Bing x reject clone child reader x Larry part one

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Your Pov:

You opened your eyes and blinked a few times. Where am I? Who am I? After a few seconds names float across your mind. Edd, Matt, Tom and Tord. That's strange... Why do I remember these names?

You were in a big white room on some sort of grey production line, leading into another room, which was completely dark. There were some people in front of you, seeming to be adults in red, blue, green and purple hoodies, which were transported to this room as well, but when the last of them disappeared in it the production line stopped all of the sudden, making you almost fall down. Why didn't it transport you in it, too?

"Another reject clone!", someone growled. You turned to your left and right and looked behind you, but there was nobody there. You were confused until you finally looked up and noticed a window with two men looking down at you. "Why is this stupid clone machine keeping on creating these? I want perfect clones, everyone identical to the real ones! Why is this so hard?!"

A silver claw came down and grabbed you by your f/c hoodie, holding you in front of the window. You were scared and didn't know what to do. What if you got hurt? There were these two men looking at you, a brunette in a white shirt sitting in front of a control desk and a man with an eyepatch wearing a black suit was standing behind him. There was nothing between them and you for some reason. At first you had thought there would be glass, but there wasn't.

"Let's just put this thing into one of the reject rooms", the brunette muttered and wanted to press some button on his control desk. "It's the last created clone anyway."

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but unfortunately the reject rooms are all crowded, so you can not put the clone in any of them", the man with the eyepatch said to the other one.

"Crowded?", the other one repeated, staring at his assistant. "I thought I built a hundred! How can they be crowded?!", he asked.

"Well, you might have done that, but you also created four hundred reject clones or more, Bing", the other one replied. "And these rooms aren't very big... You really shouldn't be that surprised. Four clones per room is enough or else they will kill each other, like in reject room number three."

"I am your boss, Larry! Stop calling me this! It's not even my real name!", Bing shouted and glared at his assistant who rolled his visible eye. "We need to get rid of it...", he said with an evil grin. "How about we kill it?" You whimpered in fear, knowing they were talking about you. You just started to live, you didn't want to die already.

"You want to kill a child?", Larry asked. "We already had a police officer here trying to arrest us because you stole monkeys from the zoo. Do you really want to go to prison? Just because you got rid of the officer the last time doesn't mean it will always work."

"I will just use my inventions, just like I did then! I am a genius, I know what I am doing!", Bing shouted.

His assistant looked like he wanted to say something, but he seemed to realise it wasn't worth it to object him, so he just looked at him.

"Um...excuse me, can you...can you please not kill me?", you questioned them. They looked at you again, Bing with a surprised expression on his face while Larry didn't show any feelings he had.

"Well, isn't that interesting? It can talk! It's definitely smarter than this other reject", Bing smirked. 

"That one had no mouth. How could anyone talk without a mouth?", Larry asked, but his boss didn't bother to reply to his question.

"This one could probably become an actor in my next movie. It would be better than always have to kidnap people to use them for my movies...", Bing said.

"You wouldn't need to kidnap them if you paid them", Larry responded.

"I have to use my money to buy new parts for my inventions, Larry."

You were getting more annoyed with every second they wasted by talking. Couldn't they just let you go? They were talking about unimportant stuff all the time and wanted to kill you. It was not like you could hurt them, they looked like they could fight if they had to, and you were still hold by that claw, but you would try if they didn't let you go immediately. "Hey, I don't want to become a stupid actor for your movie! Just let me leave this place or else I will shoot you", you growled and glared at them.

They stared at you for a second before Bing bursted out into laughter. " want to shoot us?", he laughed. "You don't even have a gun! How could you-?"

"Shut the fuck up and put me down now!", you interrupted him.

"Looks like this clone is a mix of these four men. I mean, look at it: Half of its hair is ginger, the other part brown, it has a black and a grey eye... It seems to have some mixed character as well", Larry said. Did he just completely ignore what you said?

"Stop calling me 'it' or I will bite you!", you hissed.

Bing rolled his eyes and stood up from his chair. "Come on, Larry. We need to check on the correct clones watching the movie. There is a possibility there are still messed up ones we didn't notice." He and his assistant stepped to the door, pressed some button next to the door which opened it and walked out of the room. "We decide later what to do with this thing..."

"You can't just leave me here! I won't let you just kill me!", you yelled, but the door already closed behind them. You started to try to pull your hoodie out of the claw, but after five minutes of trying you gave up, realising you would just fall to the ground, either dying or at least breaking a few bones. But maybe if you reached that window...

You started to swing in the direction of the window to reach it. After the fifteenth swing in that direction you heard the sound of something tearing apart. You fell through that window and landed on the control desk, accidentally pressing a big yellow button. You turned around and watched the claw letting the piece of your clothes it still held go. "What an irony...", you muttered.

You climbed down to the ground and walked to the door, pressing the button. "Let's see what the hell this place is..."

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