Edd x invisible child reader part two

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Edd's Pov:

Living with an invisible child was great so far. Okay, it was a little weird sometimes because I couldn't tell when Y/N was in the room and when not, and that really freaked me out, but I got used to it after a while. I wonder how the others would react if I told them about Y/N... I am pretty sure Matt wouldn't mind, but Tom might get a little rude.

Yes, my friends still hadn't noticed a child was living with us which wasn't really surprising, he/she was invisible after all and my friends...weren't very good at putting two and two together. Especially not the narcissistic ginger.

Of course Matt noticed some of his cookies were eaten by someone else, but he thought Tom and I were the ones who ate them, like he always did and tried to find the one who did this to murder him with a spoon.

Of course Tom noticed I spent more time in my room to talk to Y/N because I didn't want my friends to think I was talking to myself because I was crazy or something like that. They had me admitted to a psychiatric ward once when I talked about our one-hundreds comic, so I tried everything to prevent that from happening again. But I have to admit I thought about doing pranks with his/her invisibility on my friends or my stupid neighbours sometimes...

"Hey Y/N, it's kinda getting boring to stay here all the time, not using your invisibility at all. Why don't we play a trick on the jerks next door and have some fun?", I asked him/her on a Tuesday morning, grinning. Eduardo had annoyed me again a few hours ago when I was outside because I had seen Kim and Katya and I was still very pissed because of him, so I decided to play a trick on my stupid neighbours. Finally.

"Well, actually I thought we would try to find something to make me-"

"We can do this later, don't worry", I interrupted him/her. "It's not like we are running out of time. I think you will probably become visible again after a while, so don't worry. And in the main time we can have a bit fun with this situation..."

I heard the kid sighing. "Alright. But who are these neighbours?", he/she asked. "You never speak much about them. Are they really jerks like you say?"

"These guys are total jerks, they are always mean to me and the others, by saying how dump and weak we are. They comment everything we do and think they are so much better than us. Especially Eduardo." I grimaced. "Believe me, they have already done a lot to embarrass us or didn't help us much when our house was haunted by some kind of poltergeist. So yeah, jerks describes them a lot in my opinion." 

"If it's true what you're saying it sounds kinda fun to play a trick on them...", Y/N muttered. "What exactly is it that you have in mind?"

I grinned. "Well..."

A few minutes later I walked out of the house to put my plan in action, and was it was like I expected. The neighbours were standing next to the fence, watching every step I took. I could hear Y/N's breathing behind me, but I didn't know where he/she was exactly.

"Hello, neighbours!", I greeted them, smiling happily. I knew I looked suspicious, but I didn't care. "How are you doing on this nice day?" The expression on Eduardo's face was priceless. I forced myself not to burst out into laughter.

The three men exchanged confused looks. "Since when do you start conversations with us without growling Eduardo's name at first?", Jon questioned.

"Shut the fuck up, Jon! The loser is obviously up to something!", Eduardo snarled at his roommate. "Is that so hard to realise?!"

Mark stood next to them, looking like he couldn't care less. "Why am I even here?"

Your Pov:

Wow. That guy really is a jerk, you thought, shaking your head in disbelief. What did this guy, Jon, do to him to be treated like that? You thought about what Edd told you to do. It was quite simple, but it still sounded amazing.

You grabbed one of the refuse bags next to the dustbin and walked to the fence. This will be fun. Smiling, you emptied it on Eduardo's head.

"WHAT THE-?!!", Eduardo shouted. You giggled. Finally your invisibility was good for something. His friends stared at him in shock.

"Ah, ghost!", Jon screamed. "Not again!" He ran back to the house these guys were living in. You felt a bit sorry for him.

"Ghost don't exist!", the blond guy shouted after him. "This was not a ghost! Come back, Jon!"

"No!", Jon yelled from inside of the house. "I am not crazy like you and Eduardo, Mark!"

"You got haunted once and you tell me ghosts don't exist?", Edd asked, looking at Mark. "You can't actually mean that."

"Well...kinda..." The blond man seemed embarrassed.

"You guys are really dumb", Edd commented, rolling his eyes. You could tell he enjoyed the show.

"Who do you call dumb you-!" Eduardo was interrupted by you throwing a banana skin in his face. He swore and ran back to his house, pulling his friend with him.

Edd snickered, "This is probably one of the best days in my life."

You grinned. "I'm glad I could help." You felt dizzy all of the sudden. The next thing you knew was that you were falling before you blacked out.

When you opened your eyes again you saw Edd's worried face in front of you. "Edd...?", you muttered. Your voice was raspy and it hurt you to speak. You needed water...

"You blacked out", he said. You noticed you were lying on the couch. Someone had put a blanket over you. "It was the stuff they injected you...it stopped effecting you..."

You looked at him, totally confused. "Er...okay?"

He sighed. "You are visible again."

"Ohhhh!", you said. "I am...not invisible anymore." He nodded. "And what did your friends say about it?"

"They didn't freak out, but they weren't too happy about it. At least not Tom. Matt simply didn't care." He looked at you. "He only said he will kill you if you eat his sweets."

"Okay...", you replied. "I can live with that...for two hours."

"But being visible again is not going to make us not playing tricks on the neighbours, is it?", he questioned worried.

You thought about it for a while. "Nope, I want to do it again. It was really funny."

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