She turned around. "That's none of your business." Then she threw a purple vase on the ground, which broke.

"I will tell my parents when they are back!", you said. "You are stealing our stuff and-"

"Shut the fuck up, brat. Who says I would have done it? I am the adult, you are the child. They will believe me when I say you did this." She smirked.

Your e/c eyes filled with tears. "Oh, look at this. You aren't just stupid, you are a crybaby, too. Go into the kitchen and make lunch", she commanded.

"What?! But I have never cooked before!", you shouted.

"I don't care. Children do what the adults tell them, got it? If you don't I will slap you."

That was so unfair. You thought everything would be okay after you came back, but no, everything got worse. Why not run away twice?

You ran to the front door as fast as you could, opened it and ran outside. You expected your aunt to follow you, run after you and grab your hand. But you just heard her laughter.

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