Bing x reject clone child reader x Larry part two

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Your Pov:

While sneaking around the place you realised it was actually pretty big which wasn't very helpful for you to find the exit to escape these idiots who had created you. The building actually reminded you a lot of a psychiatric hospital, and it gave you the creeps. The fact that you seemed to be alone in here didn't help.

Your fast steps echoed through the white halls and you were terrified of the idea that there might be security cameras somewhere. And what would happen if you turned around the corner and one of these men was standing there? You could only pray it wouldn't happen.

When you heard yelling coming from an opened door you froze, holding your breath.


„That's not one of my professional responsibilities, sir, and it never was," the other man replied calmly after a short period of silence. "And you know it."

„You're my assistant! You need to think of things like that! Why else should I keep you around?!"

„You didn't even think about it yourself," his assistant objected. „So why would I need to know that?"

„That's completely different!" the brunette yelled. 

„There is no need to yell, sir," Larry responded, probably rolling his eyes. "I am standing right next to you." "See you never again!"

„Of course there is! Come on now, we need to follow them before anyone finds out what we were doing." You heard stomping coming to the door and before you could move an inch Bing was in front of you, his face turning from anger to surprise and then back to anger. „How did that kid escape?!"

Larry followed, not seeming too surprised about it. He probably didn't care about you or anything else. You slowly backed away from them.

"I... uh... goodbye, you stupid morons!" You turned into a different reaction, and RAN. You were so done with this shit.

" Come back here, you little-!"

"Catch me if you can, weirdo!" You yelled, turning the corner and jumping over a desk. You didn't have to do that, it wasn't blocking the way or anything, you just thought it was cool. Unnecessary maybe, but definitely cool, and that was what counted, wasn't it?

"Catch him/her!" Your creator screamed infuriated. "Catch this reject clone, idiot!" His voice was getting quieter with every meter you ran away from them. Wasn't he following you?

You ran across a floor with doors labeled from hundred to eighty, but slowed down realising that they weren't actually following you. One of them was basically just screaming, the other one probably didn't care at all. What was the point of running then?

"You do realise that I'm your assistant, not your henchman, don't you?" Larry asked in an annoyed tone.

The evil director let out a scream of frustration. "I'm just going to do it myself! I hope you are proud of yourself!"

"I definitely are..." Larry replied quietly.

There was a bucket lying on the floor. Smirking, you had the best plan you could have this moment and decided it was time for some revenge. They did keep you trapped in the grasp of the metal claw for a while, so why not? These guys were mean, and teaching them a lesson not to mess with you would be a lot of fun.

You could fill it with water and spatter it on them. Or you could try to find gasoline and matches to set them on fire. It would be fun to see them run around, trying to douse themselves. You could imagine much angry screaming from the evil director and a not really caring Larry who reacted brighter than the other one in the situation. So where were they keeping gasoline and  matches?

"There you are, you stupid brat!" Someone said.

You wheeled around and were face to face with the two men. How the heck hadn't you noticed them coming?! You took a step backwards, but Larry immediately pulled out a stun gun from his vest pocket. "I wouldn't run away twice if I were you, little one..."

"Leave me alone or I'll kick both of you where the sun don't shine," you growled.

"Are you threatening me?! You, a kid?! A small, unimportant reject?!" Bing stared at you in disbelief. "Don't you know who I am?!"

"My creator. But I honestly don't care about that at all. Why should I? You want me dead! Let. Me. Go. Try to kill me and I will destroy this whole place," you said with a snarl. "You don't wanna see me angry, bitch."

"I feel like I am in the zoo with two aggressive gorillas..." the assistant murmured, facepalming. "And they are really dumb, too."

"Nobody cares about your opinion, dumbass!" Bing yelled. "NOBODY!"

You glanced at your right side with an opened window. If you jumped high enough you could escape through it... they just had to be distracted long enough.

"You two really seem to have a problem. Why don't you go to a psychologist?" you asked.

"What for? He or she would only confirm how stupid he is," Bing replied, glaring at his assistant who didn't look very bothered.

"I see..." Larry said. "Then I'm going to quit, sir."

"Quit?! You can't quit! You are my assistant! You can only go if I fire you!" the brunette shouted. "That's how it works!"

"Apparently you fired every other applicant before they could even tell you they didn't like working for you, but it is possible."

You started to slowly head towards the window while they were arguing about the work dynamic or whatever it was what they were arguing about. You really didn't care about their problems, it was helping you to get out, wasn't it? They were busy arguing, this was just the perfect opportunity! Now you were finally close enough to start running and jump up. Would they notice it immediately and interrupt their argument or would they not notice it at all?

Just do it, you idiot! You dashed to the window as fast as possible and jumped. When you land on your feet, still hearing their arguing you knew you were free. They wouldn't follow you right now. Let's see what this world has in store for me...

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