Tiny Tord x child reader part two

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Tord's Pov:

Y/N walked in Tom's room and tried  to look like he/she wasn't hiding anything in his/her hoodie pocket, but seriously, acting wasn't really his/her strength. I was quite surprised Tom didn't say anything about it. He either didn't care about what was going on with the child at all or was way too stupid to realise it. I must admit that I liked the second reason more. He is one of the five biggest idiots I know, so I wouldn't really be surprised about it.

I was peaking out of the pocket (very carefully of course, I didn't want Tom to notice me in there because there was no way it would end well), seeing he was sitting on his bed, holding his precious bass guitar in his arms like it was a human being. It was just ridiculous seeing him act like that and I had to pull myself together not to laugh about it. He made fun of me for reading hentai, but he wasn't any better acting like this... thing was a human being or something. He said his parents were literally a bowling ball and a pineapple, so his love taste wasn't that surprising.

"You have been with the commie in that time, right?", he asked. Y/N nodded slowly. "And, was he behaving like an egoistic asshole again?"

"Tom! Stop calling him this!"

"What? It's true and you know it, kid."
He picked up his phone and smirked at Y/N. "Do you want to listen to a song?"

"What song?", Y/N asked curiously, but also suspicious. I knew he/she wondered why Tom suddenly asked that after calling me names. And I didn't have a good feeling about it as well.

"Oh, you know... Tord's favourite song. Haven't you heard about it yet?"

That fucking bastard! I would never survive this hell! I clenched my fists. If I'd had my real size I would have started punching him, but like this I could only hide and wait until I grew back to my normal size.

Y/N shook his/her head. "No, I haven't..."

"Oh, Tord loves this song. Let's play it extra loud so he can hear it...", Tom grinned and typed something in his phone. My worst nightmare started.

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Everything that's wonderful is what I feel
When we're together!
Brighter than a lucky penny-


The music immediately stopped. My enemy looked around, obviously very confused and... suspicious. Oh no. I was so screwed.

"Where the hell is the commie?", Tom questioned. "It sounded like he's... right there." He pointed at the spot Y/N was standing with me  in his/her pocket.

"B-but he is not", Y/N replied. "If he was here you would have seen him. Right...?" The kid laughed nervously.

"Yes, but...we have had all kinds of supernatural experiences... Y/N, would you mind showing me what's inside of your hoodie pocket?" Tom stepped forward. My heart started beating faster. This was the situation I had tried to escape from, but thanks to the boy/girl I was in it now. Just great!

"D-don't be ridiculous, Tom", the child replied. "What do you expect me to have in there?"

"I don't know, but you are acting like there is something..." He reached out to look what was inside, but I decided it was time to go.

"Nope!" I jumped out of Y/N's pocket and ran around, searching for a way to escape or at least a safe place to hide, but unfortunately I realised Tom's room had neither of them.

"Commie!", Tom gasped. "How the hell did you get that small? Okay, I don't care about that to be honest, but this is going to be fun, that's for sure..." He grabbed the bass on his bed, but then he put it back. "No, I will not hurt my precious baby..." Then he took a broom Edd gave him yesterday, so he would finally clean his room, and started trying to hit me with it.

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